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Name: momof3littleladies
[ Original Post ]
Hi, I'm new. I have 3 girls ages 5.5,2.5 and 4 months. I just found out I am 6 weeks pregnant even though I'm breastfeeding and on the lose dose estrogen pill.
I took some antibotics last month that I suspect to be the culprit, but since i hadn't had a period, i thought i was safe. Whew.
I'm married and I can afford to have this baby, but I'm just so upset about people will say. Technically my youngest and this baby could be less than one year apart. She was born April 19, I'm due April 23?
Plus the issues of having all girls. I get so much pressure from extended family to "have that boy". If I hear it one more time, I may end up in jail. My husband is happy, he is a baby fanatic and he doesnt give me crap about the boy thing.
I want to keep it a secret for as long as possible from extended family (mainly his, as i find them to be judgemental and outspoken) he wants to tell anyone that will listen.
Also, sorry I know this is long,but I don't feel pregnant at all. No morning sickness like all the other three,no dizziness, no frequent bathroom trips, I'm sleepy, but hey I have a 4 month old! I don't know if I'm just in pregnancy denial or maybe 3 tests could be wrong.haha doubtful. Just worried since it's so soon it won't be a sticky. Sorry this is so long, I don't really have anyone to talk to since I want it kept a secret. Thanks for reading.
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Name: Coartney | Date: Aug 30th, 2006 6:34 AM
aww well congrats! im sorry ur husbands family is such a bother.. my fiance and i dont really like his family at all haha.. my mom is coming to germany for the birthing more than likely and we're just gonna send his mom a sonogram and a picture of the baby .. im horrible .. but i wish you luck, i am due april24th or 25th .. different doctors say different things. lol but if you ever need anyone to talk to, i dont sleep much and im always in need of someone to just chat with, so take care. :) 

Name: mommyagain | Date: Aug 30th, 2006 4:14 PM
What ever makes you happy go for it... Mine are 6 and 3 and one more in February. my sister has 4 girls 13 11 9 and 8. People used to piss her off so bad, not believeing that the two little ones were heres it just wasnt possible, they are 10 months apart... it is possible!!! She just finally got over it and didnt care what others thought. You sound like a good mom, dont worry about other people. Me and my sister have also gone throught the "boy" thing. I have 2 girls she has 4 girls there are no boys. We talke about the pressure all the time and she says the same as me... we are both perfectly content with having all girls... tooo bad what the family wants... its just like I tell my girls... "you get what you get and you dont throw a fit"!!! like we have a choice in the matter anyway! Hang in there mom you will do just fine! 

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