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Name: just a curious mom
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just a topic to get people to talk about. most religions dont believe in abortions. im pregnant and me personaly wouldnt get one because i have my life somewhat together and know i am capable of taking care of a child. but what about them ones who arent? that dont have anyone to turn to and cant afford to do these things on their own? and what about adpotion? do you think it is easier to have an abortion because you wont get to see the baby develop and grow with you and wont spend your life wondering about em? or do you think people should go through adoption over getting an abortion even though more feeling will be attached?
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Name: Gypsy | Date: Aug 4th, 2005 11:12 PM
I think Abortion is Murder and that Mothers who Abort one baby should not be allowed to parent other children ever. If you are willing to murder one child, why should anyone belive that you can truly love anouther baby at any time in her life?
Women who have abortions are commiting MURDER! 

Name: hate abortions!! | Date: Aug 4th, 2005 11:48 PM
I think Abortions are muder!!! the only way i dont think abortions are muders is when the baby is very very sick and the baby has to be aborted for medical reasons. thats the only way 

Name: Pam | Date: Aug 5th, 2005 1:27 AM
I am against abortion to a point. I am baptist and its a sin in my religion, but i do believe that there are situations that may or can occur that we have no right to judge. I read what these people say and you are casting judgement. No one has the right. Me personally i am 16 weeks and if my doctor told me that my child will be disabled i can almost guarantee that i would abort just because the baby will have a hard life later on. If a person is raped or molested and got pregnant i see no wrong in them aborting it. But to me those who cast judgement are wrong. Only one man can cast judgement and he is not on this earth. So who are you to call people murders? No i have never had an abortion and pray i never will have to. As well as there are situations where the mother has no choice but to abort or she could die. Does that still make her a murder? 

Name: kerri | Date: Aug 5th, 2005 11:34 PM
abortion is wrong. its killing a human, who was put on the earth for a reason. abortion is like taking away what god meant to do. i believe that adoption is the best thing you can do for your baby. abortion isnt all bad however. mothers who cannot support their babies sould be allowd to kill it. ONLY if it is very young. i just hate the thought of killing a well developed baby. think of it like this, this baby that is killed could one day be the next president, or do great things for the world. if it was meant to be here, let it be here. its not its fault for coming to this world. so give it to parents who have been dreaming of having a child of their own. good luck. 

Name: Ashley | Date: Aug 6th, 2005 12:53 AM
i don't belive in abortion. i say this you did the deed so get your life together and take care of what inside of you. it may not be EZ but make the best of it. thats what i am going to do. 

Name: Diana | Date: Aug 10th, 2005 6:43 PM
There are only 2 reasons I believe abortions should be used...
1. if the woman was raped--she did not have to choice to willingly concent to the baby by both parties.
2. If it may cause the mother or baby to die during child birth..

Other wise it was your choice to have sex now live with the consequences...Now there are other alturnatives if you do get pregnant...Give the child up for adoption is one way...but I believe it is a life that is worth saving not a germ that can be flushed out.... 

Name: KIM | Date: Aug 10th, 2005 8:18 PM

Name: Lois | Date: Aug 31st, 2005 12:16 AM
I believe that people have to accountable for their actions. You have sex you are taking the risk of becoming pregnant. If you do not want to become pregnant then you should not have sex. I do not think that abortion is the right decision for me at all. I really love my baby and would never consider it. Some may say that it is because of my age (25)and my beliefs that I disagree with abortion. I too believe that we should not judge others. Just remember that there are so many famlies that cannot conceive a child and that one does have to choice to give this unborn child a chance for a life with someone who is financially and emotionally ready. Good luck to those that are considering abortion, my heart is with you. 

Name: ninalitta | Date: Sep 3rd, 2005 4:35 AM
I think it is easy to judge someone if you aren't in their shoes. If my life was at risk, if I was raped,...I'd like to have that option. For some women they are in difficult situations, I lead a privledged life. Whom am I to take away their right to do what is best for them. 

Name: Anne-Marie | Date: Sep 4th, 2005 1:39 AM
Who are we to call people murderers? If we think abortion is killing we have every right to say ther person who did it is a murderer.

One thing I can not stand is people hiding behind religion or using religion to be so dam protentious and rightous. If you have faith and believe in god that is great but it doe not give you the right to go around talking to people like you made the rules or that you are particularly special because you have a point of view that was given to you.

At the end of the day there is a fine line between the black and white points that we who disagree with the thought of abortion consider 'acceptable' reasons.

I think that it is important for people to recognise that everyone has a point of view and that should be respected not insist that ours is the only one, the right one and the one that others should necessarily agree with. 

Name: Sara | Date: Sep 4th, 2005 1:47 AM
Poeple say that if someone is not ready to have a baby they should not kill just opt to kill it, they should get their live together - it is not always possible ladies. Not everyone has the same demographics the same accademic or intelligence level and not everyone is responsible to raise and care for a baby the way it ought to be.

A lot of these children we see on the news who are out of control are in family situations where the mother may have been pregnant and kept the baby because she was under the pressure of society to keep it because of all the opinions expressed on this forum but could not fullfill the job requirement of mother.

Here's something to think about. If you were in hospital undergoing surgery, would you be happy with a bin man carrying out the operation or would you want a qualified doctor? Some people are just not suitable to do certain jobs, which includes parenting. If a woman has the foresight to recognise that, I say it's better that they do not inflict that poor child with their neglect. 

Name: T | Date: Sep 4th, 2005 2:00 AM
Breeding is not monitored like the protection of endangered creatures, people can get pregnant and have abortions when ever they feel like it. I personally have a sick feeling when I know someone has had an abortion, especially if they have then has a baby. But then again I get sick at the thought of child rape, abuse, children in government homes, prisons. If you have a maternal instinct which is stronger than another woman, that is a precious thing that sould be nurtured. Unfortunately it can be so strong that it can control us and tempt us to dictate to others because we believe so strongly that we are right. Everyone has a purpose, some women have children (among other things) while some make political stand points which alter the state of our female rights, to vote, for equal pay, to fight sexual assault etc. Lets try not to get carried away with this topic. I personally would never have one no matter how far into the preganancy I was, unless my life was genuinely at risk. You cannot consider bringing a child into the world who is an orphan from birth. 

Name: Leila | Date: Sep 4th, 2005 7:59 PM
If one is truely sorry for their sins.. God forgives. God has the power to forgive. If one lives with guilt (e.g. a woman who has had an abortion who will not accept forgiveness) and does not trust that God has the power of forgiveness that woman may not make it to heaven. Not because of her abortion, but because of her lack of faith. God also says in the bible...Very Clearly...that he is the ONLY one who can judge any human being. Anyone who judges another harshly e.g. calls them a murderer for having an abortion...will be judged just as harshly by God when they reach the gates of heaven. And all sins are equal in gods eyes. An abortion hurts God as much as an unkind word you might say to a friend whos getting on your nerves. All sin is sin to God and all sins will be punished equally. Be careful. What i mean is this. To have an abortion is taking life that God created. This is a sin. To not believe in Gods forgiveness is also a sin. To judge another and call them a murderer is also a sin. God loves that person that you call a murderer. The woman who judges another and calls her murderer is much more likely not to make it into the kingdom of God than the woman who has an abortion but truely accepts Gods forgiveness. Jesus never came for the righteous but for the sinners. 

Name: ryan | Date: Sep 5th, 2005 2:47 AM
I think it depends on the circumstance...for example I'm an oncology (cancer) nurse and a patient was 10 weeks pregnant and diagnosed with pretty advanced breast ca. If she didn't have treatment she could die and risk harming the baby anyway. She decided to terminate for treatment. What good would she be to the baby if she died?? It was a horrible decision for her but what could you do? Also I think rape is another reason. But, if your just not careful and got pregnant, thats different. Abortion should not be an excuse because it's not the right time. I got pregnant at age 21 and was not ready, and abortion came to my mind as an option, but when I thought about it realistically, I became physically sick thinking of killing a child because I wasn't ready!! Needless to say I have a very sweet 8 year old and we have 2 more and a 4th on the way! God sometimes gives you gifts you didn't even know you wanted! 

Name: Anne-Marie | Date: Sep 6th, 2005 2:57 AM
Jassaca, you are clearly very passionate about your point of view, and even though I agree with you, I felt you anger and became defensive reading what you wrote, I would hate to be in the shoes of someone who disagrees with you :) Peace out friend, enjoy your pregnancy. 

Name: tdcurry01 | Date: Sep 18th, 2005 1:06 AM
My birth mother was 14 years old when she had me. She had downs syndrome and was raped by her uncle. I could have had serious problems and my mother could have died. I am glad she did not believe in aboutions. I don't believe in abortion for any reason. I would give my life befor I would abort a child 

Name: A WOMANS RIGHT TO CHOSE | Date: Sep 18th, 2005 7:22 AM
I think this is an ignorant topic. Whether or not I believe in abortion isn't really the issue here. It's about a woman's right to choose what happens to her body. I for one hope we always have a right as woman. People who say it's murder are being way too dramatic and judgemental. Just because abortion wasn't a decision you would make doesn't give you the right to judge anothers persons situation. You have absolutely no scientific evidence this is considered "murder". At least the Supreme Court is protecting our rights in a legitamate manner and not basing their decisions soley on emotions. You should be thankful we have the right to chose not condeming it! 

Name: Tabitha | Date: Sep 18th, 2005 11:50 PM
"A woman's right to choose", thank you very much for your insight. I am with you all the way. Regardless of how anyone may feel, there are women out there who are not in a situation to have a child. Weather they were rapped or not... if a woman is not emotionally or financially capable of taking care of a child, what right does she have to bring a baby into the world when that child is just going to wind up getting hurt. Wouldn't that be considered child abuse? Also, if a woman decides to have an abortion just because she doesn't want to deal with it, than that is exactly what she should do because it would tear me up inside to see a child that has to grow up with an unloving mother that never wanted him. There is so much poverty, hurting children, abused children, and kids growing up unwanted and neglected. If that mother has the right to chose to abort when circumstance such as these will occur, than that woman has my blessing to abort. 

Name: Sylvia | Date: Sep 19th, 2005 4:05 AM
It's everyone womens choice and I had it done myself when I was 16 and regret it but I was so young. I've been with my fiance since we were 15 and it would have been our first baby and now being 5 months pregnant and 21 years old I could never get an abortion again. It's something you have to be open minded to and it's the most emotionally painful thing you can go through but I'm living with my mistakes and I can see why women hate it and call it murder. Everyone's views are different so it's hard to have a topic like this without everyone hating someone. 

Name: Katie | Date: Sep 19th, 2005 1:52 PM
I hate when people try to classify an entire movement by the actions of a few. Jessaca..Just because a few wack-jobs blow-up clinics under the name of the pro-life movement doenst mean they represent every person who is anti-abortion. We don't discriminate against Islam because of the lunatics responsible for terroist attacks do we? Sure, I believe that if a mother's life is in jeopardy and a few other circumstances an abortion may be neccesary, but not as a form of birth control. Ok, so if a girl or woman becomes pregnant and they are not responsible or finacially stable to parent that child, then they can give the baby up for adoption. There are laws in place to provide complete medical coverage for the mother and the unborn baby. So many people would give anything for a baby, why not step-up to the plate and give your child you concieved the chance at a wonderful life. You can be as involved or uninvolved as you want to be. How can you justify ending the life an innocent baby? At 6 wks old that baby has a heartbeat. Would you not say that it is a living thing? How then, can you destroy that life and diguise it under the name of "women's rights?" No one should be afforded that right. Too many babies are aborted every day that could have been loved and grown to do great things. I think in this day and age where no one wants to take responsibilty for their actions, the only ones that truly suffer are the innocent. 

Name: bigdatty | Date: Sep 23rd, 2005 7:41 PM
Men have a number of motivations for having sex with women. One of the most prominent is conquest and power over the 'weaker' sex. A pregnant woman and mother is easier to manipulate and control. You may not want to hear this, and it may not apply to your man and your life, but to ignore and deny it smears the life experiences of millions of women who suffer this oppression.

Sure, I’m anti-abortion. I think it is a terrible thing to prevent a glorious birth. But, in truth, sometimes it aint so glorious to enslave a girl who already has a poor chance to live a self-controlled and fulfilled life. That’s why the law of the land (and not just in the good ol’ USA) allows women the right to self-determination.

I know you are aware that, if you are living it the USA, you do not have legal equality with men. While you may live in a state which provides equal rights for women, any legal case which advances to the Federal Supreme Court puts you in jeopardy, because, after all these years, our elected leaders, overwhelmingly heterosexual, white men, refuse to pass the Equal Rights Amendment.

Now there’s a cause that might merit some of your attention and time!

Love y’all! 

Name: ali | Date: Sep 23rd, 2005 9:51 PM
we shou;d keep it legal 

Name: Jessica | Date: Oct 27th, 2005 9:43 PM
Hi my name is Jessica. I feel eith you beleive in abortion or you don't. You see these kids getting pregnant at 12 years old and personaly if I were 12 and got pregnant I wouldnt keep it. I would say yes I beleive in abortion but not for it to be used as birthcontrol. If you were to ask me a few years ago I would have said no I didn't agree with it I lost 3 babys I had 3 miscarriages and the dr.s told me I coulde never have children. Then I would see these young girls getting pregnant and no way to take care of there child. But you don't know a person until you walked a day in there shoes and if you feel like the best thing for you and the baby is to abort it then I don't feel like its right for anyone to judge anyone. I have a few friends though and they were adopted and they couldn't be happier, but then you also have those children that are adopted and abused. So how does anyone decide what the right decision is? 

Name: AJ | Date: Oct 29th, 2005 7:14 PM
Yeah your right abortion are killimg lives but if they were so bad it would never been invented. You dont even necessarily go get one from a machine you have pills and natural herbs. Im mean what if theres someone out there right know that doesnt desrve to be a mother, like women that beat their kids, or put men and prostittution and drugs before there kids. I would rather them abort the baby then leave the child to be in the system or homeless. Adoption could be good but what if after you give your child up 5 years later you want he or she back, most of the time judges will not grant you that and the parents definitley want give the child back. Everything you make in life is a DECISION so wheter you chose adoption or abortion its your choice. Everyone has skeletons and faults so to everyone that said abortions is murder well killing a fly a bug is murder too. GOD also gave them a reason to be here too. 

Name: Monkete | Date: Oct 30th, 2005 11:36 PM
I am a Christian and I believe that ABORTION is a contradiction of the word of the Lord. The bible tells us to protect the innocent. The consequences that the mother will face from having an abortion far outweighs the reason for the abortion. HOWEVER, GOD is so mercyful and he is a forgiving God. I make mistakes all the time and I sin so I don't place judgment on anyone but it breaks my heart for anyone in that place. 

Name: Trinni | Date: Oct 31st, 2005 1:42 PM
I just wanted to comment on having abortions because your child might be disabled.... I have a beautiful 8 year old son that has spina bifida at t12 level. He is paralyzed from the waist down, but is just a blessing as my other children, and oh I am 11 weeks now. I wanted to let you know that in my fourth month of pregnancy, I started bleeding bad. WE went to the hospital and were in fear of a miscarriage, but lo and behold there was my lil baby on the ultra sound machine kicking and moving. Well the 5th month my test came back high and then we found out that he had spina bifida...they tried to get me to have an abortion and I would not do it because if God wanted to take my son He would have taken him when I was bleeding. Although I knew there were gonna be times when things were hard and even sad or angry days, I could not thik about how my feeling were in place...there was a reason I was blessed with Josaiah and he had a heartbeat and was alive like any other baby. He is a gift to this world and he has taught myself and many others how statistics and stereotypes are ignorant and even people being scared of situations like his have a better understanding. There are people in this wolrd that have diabilities who need to be embraced...even people whos disabilities might be ignorance, fear, not being educated and not wanting to try to be, and people who make fun of things the don't know about. If any of you were pregnant with a child that might have a disability DONT ever think that it was your fault and try to learn everything you can about it. I didn't write this to be mean or to offend anyone at all, I just wanted to let you know that a mothers' love is unconditional and with determination and love mommys' go a long way. 

Name: Katie | Date: Oct 31st, 2005 4:08 PM
Good for you Trinni!!! You are a shining example of a mother's love. Abortion is a cope-out, a lack of responsibility and a lack of compassion. I had my first sonogram at seven weeks and I saw my baby. I saw the heartbeating a saw him in my bosy peacefully growing and I instantly fell in love with my child. This was not a planned pregnancy and this is going to be very hard, but I believe in facing your responsibilities and not taking the easy way out. One day, people will relize the error of their ways and innocent lives will be spared. 

Name: Candace | Date: Nov 1st, 2005 8:50 PM
I think that if that's what you want or have to do. Then it's up to you as the mom. Don't let anyone try to tell you different. It's your body and if you think that's the best thing for you then go ahead and do it. Don't let anyone think of you any differently. When I was 19 and had an abortion and I can say that it was the best thing for my boyfriend and I to do. He was behide me one hundered and ten percent if my choice was to get the baby, but I didn't think it was fare to him. Don't keep a baby just to stay with someone and be unhappy. Or to prove a point that you are responsible. I am now 20 and now engaged to the same guy and I'm 5 months along and happier now then I would have been. I got my life on track and working and he's to also working. Babies cost alot of money don't kid yourself. Please put some thought into what ever you do. 

Name: baby2006 | Date: Nov 6th, 2005 3:52 AM
I am against abortions unless the person has been raped. I think instead of aborting you should carry to full term and give the baby to a family who can not have children. I think having children is a blessing and im due for my second in May. WE all think its a girl what do you think? 

Name: Nene | Date: Nov 8th, 2005 9:33 PM
Abortion is upto the individual. I personally dont think I could go through with it without very good medical reason. 

Name: deeplyregretful | Date: Nov 9th, 2005 2:54 PM
I had an abortion about 3 years ago and I will not get into the circumstancs. but ,all I can say is I never researched what was going to happen to my unborn child. and I wish I had because I would have never gone through with it. I was led to believe by the clinic that what i had wasnt a baby but just tissue and it hadnt formed into a baby yet. While I was in the clinic it was like we should have been taking numbers like at a deli. There were so many woman there for that reason and one woman was 15 weeks pregnant. During my procedure I just cried and cried and there wasnt one person in that room who took the time to console me. As soon as it was done I had to get up and move to the recovery room so the next woman could be moved in. I sat in the recovery room surronded by about 10 other woman and they werent crying but actually some of them were smiling and talking. All i could do was sit there and sob until I was able to leave and not one nurse or whoever they were in the recovery room came over to me once until i was able to be discharged. I never felt so alone or so empty in my life. I went through a very bad bout a depression for a few months and finally asked god for his forgiveness and have since been able to accept his forgiveness to move on. I never forget or wonder what could have been and never will. so I beg you not to judge me but some woman are just not told the cold hard facts and are mislead. I did go on to have two other children and I am pregnant with another so for you to say I shouldnt be able children now is not fair.. what I did is punishment enough for the rest of my life. 

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