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Name: Bhouser0102
[ Original Post ]
Everyone has old remedies and things like that. I've heard of castor oil and it does work we made my sister drink it. I'm 34 weeks and I lost my mucus plug 2 nights ago. I want to go into labor so bad. I heard if you drink Raspberry tea it'll start your labor... or eating greasy foods.... but This is actually 2 questions. How long do u think it'll be before i have the baby and ive already lost my mucus plug? n what are some remedies
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Name: Melissa | Date: Jul 30th, 2006 8:24 PM
sorry to tell you this but it could still be a couple of weeks before you go into labor. my best friend and i were preg. at the same time and she lost her mucus plug before i did (i was due before her) and i had my baby a week and a half before she did. her doc told her when she lost it that it could be 2 days or 2 weeks. you just never can tell. i don't suggest taking castor oil because it can cause your baby to have a bowel movement inside of you and then there is a chance of it swallowing it. which is very dangerous. 

Name: Kristy84 | Date: Jul 30th, 2006 10:29 PM
You're only 34 weeks though. As much as you want the baby to be here, the longer he's in there, the more developed he'll be. I know it feels like you can't stand to be pregnant one second longer, but it's best for your baby to be carried to term. I mean there's women who go to 42 weeks before being induced or receiving a C-section. Is this your first baby? It's mine, and I'm not looking forward to the end of my 3rd trimester. From everything I've heard, it seems very uncomfortable. Just hang in there, she or he? will be here soon enough. Good luck!! 

Name: Bhouser0102 | Date: Jul 31st, 2006 3:11 AM
Yes this is my first baby but they told me they would induce me at 38 weeks but honestly I dont think I'll make it to September 10th and my mucus plug already fell out! 

Name: Livy | Date: Jul 31st, 2006 5:56 AM
I wouldn't try to jumpstart my labor if I were you, pre-mature babies have a histroy of having health problems. I know you must feel big, but I really hope for your babys sake that it is aother three weeks at least before you go into labor. Those 3 weeks can make a big difference. Please just try to be patient. i hope all goes well with you and your baby! 

Name: Ashlie | Date: Jul 31st, 2006 5:04 PM
Hey there Bhouser I am 39 weeks this week and I want this baby here more than ever, but you know all these ladies are right your baby will come when she was ready, the last few weeks for me have been completely miserable and I want her here so bad! But patience is a virtue and your little one will come when she is ready! I was trying to rush things along and you know what I went into the hospital last week for contractions and I am still not even dialated. You know if you have your baby now she will be pre-term. You are not even term yet so just be patient and good luck! 

Name: ladyblueblood | Date: Jul 31st, 2006 11:36 PM
I don't really know of any remedies except what I've heard from the old ladies in my grandmothers beauty shop. They say Mexican or other spicy food helps, or going for a walk. I've heard rumors that sex can spark it as well.

But I agree with the other ladies on here, at 32 weeks, I wouldn't try too much. The longer your baby stays in her natural incubator aka YOU, she will be healthier in the long run. For the record though, with my first child I lost my mucus plug on October 28th and wasn't due until December 24th. I stayed dilated to 4cm the entire time and labor, REAL labor wasn't starting, so I was also induced a little early. Try to have patience and not to rush. 

Name: ARMANISMOM | Date: Aug 2nd, 2006 6:29 AM
I lost my mucus plug at 5 months and suffered from placenta previa. I had baby 2 days ago. Is your doc putting you on antibiotics and or is it time for you to start labor? 

Name: mom247 | Date: Aug 8th, 2006 2:59 AM
this worked for me! some people say that sex will do it but its not just sex its the sperm something in the sperm brings on labour but if i were you i would wait a few more weeks just to make sure the baby is ready to come. The first time we did it at 38 weeks he did not cum inside me at 39 weeks he did and i kept it in there for 2 hrs and my labor began just as i got up to shower. I repeat be careful babies have their own schedule so you dont want to bring your baby here before he/she is ready 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Aug 8th, 2006 3:07 AM
I lost my mucus plug a week before I went into labor. 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Aug 8th, 2006 3:10 AM
I drank raspberry tea and it does cause you to have contractions. But I would wait a little longer before trying anything. If you go into labor now your doctor may stop it because your only at 34 weeks. Anytime after 35 weeks should we go into labor your doctor will most like just let it happen. 

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