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Name: SamanthaLynn
[ Original Post ]
... so i got on early n asked about the discharge n courtney said it was my cervix thinning I was jsut wondering if anyone else has that goin on or went thro it n if uve gone thro it how long did it take for something to happen. It seems to be thinning quite a bit since last night.... n its gross.
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Name: Randi | Date: May 22nd, 2007 4:06 AM
It's different for everybody. I think it can be anywhere from an hour to 4-6 weeks. Labour will happen when you and the baby are ready. 

Name: SamanthaLynn | Date: May 22nd, 2007 4:08 AM
well according to the doc everyones a go... jsut nothing seems to be happening its starting to get frustrating i almost feel like its my fault my body isnt doing its job to get things goin 

Name: .RoSey. | Date: May 22nd, 2007 4:20 AM
is lots of discharge.. a sign of something happening?
cause DAMN.. i have alot.. =| i gotta change my undies alot.. esp in the morning when i get up. . im really soaked lol. 

Name: SamanthaLynn | Date: May 22nd, 2007 4:35 AM
I guess it probably depends on what it looks like??? Mines slimey (likes its suppose to be when u loose ur mucus plug) Mostly its been clear except today when i think i lost the rest or part of my mucus plug nthen it was really gross looking.... 

Name: Randi | Date: May 22nd, 2007 6:38 AM
Here I just got this off of a site:

When do you lose your mucous plug?
Some women will lose their mucous plug or part of their mucous plug weeks before they go into labor. Losing your mucous plug does not always mean labor will begin shortly. Keep in mind that even if a woman has begun to dilate, it may be weeks before she actually goes into labor. However, if you notice blood tinged mucous before your thirty-sixth week of pregnancy, notify your doctor right away. As your body prepares for labor your cervix will begin to dilate and thin. As your cervix opens up, your mucous plug may fall out. Losing your mucous plug is a good sign that labor is on its way. Though, it could be days or even weeks after you lose your mucous plug before labor actually starts. Many women do not lose their mucous plug at one time; instead, they lose it more gradually. They may notice an increase in vaginal secretions weeks before they go into labor 

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