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Name: zoey9810
[ Original Post ]
i have a few questions for you.

first of how old and how much did kaden weigh when you switched him to his new infant/ toddler car seat??

what kind did you buy?

Tyler is 17 pounds and 27 inches long, and he is getting soo heavy for me, i have knee problems as it is and carrying him in his seat sucks!

and when are you going to front face him??

i was told to get the Eddie Bauer alpha omega elite car seat because its good from 15-100 pounds the people at babies r us told me to get this one.

ohh and one more question for randi or for any one else to answer or put your input in, did you guys get 2 car seats for your kids?? one for each car??
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Name: zoey9810 | Date: Nov 17th, 2007 3:16 AM
ok sorry its 5-35lbs rear facing and 22-40 lbs forward facing

so i dont get it so does that mean hes allowed to sit forward when hes 22 pounds?? 

Name: 04nidak | Date: Nov 17th, 2007 3:44 AM
It's recommended that babies stay rear facing until they are at least 20 pounds, but if he/she reaches 20 pounds before they turn one, keep them rear facing until after their first birthday. Here's a link to a great site with the requirements, etc.

Name: Randi | Date: Nov 17th, 2007 3:55 AM
Hahaha : )

Kaden was 7 months old and about 18lbs when I switched him. We bought the Eddie Bauer and he is still rear facing and will be until he reaches the rear facing weight limit... I think it's 30lbs. He loves his seat... he can see so much more and it's a lot roomier. It also has a cup holder, so he can grab his bottle or water when he needs it.

We only bought one seat, but we really only ever have him in one of our vehicles. If we need to take him in another vehicle, we use the latch system and a pool noodle to snap it in. It takes 2 seconds.

He can sit forward when he is 20lbs AND 1 year. It's best to keep them rear facing for as long as possible though. It's safest in a side impact or frontal collision, which are the most common. Oh, and make sure the seat has the "wings" on either side of the head to protect from the side. The Eddie Bauer ones do. 

Name: FatallyYours | Date: Nov 17th, 2007 8:02 AM
i was coming to ask the same thing. only i only have a few options on base bc those car seats cant be shipped here. theyre oversized. gay i know. anyways. thx for asking first lol 

Name: zoey9810 | Date: Nov 17th, 2007 10:30 AM
well thanks guys :)

and coart cant you shipp it to your mom and then have her ship it to you??? 

Name: FatallyYours | Date: Nov 17th, 2007 1:56 PM

Name: mallory | Date: Nov 17th, 2007 6:31 PM
i have the alpha omega for evelyn and it rocks!!! i wish i would of bought it in the first place instead of getting the infant car seat. 

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