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Name: kkarli
[ Original Post ]
so i was getting huge pains in my lower back after me and my bf had sex then i went home tried to have a hot bath and they didnt stop all nighyt.. they started around 7ish then finally subsided around 9 the next morning.. so anyways then i was getting just small pains i went to the hospital and they assesed me did some test everything came back fine then baby is nice and healthy but they checked my cervix saying i was 2 cms dialited and that they were suprised just how soft my cervix was and that im 50% faced or something... whatever that means.. 2 cms isnt that bad so im not freaking out but so they sent me home and just to come back if they get more aggressive. now im getting huge pains in the top of my stomach and everything.. im 36 weeks.. has anyone else had this
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Name: NIKKIS | Date: Dec 7th, 2007 5:14 PM
First off calm down Karli. At 37 weeks you are considered full term, I know you are a little shy of that but it's ok. You need to time the contractions, they could be braxton hicks contractions and if so they will not be consistent. You time from the start of one pain to the begining of the next. If they are 4 or 5 mins apart you need to go to the hospital again. I would call your doctor immediately and inform them on what is going on. They may want you to come into the office. Ok? 

Name: automansgirl | Date: Dec 7th, 2007 7:26 PM
Sounds like you are starting to go into labour, or at least getting close. As Nikki said, don't worry. You are almost considered full term and Nikki and I both had healthy babies at 35 weeks. A really easy way to time your contractions is go to www.contractionmaster.com. At the top right you click on time contractions and just hit the space bar when one starts and stops. Good luck, and maybe your little one will stay in there a bit longer!
Effacement is the thinning of your cervix. 

Name: .RoSey. | Date: Dec 7th, 2007 7:28 PM
Sex can sometimes jumpstart contractions.
Sperm also softens your cervix. 

Name: cjsims | Date: Dec 12th, 2007 3:42 AM
I was dialated to 3 6 wks before my due date, having severe braxton hicks for 2 months before also. I was dialated to 5 the day before I went into labor. Anything is possible when you're prego. There is no text book pregnancy. 

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