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Name: nora
[ Original Post ]
Hello all.. I just needed some advice about convincing my fiancee to realise that I'm most likely about 8 wks pregnant. I honestly think that he might be in shock but I dont know what else to tell him. I have a regular doctors appt next week, so i'm going to take another home pregnancy test and show it to my doctor. I knew i was pregnant when the "symptoms" started showing and I told my fiancee... have taken another home test before and said it was positive, but i threw away the test. But i sure told him. So what do I do, because he think's I have the flu or something...lol. Should I talk or keep talking to him? or just wait til the doctors appointment to get an "official announcement". Thanks!!
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Name: michelle | Date: Dec 8th, 2005 2:25 PM
nora- you dont need to take one to show your dr. they will give you one there of there brand. Bring your b/f w/ you to the appt. and have the dr tell him if their test comes back positive. How old is your b/f? How long have u been together, Is he going to fly the coop. Sounds like he doesnt want to be responsible for what he did. Hope all goes well. Whry dont you buy a test have your b/f in the bathroom with you so he can see test himself turn positive then hell know. some guys just need to see for them selves. 

Name: Sara D. | Date: Dec 8th, 2005 5:52 PM
Nora dear, If you have taken the test yourself and it came out positive and your boyfriend doesn't believe you..I don't really think there is alot ou can do to convince him. You can ask him if he wants you to take a test for him. When you do to the Dr office, they won't even do a test unless you ask them. They can tell just by feeling around in there. If you want them to do a urine test for you, You might have to ask. Most Dr's just take your word for it. I wish that your boyfriend was being a little easier on you. get another test, pee on the stick and hand it to him. That way he can read the results as they happen.???
Good luck with all of it. 

Name: Angela | Date: Dec 8th, 2005 7:15 PM
Take his hand, go down to the pharmacy, buy a pregnancy test, take him home, take the test and show him.

That'll get rid of any doubt. 

Name: Stephanie | Date: Dec 8th, 2005 10:19 PM
Your fiance is probably just in shock! My husband was in the room with me when the doctor told me I was 2 weeks pregnant and it still took him 3 days to finally believe! He made me take like 2 more at home pregnancy test just to be positive :) I'm sure your man will come around after the shock wears off! 

Name: heather | Date: Dec 9th, 2005 3:10 AM
what do you mean? like ejaculating inside of you? i think that its its more comfortable for him, let him wait till its official. he probably doesnt know what to think because it hasnt been official. we know that you cant get pregnant if you already are, but if your not (if he has doubts) let him wait. when its officail im sure he wont mind. i didnt live or see my fiance for about a month when i started having the symptoms. i kept telling him i thought i was, i was really tired...(didnt have hardly any symptoms though, im 8 months now) and he told me that he thought that i was just sick. so until they know for sure, it can still lead to the debating of weather or not to as it was before. good luck at the doctors office. 

Name: heather | Date: Dec 9th, 2005 3:12 AM
and another thing...michelle, it doesnt mean he doesnt want the responsibility and doesnt want to own up to it...my fiance is great and hes been there for me for everything, he just wasnt sure what to think at first...alot of people have to change alot of things before having a baby, wheather going out and having fun or financially..theres alot of decisions that come along with it. 

Name: Chris | Date: Dec 9th, 2005 4:15 AM
Nora, I think it's a guy thing. He's just caught off guard and in a little shock right now. I showed my test to my husband and we spent so long trying to decide if the faint little line was positive or not. I took the test again with the same result, but he didn't really believe it was real till we went to our first Dr.'s appt. My Dr. didn't do a test though, they check your cervix to see if it's sealed and mine did an ultrasound because I started to bleed some. It was all fine once he actually saw it. After that, I couldn't keep his hands away from my belly. Just be patient, although you feel different, the change hasn't become as real to him yet. Congrats! 

Name: michelle | Date: Dec 9th, 2005 1:42 PM
heather your right not all men are like that! 

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