Hello, guest
Name: Stephanie
[ Original Post ]
I'm 14 years old and I just started high school. I moved so it's new school, teachers, new everything so it's hard to get used to. But the worst thing is that I really hets my school. The kids here are so snobby to me eveyday. I got my books knocked out of my hands the first week and not one person bothered to help with the papers flying around but they were all happy to stand there and laugh. I'm great once you get to know me but nobody tries. Everyone seems to be involved with their own click. I don't want to sound rude but if u are a girl and you want to be noticed by ANYBODY, you have to put yourself out there and dress, talk, and act like a total slut and that's not me at all. And that's just option A. Option B is to become a gothic kid and i'm not headed down that road either. I've been begging my mom to either move or do homeschooling. She said that if I find a really good online homeschooling program by christmas time, then we will check it out. But eveyone I look at has some flaw to it. It's either too expensive, not well-known, or not great with offering some courses. My interersts are Cooking courses (or atleast food/nutrition courses) and early child develoment courses. I'm asking for some desperate help to find a really good onlie homeschooling program that isn't christian but is affordable with great courses to offer. Please help. If you find anything you can definitely write to me at [email protected]. Thank you so much for your time and help. :-)
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Name: Glenda | Date: Sep 29th, 2006 4:40 PM
Hi Stephanie

I would like to give a suggestion for a possible online homeschooling option. I have been homeschooling five children for 11 years. We have been involved in a number of coops and curriculums. There is so much to choose from. It sounds to me like the best option for you would be to check if your state has a virtual school online. It is a public school online program. You could find if your state has one by doing a search of your state name and then the words "virtual school".

I hope this helps.


Name: sunnshine | Date: Oct 31st, 2006 9:12 PM
Try the program I am on is from penn foster and you can go to pennfoster.com I think it changed name now but you will still get the page if not try educationdirect.com is a great program. 

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