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Name: aliaa
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hi,i had my first baby 3months ago,i was so terrified and scared to death from delivering,i was keeping to reaf everything and ask everybody,i want to tell new momsDONT BE EVER AFRAID BUT ASK FOR EPIDIURAL,i got the pain at 6am started slowly,then in one hour it became 3mints appart,it was so fast, when it get harder it was bad and i was suffering alot but it is bearable,until i got to the hospital and i was 4cm dialated,i asked for epidural,and oncei got it,OH WHAT ENJOYMENT,THE PAIN COMPLETLY STOPPED,I FEEL NOTHING ANYMORE,I START LAUGHING AND JOKING,WAITING FOR MY BABY TO COME,AND WHEN IT IS THE MOMENT I PUSHED(WHILE LAUGHING AS I FELT NOTHING) 4 OR 5 PUSHES UNTIL I GOT MY SWEEEEEEEEEEEEET BABY.i just tell my story to give experienceto others.good luck
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Name: winnmom | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 6:39 AM
I never took anything for any of my childrens births, but I tell you if I ever did it again I would have an epiderul 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 1:50 PM
I had an epidural. When I went into the hospital I still hadn't decided whether or not I was going to go through with an epidural. My doctor actually made the decision for me right after he broke my water. After my epidural was put in, my doctor came back and told me that he hoped that I was not upset with him for making this decision. I told him know. He told me the reason he made the decision was because through out my pregnancy I always came in smiling and this was the first time that he saw me cry. So yes,by all means do not feel guilty for wanting to have an epidural. 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 1:50 PM
aliaa hows the baby. I haven't seen you on here in awhiled. But then again I haven't really been on here either...LOL. 

Name: jillw | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 2:03 PM
If it were up to me I would get it like a week prior to labor LOL Just kidding. I had one for my son, but it had what the dr called "a hot spot" it only helped with the contractions, but nothnhing in the back. My son was born face up instead of face down so I had major major back and tail bone pain the epidural did little to help it. I am still glad to have gotten it though, because I don't think that I could of handeled the back pain and the contractions at the same time. 

Name: connie | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 2:56 PM
If you have an epidural is there more chance of tearing?I was wondering since you can't feel anything do you push harder or to hard.
Oh, congrats too, what is her/his name? 

Name: Double_K | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 3:03 PM
I went to fast with my first to have one---I got the hospitial about 2:30am--water broke at 4am, about an hour later is when the REAL pain started--I started asking for an epidiural about 9:30am--they checked me and told me it was too late, I was ready to start pushing....I had Kenzi at 10:12am! I really don't remember the pain from pushing, but after 5 hours of contractions I was sooo ready for some pain relieve--I don't see how moms go with out NOTHING and labor all day! 

Name: jillw | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 3:07 PM
I could still feel the pressure of pushing and urge to push. For me at actually felt good in a painful kinda way. It is like when you need to use the bathroom really really it is painful, but it is different than the contraction pains. You feel like you are accomplishing something. I dunno maybe I crazy :) 

Name: missmara | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 4:10 PM
Jill W-
I had the same experience. Even though I had an epidural, once it was time to push I could feel the contractions and it felt sooo good to push.

I tore just a tiny bit. I needed one stitch, but I don't think tearing has anything to do with the epidural. It really is the doctor who controls the pushing. My doctor would tell me to push harder or to ease up a bit. And she used some kind of oil to help the baby slip out. It's a good idea to ask your doctor ahead of time what their philosophy is on episiotimy (sp?). Some doctors are really quick to give them, and others try other methods like massaging the perineum and using oil and slow controlled pushing. 

Name: Kristy84 | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 5:32 PM
I'm really going to try not to get an epidural. I think that they're wonderful, but there are so many other analgesics (narcotics and sedatives) out there. I just don't want to slow down labor, and sometimes that happens. I'm so scared of having to get a C-section!!!

I'm worried about back labor as well. There's nothing they can give you to dull that pain?? 

Name: Marlene | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 5:39 PM
I had no meds at all with my daughter not even an tylenol. I plan to do the same with this one but i am afraid this baby will be bigger and will hurt much worse. i was only 18 when i had my daughter and she only weighed 4lbs 12oz. 

Name: winnmom | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 6:11 PM
After the labour is finished, honestly eveything fades in the mind! Try not to worry too much about the labour, until it comes, worrying will not change anything-I know it is hard but just push it away-
If you want an epiderul -have one-
Back labour-I had that with one of mind, and again this does not help much now, but it all fades away. An epiderul I am sure would help with that as well.
One of my children were born so fast the Doctor was not even in the room, I told the nurse the baby was coming out and she said-no it is to soon, sure enough the babt was coming out- I ripped horribly mind you, but my body and the baby did it all-I did not even push!
Each labour-pregnancy-is different-do what works for you-keep talking to others to see what they did and no matter what you decide you may change your mind in the delivery room.
Just remember -honestly any pain you go through is nothing once you hold your precious baby!!!!! 

Name: aliaa | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 7:00 PM
hi all,my baby is doing fine thx god,he is a happy baby who doesnt cry a lot except he got pain,his name is FARES,and this means the KNIGHT in arabic,i didnt feel any back pain after delivering,and NO having epidural doesnt have any relation with if they will cut u or not,neither with pushing,they cuted me because my vagina was so tight and my husbend told me that he was able to see his black hair while he still inside but cant go out because of my tightmness area,and once the doctor made it,hr came out.again i didnt feel anything.even i didnt know i was cut except when i finished,and nothing felt after that even,ethan i am sooooooooooooo buzy in taking care of baby and cooking and cleaning and my husbend,this is crazy 

Name: jillw | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 7:04 PM
kristy--- No there is really nothing that will help if the epidural doesn't help. I jsut remember I wanted someone to jsut push aganist my tail bone really really hard. It was pretty painful. I had a self control drip and I was pushing it as often as I could LOL. they said taht they could try a block, but it prob wouldn't work either and I would have a harder time pushing. I hope that it does not happen again, but it was bearable. 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 8:33 PM

If your going to tear your going to tear regardless of whether or not you have the epidural. 

Name: connie | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 8:40 PM
O.K if I tear, I rather not feel it, so maybe an epidural is the best.
I don't know if I will tear, but just the thought makes me freak out . Maybe it will be fast and I will be unconsious lol, or should I drink before..no not a good idea.
You right that there is no need to worry because it is going to happen either way the little onehas to come out ,I don't really want to be pregnant longer then 10 months. 

Name: Kristy84 | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 10:03 PM
If you're scared of the tearing sensation or "ring of fore" pain, they can administer a local anastethic to the vagina that is much safer than an epidural. You should see what the rules of your hospital are concerning epidurals. At my hospital, you can't leave the bed at all for any reason, and they give you a catheter. I couldn't stand lying there for hours on end. I want to be able to walk, but that's just me. 

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