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Name: Angela
[ Original Post ]
This morning I've been experiencing vision problems in my left eye. Even typing this it's almost impossible for me to read anything to the left of where I focus. It's like there is a curved line through my vision that is blurring all the colours and constantly moving around. It's really starting to freak me out. I've tried closing my eyes for a few minutes but that doesn't seem to have done anything. Anyone know what this is or experienced the same thing? I'm 16 weeks pregnant and not sure if this is a side effect of the pregnancy or what.
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Name: Side affect | Date: Jan 14th, 2006 8:53 PM
I do know vision is a side affect around six months, but I'm not sure about sixteen weeks.

You should do like I do (whenever I have questions and decide not to call my doctor); I always go to google and it always breaks down my issues. Most people on this site ask dumb questions, but yours was very valid :). So, I'm just telling you to use google because it is an excellent source. Again, your question WAS valid, but many of them aren't, but hopefully they will read this. One girl just came from the hospital (due to some contractions) then turned around and came to this site to ask US how to keep the labor going when she should have very well asked her doctor. Isn't that crazy?

Oh, one thing you can do is rest your eyes, and that should aid in resolving your problem--that's what I did. I hope your eyes get better soon.

P.S. If it is a blurred issue then I think it will go away with proper rest. Try not to read to much (because I'm guilty of that), but we have to rest at times in order to make it through our pregnancies safely. 

Name: paula | Date: Jan 15th, 2006 12:45 AM
i've experienced this once....i'm 32 weeks pregnant...don't know what it is..but surely i'm going to ask doc on the next visit...and come back here let you know....;) 

Name: paula... | Date: Jan 15th, 2006 1:11 AM
Vision Changes
Blurred vision can be caused by pregnancy hormones changing the shape of your eye slightly. This will disappear after delivery.

However, in the second and third trimesters, black spots before your eyes with a headache may be a sign of pre-eclampsia, a very serious condition. If your vision becomes blurred, you should tell your doctor. 

Name: Angela | Date: Jan 16th, 2006 5:13 AM
Thanks for your responses ladies. I just wanted to make sure it was a possibility of being a side effect of pregnancy which you have helped me to believe. I was at work at the time and couldn't rest my eyes as I work on the computer all day. After about an hour and a half the blurred line across my vision seemed to work it's way to the right and then it was gone. It has only happened that one time and I've never had it before so I'm sure that it was just something to do with hormones. Just kinda freaked me out for a bit there.

I greatly appreciate your comments on this. If it happens again I will bring it up with my Doctor but I don't like to bother her for one time, non-pressing issues.

Best wishes for all of you! 

Name: Tan | Date: Jan 16th, 2006 3:09 PM
I have had the same thing at first i thought i had been working at the computer to long but then I didn't go away it happened very sudden and really bugged me. Mine went away over night and hasn't been back since, I would talk to your doctor about it. 

Name: Angela | Date: Jan 16th, 2006 11:28 PM
Tan, did you talk to your Doctor about it? 

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