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Name: raynestorm
[ Original Post ]
i am planning on starting schooling with my 2&1/2 year old next year(she'll be 3). i know this seems early but she is so advanced for her age, i'm not bragging or implying that i have a genius or anything, i just need some tips. i've already researched the laws and know what i need to do legally. i don't want to waste the opportunity fo her to learn just because she is young, but i also don't want to try forcing her into a rigid schedule like most schools would. i would appreciate some ideas about teaching children so young. and any advice from someone else whose child might be a bit ahead and doesn't want to see that potential wasted in a public school.
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Name: Stardreams | Date: Aug 19th, 2006 7:13 AM
I look forward to the replies to your post. My son was just this same way, and absorbed whatever information I presented to him. Although I was talked into putting him into Kindergarden by his dad, I am now pulling him out before he enters 4th grade this year. My daughter is a "textbook 6yo", loving and adore everything. So far the school system is great for her and she loves it.

My last is very much like my son. She's almost 2yo now, and she'll be starting next year (when she's 3).

Good luck! 

Name: Stardreams | Date: Aug 21st, 2006 6:11 AM
I also wanted to add, that with my son - when he was 2yo I started playing math games with him in the car. By the time he started kindergarden he was starting multiplication and doing very well at it, but started loosing his passion for math when he was in school :( Can your daughter read yet? Although my son was a late reader, I was reading at 2 1/2yo. Pointing words and sounds out. If she's reading, allow her to read with you - even pretend. Allow her love of books to grow. Basically, let her lead you, while proving all the opportunities to her. Have her help you cook dinner, working with math in the kitchen and teaching consistancies of different items.

There's an opportunity to teach in all areas of our daily life :) 

Name: connie | Date: Sep 15th, 2006 7:47 PM
my advice is at this young age they dont need structured learning, just opertunitys to learn, i.e. less teletubies (and tv in general!) and more books, games, magnetic letters on the fridge... count how many steps are in front of the house, count how many are behind the house, eventually you will start talking about which has more. it will come naturaly, just continue to provide a "smart enviornment" for your kids. 

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