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Name: emo_princess
[ Original Post ]
Hi, my mother pushed me into rehab for trying to be perfect. after i got out i relasped and now my once to thick to managed head of hair is thin. my hair just falls out in hands fulls (literally) and it wont stop. my mother says it's because i'm vegitarian, how can i make it stop without going to a doctor?
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Name: JenCarpeDiem | Date: Jul 21st, 2006 8:12 PM
Your hair is falling out because you "tried to be perfect." There is no way to make it stop once it's started without medical treatment, and I doubt a doctor could do much anyway.

Your mother already knows about it, so what's wrong with going to a doctor about it?

It has nothing to do with being a vegetarian, unless you're only eating four or five vegetables repeatedly and not getting the correct nutrients. A doctor can refer you to a dietician who will sort that out for you. 

Name: emo_princess | Date: Jul 22nd, 2006 8:12 PM
no you see i can't go to a doctor because my mother wont take me. i don't have insurents and she says that it's my fault. 

Name: audrey07 | Date: Jul 26th, 2006 6:11 AM
you have to figure out a way to get to the doctors! If your mom has the cash to put you in rehab tell her she has the cash to take you to the doc. loosing hair is a sign of malnutrition seek help 

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