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Name: casey
[ Original Post ]
i am 19 years old and ive been bulmic for about four years. I have thrown up every day for the past two years any where from 1-4 times a day. Its became routine in my life and i dont know how i am ever going to recover.. my family and friends have no idea even though its been happening right in front of them... they just think im a skinny girl that can eat alot... It has COMPLETE control of my life... everything i do revolves around it.... It's possibly the worst thing ever and even though i want to be normal SO bad... im litterally addicted my disorder and cant stop, and im scared and embarressed to tell anyone... Any advice that will lead me in the path of recovery.. is it possible to recover on my own? Help
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Name: j | Date: Jun 22nd, 2006 7:23 PM
I know it has been awhile since you posted what you wrote but I wanted to reply.
I am 24 years old. I am married and I have a successful career. Here's a little background....I was an overweight child. I am from the midwest where I was raised on meat and potatoes. When I got older (around 15) I decided to loose the weight. I tried loosing the weight the healthy way at first - but then I started not eating at all. I developed anorexia very quickly after noticing how much weight I was loosing. I started exercising like crazy too. Then I got a serious boyfriend and I became more relaxed about my self image. I started eating more....then I started gaining weight....but I liked having food back in my life. This is when I developed bulimia. It seemed so easy. Eat all you want and just go throw it up.....
I then went to college. I was like a yo-yo. Some days I wouldn't throw up at all and some days I would throw up like 5 times! My wieght was constanstly fluctuating...
Well - like I said, I am now 24 years old and I still suffer from bulimia. I finally told my husband about it and he had no idea I was bulimic through the 4 years of dating him! It feels really good to tell someone, but also extremely hard because they know your deepest secret....and they will be watching your every move after a meal. I still have days where I will throw up when I eat too many carbs or whatever - but I am trying to get better. My husband and I are trying to get pregnant this summer. I read that having bulimia throws off the hormones in your body - making it hard to concieve. This scares me to death. I need to stop - cold turkey.....it's just so hard. I have thought about admitting myself into a clinic, but there's always something stopping me...
I don't know if it is possible to recover on your own. I am going to try like hell to stop throwing up. I am ready to start a family - and I am not going to let this disease stop me.
Good luck 

Name: casey | Date: Jun 29th, 2006 5:45 PM
Thankyou so much for replying.. its good to hear that someone knows how I feel. I am in the exact situation you were and are right now. My boyfriend is the only person that has a clue about my disorder and even though he keeps a close eye on me.. i still always find a way to throw up my food without him knowing. This is not how i want to live my life however so thank you for replying to me it helps alot! I know one day you and I will both recover from is horrific disease that many ppl misunderstand! 

Name: luna | Date: Jun 29th, 2006 11:45 PM
Casey i'm still bulimic after 6 years i would recommand for you to get help as soon as possible because you will destroy your body and your self and do you want wanna die no think about the good things but i know its hard because you think your fat but your not and i still think i'm fat too and now i don't want to eat nothing. You know what I told my teacher was going on with me and he helped so much i was embarrass but what is there to be shy about get help because there is no way you can help her self you need other people to help you and your family too espically your self. If i could get help you can too but i'm still recovering but i'm not doing good i'm mental damage of self image. Please get help tell a friend a teacher someone you trust we all care about you please make a difference for your self. CASEY EVERYTHING IN THIS LIFE IS POSSIBLE DON'T MAKE LIFE IMPOSSIBLE FOR YOUR SELF BE THE LEADER AND NEVER LET NO ONE BRING YOU DOWN REACH FOR THE STARS. 

Name: Shauna | Date: Jul 5th, 2006 7:20 AM
yes It's possible to recover on your own. In about 6 months you will start spewing up blood that will cut up your insides you are kiling yourself you are rippig your insides out plz just stop just(i no this is really bad advice)but go anorexic if you hav to just STOP throwing up ok....plz..... 

Name: kathjg | Date: Jul 5th, 2006 4:03 PM
Hey ,My parents have just found out about me having a problem with bulimia,adn it sucks, but its made me face it, instead of it beng hidden form everyone .It has made me HAD to deal with it.Maybe you should tell somone.Because it is a horrible thing to have to deal with on your own.Think abotu telling somone,its so hard to fight a battle like this if thre is no one to fight it with you,it will be REALLy hard to tell people. but if you really want to get better, i suggest you do tell someone.Because it will be so much harder trying to stamp this our by yourself...
hope it all works out x x x x x x x x 

Name: anais | Date: Jul 5th, 2006 10:26 PM
hey casey, i'm 23 and i've been bulimic for almost 4 years. at first i was throwing up several times a day. there were some days when my body wouldn't assimilate anything. compared to then the present situation is to some extent better. i only only do it once a day and sometimes (not very often) i don't do it at all. a few months ago i told some friends that i am bulimic. and my boyfriend at the time. but i only spent a year of my life with them, they've all gone back to their countries, to their lives. i talk to them often but it's not the same. i'm pretty sure that's why i told them, cause i knew i wouldn't have them physically in my life. but i am suffering. i realize what i'm doing to myself and i can't stop. i don't want to tell my family. no way. so i have to deal with this on my own. so we kinda have the same problem. i don't have the time and the courage to get help now. but i plan to do it soon. in a couple of months. i don't even wanna think about how badly my body is doing. it's so hard.. it makes me cry. and what makes me so angry at myself is that i understand what it's doing to me and i know the reasonable thing to do is stop. but i can't.. 

Name: Pianophillic | Date: Jul 7th, 2006 5:32 AM
Hey anis-
the only things i do know for sure... is bulimia on your own is near to impossible to recover... ive been dealing with anorexia/bulimia for 12 years... i nevre thought i would beat it... the only time i ever ca,e close was when i went inpateint at the renfrew center... in order to get there, my doctor had to know, i had to see a therapist, and my parents had to know.... my parents unforchunity were NOT a help and that i why i relapsed in a month after treatment... but that one month.. i didnt purge once... which is something i never thought i could even accmplish for a day... know that i have been dealing with it alone im worse off then i have ever been.. as you know ( since you read my pther post) my boyfrienfd knows now... but we'll see how that works out-
let me know if you want to aim eachother- that way at least we can talk to eachother about it and you dont have to be completly alone-
it is beatable.. and you dont have to do it alone...
of course the reasonable thing to do is stop- but you cant... I cant... non of us can... even when it hurts sooo much to purge and at least in my case i can barely afford it anymore- im so scared to stop but even when I VOW to stop i cant... the only thin that helped me wasliving in a house where the bathrooms were locked and i HAD to eat... try to see a therpist and go inpatient... there is hope- but you need outside help to make it happen...
my email is rugbygrl22@hotmail if you want to talk more. 

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