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Name: lacirrom
[ Original Post ]
i know i've not been on here much lately but i thought i would come on and post sinse i've got some extra time.... so i went to the doctor today because starting yesterday morning i was having horrible pains in my left breast, i mean i would start crying whenever i nursed cole, and i've been running a temp of 101-102 degrees. i've also been having horrible body aches and chills really bad. well turns out i have a staff infections and they had to put me on atibotics to get rid of it. they said it's were bactiera from the baby's mouth gets pushed up into my nipple and causes and infection but i doesn't hurt the baby. i asked if there was anything i could do to keep it from happening again and they said no...:o( but i started the meds today to hopefully i'll be feeling better tomorrow.

other news...when i took all my kids to the doctor a week ago due to nasty chest colds i found out that cole and only gained one ounce in the past month! the doctor told me we would wait until his 4month well child and see how he's doing then but i have no idea why he wouldn't be gaining more weight that that! so now i all freaked out about that too!

alright i guess thats enough whinning lol
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Name: mamal | Date: Dec 6th, 2007 12:33 AM
Are you positive it is not mastitis? or even thrush? That really sounds like mastitis. Are you still feeding off of the infected side? Is your dr. pro breastfeeding? It is sad but unfortunately doctors are not required to have ANY training when it comes to breastfeeding and often misdiagnose as well as give horrible information. 

Name: breemichelle | Date: Dec 6th, 2007 2:54 AM
I agree with Mamal, sounds like mastitis or thrush, but maybe thrush is a form of staff infection. Not sure. I know they treated my mastitis with anitbiotics, but not sure what type of meds they use to treat thrush. You should look up these two on the internet and they will give you tips for treating and PREVENTING both. 

Name: FatallyYours | Date: Dec 6th, 2007 7:31 AM
staph thank god is treatable but it does sound like mastitis 

Name: lacirrom | Date: Dec 7th, 2007 9:13 PM
well, i got to looking at the paper they gave me at the doctor and even though the doc told me staph, the paper said mastitis. also it wasn't my normal doc, i had to go the urgent care center because i was out of town and it was late in the day. but i've been taking the meds for a couple days now and seem to be doing much better. oh and yes i've been nursing off of both sides still. the doctor said that even though it would be painful for me that it would not hurt the baby and may even help the infection clear up sooner. i hope he was right ! 

Name: mamal | Date: Dec 8th, 2007 12:53 AM
Very good information! Nursing off of that side is paramount.
is an article that may also give you some suggested relief methods. I hope you feel better soon!!! 

Name: lacirrom | Date: Dec 10th, 2007 3:00 AM
hi ladies...doin' much much better today! hardly any pain at all. i've just been gettin' shooting stabbing pains up the side of my breast. but even thoughs have been coming less and less through out the day so i think i'm over the worst part....now i only need to worry about the whole weight gaining thing with cole...i don't know what is up with that :o( 

Name: mamal | Date: Dec 10th, 2007 1:30 PM
What's the matter with the weight gain?
Do you know that there are different weight charts for breastfed babies as compared to formula (which is normally all Dr's use)?
Is there anything we can do to help?
I am glad that you are starting to feel better! Definitely read that article so you can catch any plug ducts before it makes it to mastitis. 

Name: ilovebaj | Date: Dec 10th, 2007 2:21 PM
I was also paranoid about gaining weight..I am 36 weeks 1 day today and I have put on 23 lbs and I think that is ALOT but my doc says its wonderful so I guess everyones bodies are different...Dont worry you'll lose the weight LACIRROM :) I asked my hubby to buy me a treadmill a few months ago so he did and I will def be putting it to use as soon as I can LOL 

Name: ilovebaj | Date: Dec 10th, 2007 2:45 PM
opps Im sorry..I thought you were talkn about your weight gain and not babies... 

Name: lacirrom | Date: Dec 11th, 2007 3:00 AM
no i had no idea about breastfed babies having different weigh charts... i was just worried because he only gained an ounce from 2months to 3 months...he weighed 8lbs 5oz at birth~21 1/2" long, 11lbs 13oz at 2months~22"long and 11lbs 14oz at 3months 24 3/4" long....i don't know why he would only gain 1 ounce in a month, espcially with growing 2 3/4"! i know he's getting plenty of milk! any advice would be great! 

Name: lacirrom | Date: Dec 11th, 2007 3:01 AM
lovebaj~lol it's okay...i have plenty of my own weight to lose lol...i've lost 33lbs sinse the day cole was born though so i'm on the right track :o) 

Name: mamal | Date: Dec 12th, 2007 12:19 AM
See how next month goes. Sometimes you shoot up and all the weight you gained goes back to 'normal' comparitively to the height. You could also go to a IBCLC and have them way him before you feed and then after and they can determine what baby is getting from that feeding. Is he having at least 6 wet diapers a day? If so then he should be recieving enough. Sounds like you are doing great! I am glad you are starting to feel better!! Hang in there and feed whenever precious one wants and everything will be perfect!
Here is the link to the chart.

Name: lacirrom | Date: Dec 13th, 2007 5:41 AM
well according to that chart he is about 3lbs under his orginal weight curve...but yes he has atleast 6 wet diapers a day and at least one poopy diaper a day. he always seems satisfied after he nurses and he is the one who ends it not me, as to say, i don't make him stop, he eats until he's ready to stop. he nurses usually around 6 to 7 times in a 24 hour period for about 20-30min at a time....i just don't understand! this is so frustrating! the doctor acted like it was no big deal but it still really bothers me! and how in the world can he not be gaining weight but growing so much longer and out growing clothes? how can he weight the same as he did at 2 months but instead of 0-3months clothes he is wearing 6-9months most of the time? 

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