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Name: Coartney
[ Original Post ]
okay i am full of questions today and instead of making a new poast about each one im gonna combine. im lazy today.

okay 1. i am one month post pardum and my bleeding started back up, really heavy bright red a couple days ago. ive bene having severe cramping, and this morning i wokeup with a huge clot the size of a bloomed rose head .. only thing around me the size of it. on my pad.. i called my doctor and he said it sounds like my first period and that it wil be very intense, how bad was yours?

2. braden is a month of, 10 lbs 1oz, and eating 4oz at a normal feeding and then sometimes an hour or two later will eat another couple oz. hes not throwing it up, just the occasional spit ups, is he eating too much??

3. braden has also been eating today and then passing back out as im holding him. he finishes his bottle, then when im burping him he burps and then passes back out. my mom says he is a night owl and thats why he sleeps so much during the late morning and afternoon, any of your babies doing the same thing?

4. will someone feed me? my stomach is eating itself. lol
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Name: NIKKIS | Date: May 18th, 2007 3:38 PM
umm i can only respond to number 4...ill feed you, would you like a cinnamion roll? 

Name: jillw | Date: May 18th, 2007 3:42 PM
1. I had stopped bleeding for like a week or two and then had some heavy bleeding for a couple of days, but I don't think it was my cycle, because I jsut had that last week and yes it was very blody with clots and cramps haha yumm right LOL Same for my sister and friend first cycle was painful and messy.

2. Kendra has been eating 4oz since she was jsut a few weeks old she also sometimes wasnts an extra oz or two an hour or two later. I think she does that mostly when she is in a growth spurt. What I do is try to hold her off with a passy, btu if she keeps fussing I will jsut give her the ounce and she is happy.

3. Babies will eat and sleep eat and sleep when they are in a growth spurt which braden should be having right about now (between 4 and 5 weeks) If he is staying up at night just try to get him to stay up a little more during the day. he will start to do it on his own with in the next couple of weeks. Kendra is 8 weeks and she stays up more during the day now ans has been since about 5-6 weeks. She is still up about every 3-4 hrs at night to eat though.

4. No I don't have a spoon to reach that far ♥ 

Name: Coartney | Date: May 18th, 2007 3:43 PM
no im on a salad diet right now, and im only able to eat once a damn day b/c i dont have time. unless i want to go through drive thru, which i dont. 

Name: Whittni | Date: May 18th, 2007 3:47 PM
why are you on a salad diet? have you lost most of your preggo weight?

1.) i've been bleeding for 4 freaking weeks now and i wish it would STOP!!!!

2.)cadence eats all the freaking time. sometimes 4 oz and then a few more later...shes a real piggy! :)

3.) cadence sleeps all day and is up all night and i wish i new how to fix her i think shes broken..hahah :):):) good luck!!!

4.) i'll fex ex you something to drink...diet mountain dew since i'm allowed no caffeine with this b/fing crap! 

Name: jillw | Date: May 18th, 2007 3:47 PM
well coart I feel ya on the time to eat thing. it gets better though 

Name: Coartney | Date: May 18th, 2007 3:47 PM
well my bleeding turned to a dark brown, then stopped for a good week and a half, and then just started pouring clots out of me, im going through like 8 pads a day when even after i gave birth i was only going through like 5 a day.

i try to keep him content with his soothie, he hates all other binkies, but now it seems he doesnt want his damn soothie either hes like give me food bitch, there is no food coming out of this thing! lol

oh a couple mroe questions

5. he likes to sleep on his tummy, usually the only way he will fall asleep. i keep reading its okay then its not okay, he can lift his head and partially roll over already, i mean cripes he holds his own bottle!?

6. i was told not to let a child cry it out. so i change his diaper, itry the binky, try food, try swaying, rocking, shhing, all that crap, and sometimes he will just holler and whimper and then stop and start back up, and then he falls asleep, is this mean? 

Name: Coartney | Date: May 18th, 2007 3:48 PM
ive lost 30 out of 50 

Name: question | Date: May 18th, 2007 3:48 PM
I don't think he's eating too much.Some babies ust spit up more than others.I wouldn't worry about it.Alot of babies sleep during those hours.I used to try soooo hard to keep my little f girl up from about 6:30-8pm so she would sleep at night better,it helped.Good Luck,he's just not into his routine yet. 

Name: Coartney | Date: May 18th, 2007 3:49 PM
ur allowed caffeine, just low doses, like pregnancy. women are allowed to drink beer and wine and smoke the occasional 3-4 cigarettes. by time your body processes caffeine, not much is getting to the milk. just think low doses. i was told if i was gonna have caffeine, do it an hour before the feeding, or an hour after, give it that window. same with smoking cigarettes and alcohol. 

Name: Whittni | Date: May 18th, 2007 3:52 PM
yeah i started drinking caffeine a week ago and when she got the bottles with the caffeine in it she was up 24/7 and didnt sleep but for 30 minutes at a time. so boyfriend was like umm no more lol. then i cried hahah

cuffy lets cadence cry it out sometimes and she jsut passes back out. i dont think its mean 

Name: Coartney | Date: May 18th, 2007 3:54 PM
i was just telling danese i put up new pics of braden last night in his album page 4 lol 

Name: NIKKIS | Date: May 18th, 2007 3:55 PM
i loved the video of braden! 

Name: Whittni | Date: May 18th, 2007 3:56 PM
braden is such a cutie 

Name: Coartney | Date: May 18th, 2007 3:57 PM
lol which one did i show you? i have a few 

Name: JasminesMommy | Date: May 18th, 2007 4:06 PM
Well if it helps, heres a comparason (Braden to Jasmine - who is 6 days younger than Braden)

#1. I cant really say much else than I hope I dont get clots that big and I feel for you.

#2. Jasmine is 3 weeks old - not sure howmuch she weighs now but a week and a half ago she weighed 8lb. 2oz - She eats about 3 oz at a feeding but then seems hungry about an hour later. Sometimes it just kind of fades away other times I HAVE to feed her or she goes nuts. At night, before she sleeps the longest, she will eat about 3 1/2 oz then around an hour later another 2 - then she'll pass out and sleep for about 4-5 hours. She isn't throwing any of it up either (now that i've started using those Brown's bottles).

#3. I let Jasmine do what she wants during the day. She had been eating every 2 hours (if you count the time it took to eat, every hour and a half) but for the past couple days it's been changing and I have just let her do her thing. Ex. Yesterday I let her sleep for 4 hours in the afternoon (crossing my fingers she wouldnt stay up all night) and she slept fine at night (longest yet). She will sometimes sleep all day and all night, other times she'll be up all day and not want to go to sleep easy at night. But I have to say that she also sleeps most of the morning and afternoon - but then she's awake until she goes to bed at night. I'm sure Braden will straighten himself out. Jasmine seems to be getting the hang of it so I am sure he will soon!

#4. Can I Zap food down to Florida? 

Name: Randi | Date: May 18th, 2007 4:20 PM
1) Mine was not very bad at all... My bleeding did start up randomly about 3 weeks after (I had stopped for like 4 days) and my doc said that was normal... I was breastfeeding though

2) Kaden was a big eater too. Do you remember I was told to cut Kaden back by that one doctor and he lost 7oz overnight and was dehydrated? Babies are designed not to over eat. If he isn't throwing it up, he should be fine.

3) don't know what to tell ya lol, I have trouble with sleep... period

4) Come over to my house, I told you I would make you perogies (or for Karen... little potato things that you need to try) 

Name: mizzescalante | Date: May 18th, 2007 4:45 PM
1. its prob your first af. the clots are from your uterus lining shedding and its normal because i would sit on the toilet and they would come out by the dozen. i was scared untill i was told that this was normal. and mine was horrible i was changing my pad every hour and my second af i was still having a little clotting but my af was horrible i mean one time i sat on the toilet to go to the bathroom and boom the tampon flew out. it was full and there was alot of flow after that so i guess the pressure of the flow forced the tampon out.

2. let brandon feed till he is full. my cousin had a baby and he was born at 5lbs and the nurse and dr said let her eat and eat she will turn her head or unlatch when she is full. he is just growing and its normal.

3. xylea was just like this untill i got her on a daily routine.

4. i am fixin to eat NOTHING so i am with you.......i am hungry.... 

Name: vane20 | Date: May 18th, 2007 9:46 PM
1. my period was very light, i think it took about 2 months though.

2. drs will tell you they're not supposed to be eating only every 3-4 hrs., but c'mon, no one is gonna deprive their kids of food. i think he's eating just right, my son used to eat every 2 hours about 3 oz.

im not sure about the rest though... 

Name: vane20 | Date: May 18th, 2007 9:48 PM
5. my son would sleep on his tummy, it's the only way he'd sleep. i slept the same way when i was a baby, just make sure there are no blankets or anything like that around, and that the mattress is nice and firm.

6. it's not mean coart....babies cry and sometimes they're just stressed out. i think mean would be letting him cry for an hour straight witouth doing anything about it, but if you've tried everything, maybe it's colics...mine had em bad and he was a very fussy baby. 

Name: Coartney | Date: May 18th, 2007 10:11 PM
ty everyone 

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