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Name: Leila
[ Original Post ]
ive been in the forum before, but now have a new issue!!, my son is now 11 weeks old and i found out yesterday that im pregnant again!!, ive got mixed feelings about this and would like to know if anyone else has been through this and how it worked out !!
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Name: Angel | Date: Aug 2nd, 2005 6:31 PM
Hi Leila.. I am happy for you ..that u found out you are pregnant again, hey we have a mission here, we never ask to be born, but as a new mother u need to understant that you new baby and u unborn baby need you and when u became a mother you give that chance to live to a new human bean, Don't regreated, u expecting a new baby for a reason, that it will change u life for ever and for better, think positive, put in your mind that is your heart, that this baby need you and u need them.
I wish the best for you and I am proud of you, because you arre awesome. take care keep in touch. 

Name: Leila | Date: Aug 2nd, 2005 6:46 PM
thank you so much that was lovely, i understand wat your saying, i just think im still in shock when it sinks in then i think ill feel alot better, i hope i do because i want ti feel happy about this new addition rather than just "making the best of the situation", its difficult as i have a 6 yr old also, and my husband could be starting a new job which requires him to stay away all week so id have to cope on my own, which i know i can do but dont really want to.
i just feel a bit cheated as ive only had my body back for 11 wks and now its being taken over again, feel like a bit of a baby machine, growing 1 and feeding another!! i went to my g.p and aked about contraception but he was reluctant to put me on anything as i had a conditiom called benign intercranial hypertension while pregnant which is too much pressure in your head so wouldnt give me anything until my neurologist has seen me , plus told me that my last bleed wasnt a period and i wasnt ovulating yet so highly unlikely i would fall pregnant again so soon anyway!! 

Name: Leila | Date: Aug 2nd, 2005 6:48 PM
also does anyone know how long i can breastfeed while pregnant will i have to give up or carry on throughout?? 

Name: ilene | Date: Aug 2nd, 2005 9:00 PM
WOW, already rocking the boat huh! gosh thats a surpise to me and i dont even koe u and an 11 week old too well i cant say very much about this but i say this would effect ur body very much to have another one so soon becuz ur body is bearly startin to get back to normal 4fm the previous one and can be quite a pain and ur pregancy can be a risk so just to be really sure consult ur cdoc. ASAP 

Name: Leila | Date: Aug 3rd, 2005 7:13 AM
this is what im worried about, will my body even carry another baby yet?? think ill take your aedvice and get my self to the docs 

Name: Michelle | Date: Aug 14th, 2005 11:19 AM
Hi Leila. I think the mixed feelings are natural but there are bright sides to this. With your kids close in age, I'm sure they will grow up being really close siblings. My husband is 1 of seven (yes, seven) siblings and a few of them are only 1 yr apart (one even 11 months apart). His parents and siblings all made out just fine and they're a great family!
If you are expecting in April, there's a forum just for women expecting about April 2006. We're in there sharing our pregnancy excitement and woes. I'm expecting baby #2 in April myself. Here's the link:


excited to meet others due the same time as us. We already have a great group going who just discovered their "expecting" news and aside sharing and talking about our pregnancies, we'll soon be talking about & watching all of our babies the same age grow together. We can't wait to meet more of you due in April too! You'll love the ladies there. We're all so supportive. Come check us out and introduce yourself so we can get you added to our due date list! Any questions, please email me at [email protected]
See you there!
~ Michelle (forum host: InSpring2006) 

Name: katie | Date: Aug 18th, 2005 5:40 PM
There is 11 months between my 2 younger boys. Joe was born 2 weeks before Dylan's 1st birthday. I already had a 3 year old at the time. The way that I turned this huge surprise into something special, something wonderful, was to think that this was a gift, things happen for a reason. The pregnancy & looking after a baby & small child was hard I wont lie to you but very rewarding. My boys are now 4,2 & 1 & iam 19 weeks pregnant again!!! so, it hasn't put me off! My boys play lovely together & are very close & iam sure you will feel just the same. Good luck xx 

Name: Julie | Date: Aug 24th, 2005 3:55 PM
Hello Leila! I know of a few people that have has babies THAT close together. My first 2 are 14 months apart. My daughter was 5 months old when I found out I was pregnant again. I know it's not nearly as close as what your will be, but it is still busy the same!! Others that have gotten pregnant as soon as you will tell you the same. It's not that hard really. Sometimes when both babies are crying, it gets alittle scarey, but you deal with it. Someone UP there has a plan for you if you got pregnant that quick. You must be a great Mommy!! My daughter is now 29 months and my sone is 15 months, AND I'm pregnant again. I am due a week and a half before my daughter's 3rd birthday. Everyone keeps telling me how crazy I am. It is busy, but I find it easier when they are younger and that close because they go through everything almost together. You aren't finished with the diapers and formula and night feedings, and then have to start it all over again and get used to it all. And the kids grow up close too. Mine can't do anything without eachother. Trust me, you'll manage. You learn multi-tasking, and that there is no spearated time, everything is done as a 3, and you also learn how to use your feet and toes as hands when you have your arms full!!! And if that's not multi-tasking I don't know what is!!! Congrats and keep in touch!! Everything happens for a reason. 

Name: Amy | Date: Aug 25th, 2005 2:41 AM
hi i got pg with my 3rd when my son was 6wks old ya it is crazy around here at times but we love it!! 

Name: Becky | Date: Sep 20th, 2005 4:39 PM
I have two that are less than 10 months apart....and I didn't find out I was pregnant unitl my son was 5 months old....it was a very short pregnancy and my daughter was born 6 weeks early. They are now 7 and 17 months and it is great. They love each other!!! 

Name: rebecca | Date: Jan 13th, 2006 12:30 AM
i am 20 with 3 kids and i am pregnant again. my kids are 3,2,and 9 months. its very hard but anyone can do it. all my kids have the same dad. we live together but its hard. 

Name: Dah | Date: Jan 13th, 2006 2:18 PM
So your not the same Becka that has three kids and is pregnant again and doesnt know who the bab'y dad is? Glad you cleared that up. lol 

Name: CB | Date: Jan 14th, 2006 6:28 AM
I am also pregnant with another so close together. They will be 11 months apart as I will be induced 2 weeks early. At first we were shocked (to say the least). I took Birth Control and my husband already had a vasectomy scheduled for 2 days after I found out I was pregnant. When he went in for his appointment, the doc joked and said let's get this done before it's too late!!!! My husband grinned and nodded. We are both really happy now. When is your baby due? 

Name: cutie | Date: Jan 18th, 2006 11:15 PM
think of it as a blessing, i am pregnant with my first child and that is exactly how i want my children close together so good luck. you have given me inspiration everyone i talk to tell me that i am crazy for wanting my children so close but my brother and i are 11 months apart. good luck 

Name: KATIE | Date: Jan 20th, 2006 2:30 AM

Name: Ashley | Date: Feb 2nd, 2006 3:35 AM
I think that it is wonderful you are having another baby. I'm kinda in the same boat. My 1st son just turned one and I just found out that I am going to have another one! Just relax and enjoy all the time that you are pregnant and got your other little one. Im a single mom and I struggle with one sometimes but ends will always meet someway. CONGRADULATIONS!!! 

Name: Jenna stewart | Date: Feb 10th, 2006 8:30 AM
I work with special needs monday to friday and I work with behaviour children in DSP
Thank you
Jenna stewart 

Name: Elizabeth | Date: Feb 10th, 2006 3:31 PM
The mixed feelings are TOTALLY normal. I'm pregnant now, while my baby is 10 months old. They will be 17 months apart. This is nothing compared to what you're going through though!!

When my baby was 3 months old, I found out I was pregnant. I had VERY mixed feelings. I felt very overwhelmed and didn't know what I was going to do. God took it out of my hands a couple of weeks later with a miscarriage. I honestly still don't know how I feel about that....

Anyway, good luck...you're going to have your hands full!! :) 

Name: mommy 2 be | Date: Feb 14th, 2006 4:18 PM
hi ladys i was 40 weeks monday and my baby boy still ent come ive tryed every think u can try to help start me off i lost a bit of blood on sunday and i had tieing late on the night but they stop this is my first baby and i just want to see him naw its bin a long time and i want him out what ase can i try to help start me off ive got to go to the hosptile monday do you think i have a swep? will that help me 

Name: LaVette | Date: May 20th, 2006 1:56 AM
Do any one out there know what it means when your breast get dark and then goes back light everyday?

also my back has sinked in the back.I'm a patite woman and I've noticed I have gotten wider and plumper. Do you know what this means? 

Name: Hi | Date: May 20th, 2006 4:50 AM
Please try your best to work through these feelings as soon as possible for the sake of your baby!!

My brother and sister-in-law became pregnant again when her second was four months old. She was not ready to be pregnant again and resented the baby she was carrying. She was breastfeeding and the baby weined herself shortly after she bacame pregnant because of the change in her milk, which she wasn't happy about either. To make a long story short and to get to the point I am trying to make, my second niece was an unwanted baby for a *long* time... She was slow to learn things like walking and talking, she had major insecurity issues and still suffers from extreme shyness and insecurity. She just celebrated her 7th birthday and for the first time, she didn't cry when we sang her happy birthday. She is dear, sweet and loving, but her unwanted beginning definitely had a *huge* impact on her life! She still suffers because of that, so please know that this can and will affect your child!

Personally, I feel that if you wanted the fun of having unprotected sex, you should be more than willing to accept the fun of a pregnancy and another baby. Not to be rude, but before marrying, I used 3 types of birth control *every* time, because I was determined not to be faced with an unwanted pregnancy. As soon as I was married, we wanted to start our family and have now been married several years and still have not been able to concieve the child of our dreams. It makes me sick to hear about all the *unwanted* pregnancies! Seriously, if you're not ready to deal responsibly with a pregnancy and a baby, why do you have unprotected sex, in an age when birth control is so readily available??? Especially when you already have been pregnant and *know* what not to do!

PS. I do understand the accidents such as a broken condom, a missed pill or that 1% of birth control that fails just because... I commend these people for being as responsible as they could be and as everyone says, sh-- happens! If this is the case, hopefully, you can quickly grow to accept and love the little miracle you have created! 

Name: Lori | Date: May 20th, 2006 11:45 AM
Hi Leila
I know exactly how you feel! #2 was 5 weeks old when I got pregnant with #3. I was soo scared but now they are 5 and 9 months 11 days apart ~Irish Twins~ It is hard almost like having twins but it is doable!! And my youngest 2 are sooo close! If you need to talk to someone who has been there let me know :) Good Luck And Enjoy!!!!! 

Name: Lori | Date: May 20th, 2006 11:47 AM
To add to my last post I was 23 yrs old married and had a 3 yr old, 9 month old and a newborn. Now I have taken a different route and having #4 with the oldest and this one being 8 yrs apart haha.. One extreme to the next haha :) 

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