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Name: amy
[ Original Post ]
Hi everyone. I have a few questions, I hope someone can help me out. I had my baby in December. It was a vaginal birth and everything went well. I think i would need someones help who has a baby right now. My question is. How long after you deliver should you wait to have sex again? also, once you have sex again, is it as enjoyable for both you and your husband? does it feel that same for him? I dont mean to sound like a perv sorry.
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Name: Chris | Date: Jan 10th, 2006 3:31 AM
Amy, Dr.'s want you to wait for at least 6 weeks, but I have a friend that jumped back in at 4 weeks. (She had a vaginal delivery, but no tearing, etc.) I had torn through my episiotomy and through to my rectum, so I waited a long time (5 months). I think it just depends on how you feel. Plus, your hormones are a bit screwy, so it's a little different at first, but just go slow. Also, make sure to do your kegels! I really couldn't feel much so it wasn't really the same for me, but my Dr. gave me things to try and it really does help. (My husband did admit that it felt a bit different...but he seems to not mind it...) 

Name: Amy | Date: Jan 10th, 2006 3:39 AM
Chris... when you said your husband said it felt a bit different, did that mean in a good way or a bad way? 

Name: to Amy | Date: Jan 10th, 2006 1:49 PM
Just realize that sex after delivery is when most women are at their most fertile becoming prgnant again right away is a huge possibility. Even if your breastfeeding. Thought you'd like to know. 

Name: amy | Date: Jan 11th, 2006 4:35 AM
how long does it take for you to get back to your normal body to where you arnt so fertile? 

Name: Amy | Date: Jan 11th, 2006 10:58 PM
I'm sorry Amy, I didn't mean to scare you. I know that my recovery was probably a little longer than others. my husband didn't think it felt bad, I was just a little looser than I was before. If you keep up on those kegels though, it should be fine. (My Dr. jokes that she didn't stitch me up enough so I need to hurry up and have another baby.) Now we really don't notice a difference. 

Name: karen whitfield | Date: Jan 12th, 2006 6:06 AM
you should wait at least 6 to 8 weeks before haveing sex with your husband.and yes it can be quit enjoyable.for both of you.and your not a perv just curouis. 

Name: jan | Date: Jan 13th, 2006 3:44 AM
after six weeks 

Name: baby | Date: Jan 15th, 2006 8:50 PM
You should talk to your doctor first. 

Name: to amy | Date: Jan 16th, 2006 3:13 AM
My doctor recommended waiting 6 weeks before having sex again. I had a vaginal delivery and had some minor tearing. I tried sex after 4 weeks and it was extremely painful. Even after 6 weeks there was major discomfort. It didn't feel "normal" again for at least 6 months, and my husband said he could still feel the tear (yuck). It all depends on how your body heals and how traumatic the birth was...But it will get better eventually! Just listen to your body and don't jump into it too soon! 

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