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Name: Coartney
[ Original Post ]
lol yeh gotta love the title .. anywhoooo.. braden is 14 weeks this week. he does all the babagaga shrieking, laughing, i taught him to stick out his tongue. grandparents think its hilarious haha!, anyways, hes sitting up, with very little help, the boy is strong, hes already in a walker, and loves it. loves the toys, lights, tv. yeh yeh not bragging just listen haha.. okay so question one for mommies with babies older than 3-4 months, when did your baby start trying to crawl, he is already trying to lift himself up on his legs also, and starts trying to drag himself across wherever he is. hes been rolling over for about 1.5 months with no real effort. i thought all this stuff was later on. second question, he is 32oz+ a day with this nutramigen crap, rarely spits up, no tummy aches, my doctor said when he gets to that amount, start him on some solids, well hes been eating cereal sludge in his bottle for months, we have a couple things of the gerber organic nanners and apple sauce and was wondering when you guys started with this stuff, how much at a time, at what point of the day and which feeding, before or after hahah.. yeh im making no sense. sorry. anyways answer with your best knowledge.
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Name: zoey9810 | Date: Jul 25th, 2007 4:00 AM
sorry coart cant help ya :( but YAY FOR BRADEN!!!!! 

Name: Double_K | Date: Jul 25th, 2007 4:07 AM
Kaden would "lunge" himself across the floor 4 - 4 1/2 months old---Officially "crawled" 5 1/2 months. My daughter didn't crawl until 8 months.
I started playing around with organic baby foods around 4 1/2 months (more play than really "eat"). Started with squash. I would just feed it once a day--usually in the evening. He got to where he'd eat a full jar pretty quick...we are just now starting to feed him at every "meal"---breakfast, lunch, dinner.... 

Name: ..RoSey.. | Date: Jul 25th, 2007 4:27 AM
ok.. seriously.. dont under estimate how old a baby should be when they roll over......
i had isabelle on the couch today.. and went to the loo leaving her there...
thought she would be safe since shes only 4 weeks old on friday..didnt possibly think she would roll herself off!! anyways when i got back my bf was freaking out saying she rolled over and almost fell off the couch ! he got to her just in time......... 

Name: mizzescalante | Date: Jul 25th, 2007 1:32 PM
wow coart you lil one is a fast learner. well i started xylea on nanners about 3 1/2 months she got half the jar in the mornings and the rest at night and we have continued to do this since then.stop the cereal in the bottle now because if you are puttling cereal mixed with the nanners than that is too much solids. xylea has gotten constipated because of all the solids. we just feed her cereal in her food now and straight formula. about the crawling xylea has been getting on her stomach and putting her butt in the air and pushing herself that way. she keeps her head down so it looks kinda funny but she pushes 2 times with her legs and falls and repeats. she loves her walker also and she touches bottom and tries to push with her toes.

best best best best thing you can do for your child right now since he is learning soo much is read him books every chance you can. xylea looks at the book like she is reading and when we put it up she cries untill we read her another book. dinos sister was read tons of books when she was a infant and could read when she was 3 1/2 and spelt her name at the same age. get flash cards and i promise braden will pay attention and learn.

well good luck with the foods. 

Name: Whittni | Date: Jul 25th, 2007 2:54 PM
wow i feel like crap :( cadence isnt doing nearly as good as braden :( 

Name: jillw | Date: Jul 25th, 2007 6:40 PM
whitt don't compair or you drive your self nuts. My best friend and sister have daughters that are two weeks older then kendra and they both did the babble thing before kendra. I was starting to get upsed and thing she was never going to coo, but she did and now she has rolled over before both of them. I mean she did have a few "accidental" roll overs before now, but she can do it at will so that is when I counted it. I think before it was just because she was already on her side or what ever. Anyway babies do things in their own time. Some will spend more time learning one thing and neglect something for a while. Liek my friends daughter sophia she is happy to lay on her back and look up all damn day and never even tru to get on her side let alone roll over, but she has a ton of hand and finger coordination. She has been holding her bottle for a long time and reaches out and picks stuff even if it is small. Kendra moves her little ass everywhere, but she still has to concentrate when she is grabbing stuff and still misses sometimes. 

Name: jillw | Date: Jul 25th, 2007 6:42 PM
oh and coart for the feedings I give kendra cereal in the bottle at night (reflux ya know) and then I give her lunch and dinner. She will eat about 2oz of baby food each time. I ahve been skipping breakfast since she has cereal at night. I don;t want her ass getting ttttooooo fat LOL she is already a chunk..........she get it from her mama LOL 

Name: zoey9810 | Date: Jul 25th, 2007 8:02 PM
geese jill just take up 3 posts! gosh you over achiever!! haha lol 

Name: jillw | Date: Jul 25th, 2007 11:51 PM
man you'll know my ass is long winded LOLplus I always to forget to say all the stuff the first time!! Blame it on coarts ass for asking a bunch of questions in one post!!!!! :) 

Name: Coartney | Date: Jul 26th, 2007 12:34 AM
thanks everyone
brandiss, the doctor told me not to take him off the cereal in the bottles bc his reflux is very bad and i wont put him o meds. i gave him some of the nanners today around lunchtime but i only gave him 1/3 of the thing dont want to overwhelm, and 3.5 oz instead of 4.5. hes fine. 

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