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Name: Allyson
[ Original Post ]
is it possable to be pregnant and not feel it? i don't have moring sickness my boobs are kinda sore but i can eat ne food i want the smells don't bother me at all. i get hungry more often but i haven't gained any weight. i have been 2 the doctors 3 times so far and they say everything is ok. so could i just be having an easy pregnancy? just wondering any advice would be nice Thanx!
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Name: Chris | Date: Nov 28th, 2005 5:55 AM
First of all, congrats on the pregnancy! I'm so happy to hear that you feel so well. I had such terrible morning sickness that I could barely eat for the first 4 months. I couldn't even keep it a secret at work past 6 weeks, because I couldn't stop throwing up and the dizzy spells were so bad, I even cried when someone brought deviled eggs to a work potluck because the smell made me so sick (I still can't be near those eggs). So I'm a little envious that some people are so lucky, but I have many friends and co-workers who haven't had any problems with morning sickness or anything like that. In fact, among all of my co-workers that have been pregnant at work (there have been many), only 2 of us really have any problems. I can see why you would wonder, but since your Dr. says your fine, I would just relax and enjoy. After the first trimester, you feel pretty good anyway! Good luck! 

Name: kathryn | Date: Nov 28th, 2005 5:58 AM
I didnt' have any morning sickness. I actually felt fine the first two months, but then the third month i felt like crap. I layed on the couch the whole time basically watching tv. Im 18 weeks now and i feel basicaly normal so everything does get better. But i am here to say that "morning sickness" isnt' morning sickness at all. it is all day every day sickness lol 

Name: Allyson | Date: Nov 28th, 2005 5:59 AM
thanx chris i hope everything im worryin about is just n my head hehe! 

Name: chantelle | Date: Nov 28th, 2005 9:29 PM
yep your just one of them lucky ones arnt yah! its fine it happens!! only to the lucky ones tho..or if your in the early weeks they may kick in soon! x x x 

Name: Sabrina | Date: Nov 29th, 2005 1:03 AM
I'm pregnant also and def. don't feel like it. I've taken three test (all positive) and am 3 weeks late. I go to the doctor in a few days but I don't feel pregnant, so I'm worried the doctor is going to tel me i'm not 

Name: Allyson | Date: Nov 30th, 2005 5:42 AM
Sabrina i feel the same way.... i went to the first visit n they couldn't find the baby then they did. now im 8 weeks almost 9 and i have a docs appt on the 9th so i hope everything is ok!!!!! good luck with ur pregnancy!!!!!! 

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