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Name: Unsure
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I'm having these thoughts lately. My husband jumped on me about wanting to shop all the time for baby stuff. I am the only person buying stuff and my parents live soo far away. Then to top it off my mom is sick. But my husband acts so selfish sometimes. I often wonder if he really wants this baby.? His parents are useless and i don't think they are happy especially since i am having a girl. I am almost 6 months pregnant so i'm trying to get the important stuff. But then i think that maybe he has someone else. I have no proof. I'm not sure if its just my hormones or what.
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Name: Toshia | Date: Sep 17th, 2005 3:57 AM
I think woman go threw this nesting phase. I was the same way and my hubby didn't understand. I had uncontrollable urges to have everything I needed and set up. If it were up to my husband he would have waited until the baby was born and then went shopping all at once. I even bought a pack of diapers and wipes everytime I went out. By the time my baby was born I had a six month supply which he ended up thanking me for in the long run. 

Name: Sara | Date: Sep 17th, 2005 9:19 AM
Yeah I think men just dont get the nesting thing that we experience which can makes things difficult when we have to live and plan our future with these people who are so alien with our ways. I have left my partner because he was unfaithful so I dont have to worry about him and his lack of interest any more. I am not suggesting you leave your man, but I no longer feel that I have to justfiy my natural behaviour. You are doing the right thing by planning ahead, if he could be jolted to somehow recognise your efforts, life would be easier. Good luck :) 

Name: Emily | Date: Sep 17th, 2005 7:38 PM
I got those nagging feelings about my fiance too. That he dosen't understand and care about the me and the baby as I too was the one who first started buying stuff and panicking about having everything for the baby and feel like he nags at me for silly things. But I got sooo frustrated with it all (which isn't good for mother or baby) I just said it to him straight out and talked to him about how I and he were both feeling. It really did help because at the end of it all we understood how each other were feeeling and on the plus side he too started buying stuff for me and the baby and coming shopping for stuff with me, sometimes getting a bit too much! I think when we go through this because of the hormones and changes going on in our body. And if you feel you need that extra bit of support still there are plenty of support groups and people out there to help you. Anyway I hope you feel better and remember that stress isn't good for you or your unborn baby. Sorry for babbling on but I hate to see a mother-to-be unhappy. 

Name: alex | Date: Sep 17th, 2005 10:55 PM
I feel the same way with my husband. I been telling him that we need to buy a crib and he says later. There are days that I can't stand him. Its not his fault its the pregnancy, but he has a hard time understanding that I am going through alot of changes right now. You will get through, I am sure your excited about the baby. Aslong as she has your love its all that matters right now. Your husband will love her alot when shes born. Hope your mom feels better. 

Name: Sonya | Date: Sep 18th, 2005 12:10 AM
When I was 6 months pregnant with my daughter, I have maxed out three credit cards. It is totally normal. it is like some sort of timeline - all of a sudden you think theres not enough time. LOL There is time! You should probably talk about this with your husband. I thought the same thing... Dont wait until you spend $3000 on credit for a new baby.. and then have the talk! 

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