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Name: lady in need
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is there anyone pregnant and husband/boyfriend not working? whats the stagedy? how are you coping?
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Name: antonia | Date: Jan 16th, 2006 2:12 PM
well my hubby isnt working because of a construction accident he had last month in dec and I was only 4 mo pregnant going on 5, now since worker's comp and disability/insurance will only cover sooo much.. I decided to go get a job, because there's always gotta be a source of income...Just because we're pregnany doesnt mean we can be lazy and let our husbands/boyfriends bring home the dough... unless your spouse has a high paying career..
although my husband will start back to work in about a month or so..but i think im gonna keep working til the doc tells me to stop. then go back to work again when i get the OK from the doc again.. extra money always helps 

Name: lady in need | Date: Jan 16th, 2006 2:45 PM
i am sorry you misunderstood me, i am working fulltime but one income can only do so much, all my income goes toward bills, thank GOD for that. 

Name: Angela | Date: Jan 16th, 2006 4:54 PM
My fiancee got laid off this week and last week he was on worker's comp. for a back injury. He makes significantly more money than I do and I can't even cover all the bills myself. He is going on unemployment insurance but it will be at least a month before we receive a cheque from them. We've had to borrow a large sum of money from his mother, bless her soul, to pay the bills until he has money coming in. Hopefully he'll only be laid off for a month or two. If it's longer he'll have to get another job. The thing is...we're not sure he'll be able to find something that pays as well. Although, in the summer months he might get shipped out to other parts of Canada to work for a month or two at a time because their is no work here. He's not in favor of leaving me for that long with our new baby so I think he's going to be looking for another job soon anyways.

Nonetheless...it's tough. 

Name: heather | Date: Jan 16th, 2006 7:42 PM
lady in need, that must be hard with you being the only one working. why is that? my fiance is also the only one working because i am 36 weeks pregnant. his money mostly goes to bills too. What kind of coping are you talking about? like financially or emtionally? emotionally we usually stay home with each other and TRY not to do alot of things that require money. Time together works great for us. And financially i guess we just try to balance the best we can and pay the important stuff too. He is also paying for my college at this time because im not there for this term and i didnt know we still had to pay every month, so that puts limits our finances a little more. sometimes you just have to put positive things forward and the negatives behind. take care. 

Name: lady in need | Date: Jan 22nd, 2006 12:32 AM
well heather it sounds like your husband makes an excessive amount of money, you don,t fit in this catergory plus you get to stay home while i go to work everyday 

Name: Chris | Date: Jan 22nd, 2006 12:47 AM
It has to be tough, but I worked all the way up till I had to go into the hospital. We couldn't make it if my husband and I both didn't work. Some people are more fortunate, or they can manage money better, my husband and I like the extra money and the flexibility it affords us. Has your husband or boyfriend been looking for a job? Just keep thinking positive, my friend had to deal with her husband osing his job, she only worked part time and took on all sorts of little projects. She said that somehow by the grace of God she was able to pay her bills each month. It will all work out. 

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