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Name: dodgeti
[ Original Post ]
I'm just curious how long it took to get pregnant after miscarriage. I'm needing a liitle hope at the moment. I miscarried last Tuesday. I'm 37 and it seems everywhere I turn I'm hearing about how hard it is for older moms to get pregnant, miscarriage stats, etc.
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Name: Logan | Date: Aug 29th, 2006 4:41 PM
Did you have a D&C? 

Name: dodgeti | Date: Aug 29th, 2006 8:07 PM
yes. I was 13w2d. 

Name: Logan | Date: Aug 29th, 2006 8:40 PM
suggestion is wait until at least one menstrual cycle so your uterus gets stronger. I have heard many ways, from one cycle to 3 to 4 months. I had a D&C just this past August 8. So I am waiting for my period, which might come between 4 to 6 weeks. It all has to do with the HCG hormones, they have to go back to Zero before your brain gets the signal to start the normal cycle. I read in my book called, "Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy," that you have changes of another miscarriage if you try again getting pregnant after a D&C because when you get that performed the lining of the uterus is scraped, you need to wait until your lining returns or I should say until it thickens back up. I am doing that myself, waiting until at least my menstrual cycle gets back and normal, then to try again.... 

Name: Angelcecilia2 | Date: Aug 30th, 2006 1:22 PM
My doc told me to wait 3 mo. after my miscarriage to start trying again, and mine was pretty early. Like Logan said, you need to give your body time to build back up so you have a better chance of carrying your next baby. But your doctor would really be the one to answer this question.... 

Name: christiansmommy | Date: Aug 30th, 2006 6:02 PM
ok, i miscarried about a month ago, and my doctor told me to wait until i get at least one normal period. i am still waiting on that. i am 26. but in an older mom (you're still young to me, by the way!), i'm not sure about that. i guess doc's know best. 

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