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Name: patricia
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Can any1 please tell me what contractions feel like that has experienced them be4? Im 7 months pregnant and i can't say that ive experienced any braxton hicks, at least i don't think i have. Im just tryintg to mentally prepare myself for the pain lol!
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Name: aliaa | Date: Jul 6th, 2006 8:51 PM
i am 37 week pregnant,,,and this is my first baby,,,and i hope to know like you what is the pain looks like? like the period cramp? but the worst thing i heared that the pain will be everywhere !!! not in a specific area! good luck,,lolo 

Name: babygirl26 | Date: Jul 6th, 2006 9:41 PM
Well I am 33 weeks pregnant, and I have been having contractions for the past 2-3 weeks, I went to my doctor and she told me that as long as I am not having discharge my cervix isn't dialating. I barely know when I am having them at times.... it's just a very uncomfortable feeling for me and sometimes a lot of pressure in the pelvic area, and lower back. 

Name: Danielle | Date: Jul 6th, 2006 11:06 PM
I'm about 36 weeks.You can have braxton hicks after about 20 weeks.It is where your belly tightens.But if it is on going and hurts you are in labor. 

Name: Brandy | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 3:28 AM
Sweetie there really is no way to prepair yourself for the labor of your first baby. You just kinda have to go threw it to really know. I was not scared with my forst child just a little nervous about it. My second child I was scared to death.. Knowing that my body was about to be ripped in half and the pain I knew I would feel. But I also knew if I pushed right and push hard it would be over alot fart than with my first. The delivery was WAY faster than my first but the second was a 36 hour induction and that was really the worst part. 

Name: Brandy | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 3:28 AM
Faster* rather than fart 

Name: mommyagain | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 3:32 AM
Well honey... I was the same way with my first... I would whine to my doc are you sure I will know!!! let me tell you.... YOU WILL DEFINITLY KNOW!! Some people have little pain others have tremendous pain either way the pain is definitly enough that you will know. Braxton Hicks will be very irregular and just uncomfortable. Real labor will be consistant and in a timely manner... like you will have one it will last for about 30 seconds then stop and another will start 3 mins later... then again but closer together. That is why they say to time them... you will want to call your doc when they get about 5 mins apart. 

Name: ARMANISMOM | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 4:23 PM
For me it felt like someone took a knife and started stabbing up my thighs and stopped at my knees. You will have bad lower back pain. Also tightening in your stomach that radiates around the lower part. Basically without pain killer like taking your lower lip and stretching it over your head (lol) 

Name: chicksy | Date: Jul 9th, 2006 5:28 PM
That was funny Armanismom. LOL 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Jul 9th, 2006 9:24 PM
This is one of those things that again varies from one person to the next. I experience Braxton hicks contraction and thought that when I went into labor that I would know since I assumed it would hurt a little or alot more then the Braxton Hicks. However, this wasn't the case in my situation. All I knew on the day I went into labor was that I just didn't feel right. I was running to the bathroom like there was no tomorrow and only felt something after I had emptied my bladder. I called my doctor who told me that I probably had a bladder infection (I've had bladder infections before and this wasn't my problem). After arguing on the phone with him for a while, I finally went in found out that I was dilated to 4 cm. I was asked how far apart my contraction where and all I could do is look at her. It turned out that my contraction where 3 minutes apart. I didn't actually feel anything until I was attached to potocin, but the real pain came when they broke my water.

I went into all this believing that you haven't felt pain until you deliver a baby. I still believe this but also think that it really depends on your pain tolerance. Alot of people go in in thinking that they will feel like their inside are being riped out only to find out that the breathing techniques that they were taught help. Other end up having to have some sort of pain medication because the pain becomes to much for them to manage. I had an epidural, my sister made it up until they decided that she needed a c-section by just using the breathing techniques (if it wasn't for the c-section I have a feeling she probably would have done it without anything). No matter the level of pain that you might experience or whether or not you decide to have pain medication of some sort, in the end it's all worth it. 

Name: BreCha | Date: Jul 10th, 2006 7:37 PM
When i MC the contractions i experienced were like menstral cramps but real low and strong..the kind were you double over and cant walk...my legs kinda gave way too.....i ended up having a lil' bit of back labor...strong pain on your lower back. 

Name: zasamich | Date: Jul 11th, 2006 3:36 PM
Braxton Hicks, for me, felt like my entire abdomen shrank into itself, then slowly released. Not painful, just kind of funny feeling.

I'm at 39 weeks now and haven't gone into labor yet, but I've been having one or two contractions a day for the past week. The real contractions will wake you up out of a deep sleep! For me they feel like really bad menstrual or gas cramps. You kind of double over in pain, and then they pass a minute later.

As far as the pain of labor....I don't know either. I'm just assuming the worst, and I plan on making the staff page the anesthesiologist as soon as I hit the maternity floor. :) 

Name: S.M.B. | Date: Jul 15th, 2006 1:15 AM
Oh my god! What you wrote is the most terrible thing that I have heard of yet! I'm sorry that you felt that pain, but thats definately not a normal thing! Contractions make you feel like your stomach is tighening up alot, kinda like a turning tightness for a minute at a time every few minutes. It's different for everyone though. With my second, I felt no contractions at all, just a little bit of lowere back pain. 

Name: S.M.B. | Date: Jul 15th, 2006 1:15 AM

Name: tammie | Date: Jul 17th, 2006 2:07 PM
don't scare yourself..........yes it hurts and yes it could be long.....but belive me you can do it......you will mentally focus in and that baby will come out and you will be fine...I have had two.......and the first one was alot harder 17 hrs of labor but my second one was almost 2 hours. its the most rewarding thing you will ever do. holding that little baby afterwards is the most peaceful and happy expierence of your life. But for details.....they start like period cramps and intensify, some have back labor which i never did but i did hear thats alot more painful. they start gradually and get stronger then ease up again......and the closer you get to delivering your baby the quicker the contractions come.....sometimes it feels like they never ease up. but when that time comes you will know its almost time to deliver. once its over the cramps are gone and it might burn a little if the baby rips you but in all YOU CAN DO IT!!!! 

Name: debbie_dettner | Date: Jul 17th, 2006 8:10 PM
The best explanation I got regarding Braxton Hicks contractions was this: when you touch your stomach and it feels hard, like the bridge of your nose with a tightening accompanying it, you are having a braxton hicks. It's just practice for your uterus. Believe me, when you are having the real ones you will know. They are somewhat crippling when they are "real"--usually brought me to a crouched or squatting position and come on consistently every five or so minutes.
I've had two deliveries thus far. With my first, my water broke. I thought this was just the first phase and that I had several hours before I would need to go to the hospital--I thought wrong. I hopped in the shower and by the time I got out, my contractions were between 3 and 5 minutes apart and excrutiating. I arrived at the hospital 5 centimeters dialated and still had about 3 hours before I delivered. With my second, however, I started having contractions--albeit irregularly--about four days before I actually delivered. Even knowing what it's like to deliver, I still questioned whether or not I was in labour. The only thing that kept me from running to the hospital early (in which case I would have undoubtedly been sent home) was the fact that the contractions were not coming close together and consistently--that and the fact that I could still walk while having them.
Hope this is helpful. 

Name: hcousino | Date: Jul 19th, 2006 5:00 PM
my contractions make me feel like it's hard to breath, when the contractions are part of labor you might feel pain that starts in your back and comes around to your front. 

Name: tessamum | Date: Jul 22nd, 2006 2:29 AM
Hi there!
Contractions for me felt like as if someone tried to stab me in the back with 10 knifes, however never experienced being stabbed, but would imagine it would feel that way...these are labor contractions, but braxton hicks were not that bad, in fact they felt like period cramps, a bit stronger than a normal period. Labor cramps in the last stage felt like I had a big poo to push out. 

Name: gcjb | Date: Nov 18th, 2007 4:01 AM
mom of 4 to be, last baby was 9 years ago. i dont remember much. i am 14 weeks pregnant, why do I get tightening of the stomach? 

Name: roseywosey | Date: Nov 18th, 2007 7:48 AM
ABSOLUTE AGONY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They feel like period pains but 10000000000000x worse. 

Name: briseis | Date: Nov 18th, 2007 12:36 PM
Agony beyond description. I felt like I was being murdered. 

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