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Name: christen
[ Original Post ]
i know the weight gain should be minimal when it comes to pregnancy and i was over weight to start off with i'm not ashamed to say that i was 240lbs prepregnancy but i carried my weight well i wore a size 14 womens so it wasnt' like i was in the 20's or something. But i am now around 27 weeks, but maybe further i need another ultrasound because my baby measured 4 weeks ahead my last appointment, that being said i now weigh in at 263lbs which is 23 lbs already. I understand that this is alot considering how much i weighed to begin with but i have been eating really healthy and i work out at a minium of two days per week. i quit smoking when i found out i was pregnant and i used to have a high pace job that required lots of muscle activity now i sit behind a computer not running around all day like i used to. And to top it all off i get the doctor telling me that i have gained way to much weight., she doesn't even care about my questions and stuff i had my sugar tested everything came out normal kind of on the low side. but i don't over eat and hardly ever indulge in the "sweets''. how would anyone else handle going to the doctor when she would make you that miserable and would you let it bother you and make you upset?
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Name: julie23 | Date: Aug 3rd, 2006 8:21 PM
My doc on my 1st baby was a B!!!! as well.... always making sarcasic comments that made me fee uncomfortable. I take a size 14 now, never lost the weight from my son and i am only 8 1/2 weeks pregnant...150 lbs... so u definitly carry your weight well! 

Name: julie23 | Date: Aug 3rd, 2006 8:22 PM
ohh when i was 2 mts pregnant on my son i was 130 lbs in a size 7, when I was about to give birth I was 170 lbs, I worked in an office in front of a computer all day! 

Name: christen | Date: Aug 3rd, 2006 8:32 PM
i think that has something to do with it having a job that you sit behind a desk all day i really do think that is what might be my problem but to have some lady telling me that i am a fat a$$ while pregnant i'm sensitive about my weight to begin with and then she goes and says something like that. I'm like what did i do to deserve this? 

Name: julie23 | Date: Aug 3rd, 2006 8:35 PM
no kidding!!!!...w/e.. seriously if your generally healthy, and no doubt at 27 weeks along your pretty tired and draged out as well..... but if your healthy ignore her! 

Name: Kristy84 | Date: Aug 3rd, 2006 8:45 PM
How tall are you? You really do carry your weight well!! I actually just wrote to you on your other post about weight gain and stuff. How much have you gained so far? Your supposed to gain 10 lbs. until about 20 weeks and then 1 lb or so a week until birth. I think if you're overweight to begin w/ you're supposed to gain like 20 lbs altogether right? I'm 21 weeks and have gained about 10lbs. I don;t know the exact amount b/c I've suffered from eating disorders and to know my actual weight is a trigger. I step backwards on the scale, and my dr. just says that I'm right on track. It would be horrible to have a dr. constantly criticizing you. Do you have a thyroid problem that could explain the weightgain? There's no point in worrying about weight maintenence now. Just eat balanced meals, and if you continue to gain and your dr. continues to harp on you for overeating, start keeping a journal of everything you eat to prove her wrong. Good luck!! 

Name: Thismakes2 | Date: Aug 3rd, 2006 8:50 PM
My first pregnancy I gained like 100lbs, no joke. My doctor actually told me that If I didn't stop eating pizzas and burgers, etc. that I'd be a whale after I had the baby. ??? I mean, who says that? ??? I already knew I made a mistake with my weight and sure didn't need to hear it put like that.
Well, I switched doctors with this pregnancy and I have been walking on a treadmill and watching what I eat daily. I'm 16 weeks and I've gained 8 lbs so I don't think that I'm doing that bad but what do I know?
If I do overgain though again, I'll just have to suck it up and re join my gym. LOL. 

Name: christen | Date: Aug 3rd, 2006 9:00 PM
yeah well i'm 5'7'' tall and i have always had more muscle as i was a vehicle mechanic and got down and dirty with the guys. i'm healthy i could run a mile and 1/2 in 14:30 mins and i could do 46 pushups in a min and i can do 57 crunches in a min as well. i still work out but not as much because of the fact that my work outs used to be really strenuous. the thing about it is i'm at 27 weeks according to my last ultrasound but my measurements have me at 30 weeks. I have to go to the doctor again on monday so they can measure me again. but my weight has always been an issue i mean if i look at food i gain a couple of pounds. i feel bad that i'm this weight but hey i know what i am i just don't like someone telling me that i am fat all the time. I also quit smoking when i found out i was pregnant and i was also taking anti-depressants which the doctor will not allow me to take anymore they say its unsafe for the baby. and i have had two glucose tests done on me and my sugar came out low. I have been seeing a nutrionalist and i have to log everything that i eat the work outs that i do and they tell me i'm not eating enough calories according to my documentation(i write down cals, fat grams, carbs , protein, fiber) and if its at a resteraunt i look it up on the internet. So i am actively trying to keep the weight down but they just don't understand and keep telling me that i'm gaining to much but there is nothing more i can do about it. so as of right now i have gained 23 lbs and they keep telling me that i'm going to hurt my baby but my BP is always low and same with the blood sugar so who knows! 

Name: Kristy84 | Date: Aug 3rd, 2006 9:06 PM
were you able to lose the weight post-pg? 

Name: Thismakes2 | Date: Aug 3rd, 2006 10:31 PM
Kristy84, Well.... I lost like 50 of it right away and then over the course of 2 years I lost another 30. I was down to my last 20 and I got pregnant again..... I didn't work out as much as I should have.....
Needless to say I've made myself a promise that I want a personal trainer after this baby and eventually some plastic surgery as well. LOL. 

Name: Sarah M | Date: Aug 3rd, 2006 10:38 PM
I gained 40-45lbs with my first baby and the first doc I had was telling me I was to fat and i needed to watch what I ate. So I changed docs because I dont want someone who is rude delievering my child into this world when the doc things there mom is fat. Thats just me. If your doing all you can to keep healthy then tell your doc to shut up and there is nothing you can do. If your baby is healthy and so are you then thats all that counts. When you have weight before its also harder to keep it stead so I owuldnt worry to much 

Name: Loritolay | Date: Aug 3rd, 2006 11:35 PM
I was 250 when I got pregnant with my son and I gained 67 pounds!!! I did find out I had gestational diabetes though. I tried to eat as healthy as I could but it wasn't easy. Obviously since I was overweight to start with, food is an issue with me. I am still trying to get my weight off so we can try for another baby. I have lost 50 lbs since January and have another 50 to go!!! 

Name: babey_g_311 | Date: Aug 4th, 2006 4:13 AM
My doctor told me I was a little over weight and that I should only gain about 20-25 lbs., I told her that Ill eat healthy and exercise and if I gain over that Im not gonna worry about it, and ever since than shes been nothing but nice. Just tell your Dr. that you'll try your best but if you gain more than their "accepted" weight too bad, every pregnant woman is different I dont see why they set guidelines on that stuff....most of my weight is in my bra so I cant really help it,lol. 

Name: Aharris | Date: Aug 4th, 2006 2:01 PM
I am pregnant with my first child and before finding out i was already consider overweight. I was wearing like a 16 or 18. Of course many wouldn't think i was overwieght because i too carried my weight well because i am tall. My doctors seem to always want to remind me about gaining too much weight etc. The thing is that i either gain a pound or lose a pound or more. I can't say how much i have gained because i never weighed myself before i found out i was pregnant. i have to admit that from the start because i was extra hungry i would eat a lot and some of that was of bad things. Once i found out i was pregnant i was determined to not gain so much weight because i know it will be harder later. All i can tell you is that if it's bothering you then i would talk to my doctor about it and let him or her know how it makes you feel. Remember you are paying them. You shouldn't have to feel like you to be put down everytime you check in with them. Good Luck!! 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Aug 4th, 2006 8:16 PM
I would like to start off by sawing the chart that the doctor goes by to determine how much you should gain is based on what the average weight gain is during an average pregnancy (this means that there are women who had gain a small amount of weight as well as a larger amount of weight). We all gain weight differently. I gained 40 lbs with my son, if it wasn't for my morning sickness in the first trimester I am sure that I would have gained more. My sister gained 60 lbs. Unlike my sister I was lucky because I literally only gained my weight in my stomach, my sister gained it every where. I actually had a nurse say something about my weight and I told her that when this becomes her pregnancy she can then talk about my weight. If you are eating heathly don't let it bother you. If it does bother you keep a journal of what you eat everyday and show it to your doctor at you next visit and ask him/her what you could do differently. 

Name: Sarah M | Date: Aug 4th, 2006 11:17 PM
Well I went to the Doc today and im 29weeks tomorrow and I have gained a total of 20lbs so far but to me that seems fine since you can see it anywhere but my boobs and my baby belly so Im not worried. Though my doc says its a lil much I checked the Chart that they go by and im actually under what it says so i have no clue what she is talking about. Maybe its cause I gained to much in one month or what not but I never go by those things cause I eat and exercise as well as possible and thats all that matters to me 

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