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Name: lacirrom
[ Original Post ]
okay i'm 27+3 days pregnant. i started having contractions at 19 weeks and they have been monitoring me pretty closely. well last night i started having 2 to 3 contractions an hour and the most horrible back pain i have ever felt...i did that from about 9pm to 4am when the pain finally tapered off. then when i woke up this morning i was still having pretty bad back pains and felt like i was having bad menstral cramps in my lower abs....so i called the doctor to let him know what was going on and they told me to be there to get checked out at 2:30pm.
i have 2 kids ages 2 and 3 and my husband works thirds and sleeps during the day and i really have no family around here that can watch the girls with no really notice. so the plan i came up with is i would take my 3yr old with me and put my 2 yr old down for a nap. that way she could stay here and sleep with her dad while i went to the doctor.
well i get to the doctor and they checked me and i was 1cm dilated but still very thick and high. he wanted me to go to the hospital and have a FFN test and a nonstress test done. tells me i don't have time to go home. so i have to take my 3 yr old to the hospital with me for all these tests plus my 2 yr old is home asleep with my husband with no one to take care of her if she wakes up.
i get to the hospital and it takes them forever to get me checked in. then i had to get blood drawn (i still have no idea what this was for!) then they take me to L&D and get me hooked up for the non stress test. then get this....after hooking me up to all these monitors they decide they want to the to the FFN test and i'm supposed to wiggle out of my pants and underwear and get into stirrups without knocking the monitors off! not easy!!!! then this chick puts the tong things in to open me and the phone rings out at her desk so she leaves me there like that with the freaking clamps hanging out of me!!!!!! then after a few tries tells me that she can see my cervix and had to go and get another nurse to do it. after that i was hooked up to the monitor for another 1 1/2 hours with my 3 yr old in the room with me trying to keep her under control.
this whole time i'm having contractions but they aren't showing up on the monitor....i tell the nurse that when i had both of my daughters they had to use internal monitors because the ones on the outside never could pick up my contractions.....would she listen to me? no! she just assumed that i wasn't really having contractions even though she could have felt them with her hand had she bothered to feel.
finally they just sent me home and told me i have to come back friday for another stupid nonstress test.....
so now here i am dilating and contracting and no one is doing a freaking thing about it!!!!!!!!!
i know this is a really long post but i'm just so pissed and confused and there's no one here for me to vent too!
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Name: lacirrom | Date: Jun 14th, 2007 1:59 AM
oh they also said that my blood pressure was high and that i had a slight fever and did nothing about either of them! 

Name: lacirrom | Date: Jun 14th, 2007 2:56 AM
ok either my post is too long or just nobody cares 

Name: Candiecane22704 | Date: Jun 14th, 2007 2:58 AM
I know how it feels...I'm having a rough time today and such to...Just hang in there if it gets to bad go back in.. 

Name: zoey9810 | Date: Jun 14th, 2007 2:59 AM
lol i just read it, umm i have no clue why they wouldn't do an internal monitor, and if you had high bd and a fever? it doesn't make scene to me. 

Name: lacirrom | Date: Jun 14th, 2007 3:05 AM
well good, atleast i know i'm not just bitching to my self lol....i don't know what the problem is but it kinda freaks me out cause what happens when it is time to have the baby....are they just gonna leave me in the room and not do anything? i mean for all the help i got today i might as well of just stayed home....atleast then i wouldn't of been out in the heat! 

Name: Candiecane22704 | Date: Jun 14th, 2007 3:07 AM
I never thought of it that way...lol I don't think they would do that
I swear it must be a full moon tonight or one coming up!! 

Name: lacirrom | Date: Jun 14th, 2007 3:09 AM
alright i'm going to try to get some sleep...i'm still having contractions though so i don't konw how much sleep i'll actually get...hopefully it wont be as bad as last night. thanks for listening to me though....sometimes it helps just to get it all out. 

Name: Coartney | Date: Jun 14th, 2007 5:37 AM
wow i had some idiot doctors but i would have kicked urs in the face. 

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