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Name: amy
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lol im looking for some decent gossip to take time off im got 5 more weeks to go and just need advice on the whole labour thing
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Name: ellen | Date: May 22nd, 2006 9:30 PM
im 17 weeks and hoping for a C-SECTION is that wrong people say it is 

Name: crystal | Date: May 22nd, 2006 11:04 PM
ellen, in my opinion, i think that wanting a c-section is fine. i'll be having my 2nd one on june 28th, and although i HAVE to have one due to a broken "coochie" bone, if i was perfectly fine, i'd still want one. i'm scared to DEATH of anything that has to do with labor...... 

Name: Lori | Date: May 23rd, 2006 1:13 AM
BREATH haha Labor hurts no doubt about it but its a pain quickly forgotten .. and it is one of the most amazing things ever!! Do you plan on using meds or natural? I did natural with first 3 and plan on it again with this one. ~TO ellen I dont think wanting a c section is wrong..I do know I would cry alot of tears if I had to have one :P 

Name: crystal | Date: May 23rd, 2006 1:44 AM
i have so much respect for you ladies, (Lori!) who can do it naturally. i can't even have my blood drawn with out hyperventilating and going crazy.....much less hours upon hours of labor. with most of my serious medical procedures, (and the dentist), i have to be put out completely because i can't take it! so you ladies that tough it out and take the pain, you all are my heroes! 

Name: Lori | Date: May 23rd, 2006 1:50 AM
thanks Crystal, I am proud of myself to for being able to do it natural but I don't frown upon people who can't not at all... Trust me I get scared.. 

Name: amy | Date: May 23rd, 2006 7:56 AM
whats an epidural like how long do you have to stay still for? that only bit im dreadin wat if i move while there giving it me 

Name: crystal | Date: May 23rd, 2006 2:53 PM
i had a spinal done with my daughter. i guess it's like an epidural, only it numbs more of your body. i know they say when you are having pains of labor and contractions, you don't even really feel the needle. i, on the other hand, had no pains, so i was suseptible to ALL the pain and then some! i remember that my mom was there holding me while i was hunched over, and the doctors kept saying "don't move!" (now granted, i had been a little sedated because i freak out, but i still remember it.....) and the doctor said "you're gonna feel a little pinch like a bee sting." well that didn't do a whole lot to help me because i had never been stung by a bee. i think knowing my mom was there and holding me so tight made it easier. and it felt exactly like a pinch. if your hospital allows you to, see if you can have someone (husband, mom, sister, etc) with you when they administer it. for me, my MOM is the only person i NEED and have to have! good luck! 

Name: Chris R | Date: May 23rd, 2006 3:39 PM
I had an epidural with my son and was so grateful when they got there that I didn't care about the needle. I reacted to the pitocin and had a 45 minute contraction, it peaked, dipped a little, then went up. I didn't get a break it was so hard, they said my uterus "bunched." They also made my husband sit down on the other side of the room and the nurse had to hold onto me, but that was hospital policy. I could feel the pinch, but I was in the middle of a really bad contraction so I didn't care. After the epidural they turned down the pitocin to regulate my contractions and gave me something to help the bunching. The contraction slowly got to be less and less and then it went away completely. i didn't even feel pressure when I needed to push, they just told me when to push, and I had my baby out in under an hour. You'll know what you want to do when you're in labor. 

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