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Name: babey_g_311
[ Original Post ]
I know this might sound like the least of anyones concerns during labor but I was wondering if you throw up during/before/or after labor.....I have a horrible...horrible fear of puking I always have and I think I could deal with all the pain but Im scared to death of puking, thank god I made it through my morning sickness,lol.
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Name: tylersmom06 | Date: Aug 29th, 2006 7:19 AM
Some people do throw up because of the drugs you could be given or because of many other reasons, I got very sick and was throwing up while they were trying to do my C-section... BUT they will give you some IV medicine and it will be over quick... don't worry that will not be the part you remember! : ) 

Name: sterlids | Date: Aug 29th, 2006 12:48 PM
yea they should give you phenergan if it gets that bad. and i hate to let those who don't know this already, but a lot of women have bowel movements while they are giving birth. its because of all the pushing and pressure. so you may want to warn your significant other and tell them not to give you a hard time about it. 

Name: mommyagain | Date: Aug 29th, 2006 3:46 PM
You very well could but like Tylersmom said it really will be the last of your worriesthat day. I had the worst fear of having a BM while pushing.... the day I delievered Lexi it never even crossed my mind.. and luckily I didnt!!! 

Name: Brandy | Date: Aug 29th, 2006 4:44 PM
I had a rather long induction and finally after 36 hours had to take my first dose of morphine...That didn't go to well and ended up throwing up all over myself, the bed and the floor. I was not allowed to eat at all for 2 days due to the cervidil so it was all the IV fluids they were pumping threw me that came up. As for the BM when in labor I didn't give a holly hell if I was pooping. All I cared about was getting him out. You can't help what your body does when under enormous pressure like that. 

Name: sterlids | Date: Aug 29th, 2006 4:47 PM
oh i don't care if i have a bm either, its just a lot of people don't know about that and if you are going to video tape it or have someone in the room with you, you may want to prepare them. i know all i'll be thinking is get this kid out of me. but my hubby gives me a hard time about a lot of stuff, and found it funny that the whole bm thing happens and so i am letting him know what i can before that day. i mean we still have five months to go but still when you are with a guy like jayson you want to make sure you tell him every thing. 

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