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Name: Monica
[ Original Post ]
This is the first time I started throwing up. In the last four hours I have throw up five times. What could I possible eat?? I don't wanna eat anything that will just come back again. By now i am starving but don't want any more bathroom visits. Please help!
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Name: Chris R | Date: May 6th, 2006 4:15 PM
Aw, morning sickness. It's not fun, but it is a good sign. Don't let your tummy get empty, when you get hungry you get sick too. Stick to crackers, soda crackers are best, and just eat a few at a time. Also make sure you are taking in fluids so you don't dehydrate. I also use Sea Band, motion sickness bands and they help to reduce some of the nausea quite a bit. Ginger is supposed to help too if you boil it in water to make a tea, I never tried it, but some people swear by it. Hope you feel better, usually it sticks around the first trimester. 

Name: Ashlie | Date: May 6th, 2006 4:27 PM
Well I tried the sea bands and they didn't do anything for me at all!! They just made my wrists really sore and that was about all. Try some vitamin B6 i got some Bnatal suckers from motherhood maternity and those really helped. Try and eat small meals throughout the day. If that doesn't work just stick with crackers and dry toast! It helped me, also try drinking ginger ale. and before you get out of bed in the morning keep some crackers by your bed and lay there and eat some and relax for 15 minutes before you get out of be. I had the worst morning sickness till I was like 16 weeks along and I lost 15lbs which was bad but my doc told me not to worry! It is normal. OH yea also try to eat some dry cereal like corn flakes or plain chereos. They may help try and stick with the bland foods. How far along are you anyway? Well I am Ashlie and I am prego with my 1st I am 27 weeks along and if you need anymore advice, I mean I dont know a lot but I can try and help, email me [email protected] GOOD LUCK! 

Name: Chris R | Date: May 8th, 2006 2:51 AM
Just be careful on the B6 dosing and how much you take, especially if you have a prenatal vitamin for morning sickness, those already have it in there. The pharmacist or your Dr. can tell you what's okay, I never tried it, but have heard great things. I never tried the suckers either, but I couldn't handle any sweetness, not even the ginger ale. It was all I could do to brush my teeth, even that was bad. Hope it goes soon, you should be able to find something that works! 

Name: Monica | Date: May 9th, 2006 3:44 AM
Thanks everyone... Crackers and some coke did the trick.. I felt like I was gonna die... First time pregnant and I give props to every woman who has babies.. It takes a lot out of you... 

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