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Name: nora
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ok i got a somewhat stupid question since i should already know this by now... how soon can a woman get braxton hicks contractions?? I was told not until my 6-7 months of pregnancy but I had a minor contraction type feeling last night.. I tried calling my doctor just a while ago and he was out delievering twins and isnt going to be back for a while..so i figure i'd ask you ladies here and see what answers I get from those of you who has had them... =)

Thanks girls!!!
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Name: Denise | Date: Mar 13th, 2006 9:07 PM
The books say they can be felt as early as 20 weeks, although your uterus has been contracting all along you just weren't able to feel it. 

Name: Renee | Date: Mar 13th, 2006 11:03 PM
I don't believe they can be felt at twenty weeks, but maybe for some women. I've never heard of anyone feeling them that soon.

As far as myself, I am now 37 weeks and 2 days, and have not felt anything. I am so thankful that my baby is going to wait until 40 or 41 weeks.....she has already promised me that, and I just love her for being such a good baby throughout my whole pregnancy. I am certainly going to miss carrying her although I can't wait to hold her in my loving arms. 

Name: to nora | Date: Mar 13th, 2006 11:54 PM
i have been having braxton hicks contractions since about 4 months 

Name: nora | Date: Mar 14th, 2006 1:44 AM
i managed to call my doc today and he said that it's normal to feel them at 20 weeks..and not to freak out.. but if happens on a constant basis and are really strong.. i better either show up at his office or go to the hospital..

but it sounds like that some women will experience bh contractions and other wont... 

Name: Sarah | Date: Mar 14th, 2006 1:52 AM
im 35 weeks pregnant and i cant feel any at all. also ive never experienced period pain i know its strange.. so i want to get braxton hicks so i have some sort of idea what labor will feel like i realise that labor will be a lot more painful but i have no idea what too expect cause people have told me contractions are like really bad period pain. 

Name: kris | Date: Mar 14th, 2006 2:23 AM
I always get them after sex. Its sssoo uncomfortable!! My doctor says its normal though...im about 28 weeks 

Name: Chris R | Date: Mar 15th, 2006 8:35 PM
I got them around 4 months as well, actually felt them around the same time I felt my baby move and they kept up all through my pregnancy. They won't give you much of an idea about labor though, it feels like your belly gets real tight and you can feel it get rock hard, then it relaxes. Doesn't hurt, just feels kinda weird. Some people get them really early and some may not notice them at all. At work there were three of us pregnant and the girl due a month ahead pf me didn't have any contractions till the last week or so, she kept coming over to feel mine. 

Name: abby | Date: Mar 16th, 2006 6:11 PM
I had braxton hicks right from the start with my first pregnancy, I personally thought I would loose her since I had had a misscarriage before. But she was born 9 months later, 5 days early, and is totally fine. I am in my 9th month with my second child now, and I didn't start feeling the braxton hicks until about a month ago... Either way talk it over with your doc - he/she can offer some advice to ease your mind. Good luck! 

Name: BRANDIE | Date: Apr 2nd, 2006 11:34 PM

Name: jenn | Date: Apr 3rd, 2006 2:58 PM
i want to have braxton hicks.... i want my body to hurry up and gear up for labor! but i havent had them yet, im almost 34 weeks.
im not looking forward to that period pain i remember in high school i used to get such painful periods that i couldnt go to school or anything just lay on the bed and whimper.... and i imagine this is going to be like 100 x stronger!!! 

Name: Chris R | Date: Apr 3rd, 2006 7:35 PM
Jen, just the beginning of labor feels like that, I was worried too because my periods were the same way. After you get past the cramping you may miss it, but just relax, hopefully you'll get a good break in between contractions and you can breathe through them, plus you can always take pain meds...by the time you get there you will just want to be in labor and be done with it. 

Name: Erin | Date: Apr 20th, 2006 12:35 AM
I'm 21 weeks and this is my first pregnancy, I to got really scared when i started having baxton hicks at 20 weeks, but my doctor stated that its normal and as long as they are not consistant then its okay, its just your body practicing for the big day. I get them now anywhere from once to 3 times a day. Just relax, drink alot of water and everything should be fine. 

Name: Charmaine | Date: Apr 20th, 2006 1:06 AM
with my first I never felt any BHs but he was born at 31 weeks, with my daughter I felt them from about 24 weeks and strong ones by 27 weeks... with my third and current I started feeling them at 14 weeks and strong painful ones by 15 weeks... having experienced them before I was already certain what they were but didnt think they could start that early.. since questioning my OB and then asking around friends and family with 3-4 children.. all of them experienced it much earlier then as well. So certainly not uncommon to feel them that early :D 

Name: Sonja | Date: Apr 26th, 2006 12:00 AM
This is my second pregnancy and did not really feel them with my first. Now I'm 20 weeks with the second and today I went to see the doc because yesterday I started to feel them for long periods of time while shopping and they went away when I finally got to sit down and relax. Today, it seemed that they started everytime I stood up. Doc said normal for this time and that they will get stronger as time goes on. Best thing is to lay down when you start feeling them. They are a little scary so I wish I didn't experience them until after the "safe" date for the baby to be here. 

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