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Name: Letstalk
[ Original Post ]
I have been trying to lose fat for the longest without a lot of success. Is there anyone out there like me?? Is there anyone who needs some support of someone to talk to about any part of trying to lose weight? I am one of those people, so I have decided to start a public blog for anyone to post in about the trials, tribulations and victories of weight lose. You can even write your thoughts about even just thinking about losing weight. You can ask advice, suggestions or someone in your area to workout with. Let's join together to beat our common problem!! You can even see a picture of me on the blog, so come and visit and post something!! You can find me faithfully posting at the following blog site:


Hope to see ya there really soon!!
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Name: Deathbunny | Date: Jul 19th, 2006 4:05 AM
1. Sleep enough. Losing 3 hours asleep a night is worth about 15 pounds a year.

2. Drink enough water.

3. Watch the vitamins and minerals. Make sure you have enough of the right kind because this will help your body avoid some cravings.

4. Work towards 30 continuous minutes of aerobic excercise per day. This tends to increase the metabolism for a duration of hours making the body burn more energy doing the same things... Low impact swimming, like swimming, is an exceptionally good excercise because it is easy on the joints and is an all-over-body excercise.

5. Like you're trying to do, get a buddy. Even better is two. Make it hard for each other to quit and easier to keep going.

6. Food... This is a difficult thing for people who live in families. It has to meet your dietary needs without starving yourself (this only makes the body sock more fat away.) Instead,

7. Practice leaving a bite on the plate. This will teach your mind to overcome a mental requirement we build that promotes eating food we don't need. Instead, eat if you're hungry and payt attention to when your body says you aren't. Don't eat because you are supposed to, but because your body says it's hungry.

8. Plan your meals and drink plenty of fluids while you do.

9. Eat slowly.

10. Good luck and try to only do things for weight loss that you can live with for a long time. Your body will adjust to a healthier lifstyle by losing weight at a safe rate. Focus on lifestyle and health and weight will follow... 

Name: Letstalk | Date: Jul 20th, 2006 3:21 AM
Thanks for the advice. I think I am doing better than I thought. The cravings are what kills me and the lack of sleep, I think gets a lot of us. Come and join us at the website below, we need someone who can give good sound advice!! (It sounds like you know what you are talking about!)


Name: Deathbunny | Date: Jul 20th, 2006 7:34 AM
Lost sleep is a killer and really makes it hard to control appetite.

Just getting enough sleep has been shown to help reduce weight AND reduce stress.

Once you get that and a good multivitamin, that should seriosly help with cravings. 

Name: Letstalk | Date: Jul 22nd, 2006 2:00 AM
Have a really good multivitamin, husband is really into good natural supplements.

Have had trouble sleeping since my second child. Insomnia comes in cycles. When I do have insomnia, I have at times taken sleeping pills just to get some sleep, but I know that that can also slow your metabolism. I do get really good exercise, I am an intense person when it comes to exercise. Exercise helps with sleep, but sometimes I think that it doesn't.

More comments about how other ladies and myself are doing on

Name: Letstalk | Date: Aug 9th, 2006 4:26 AM
Is anyone too busy to take time for themselves like me?? Come and talk!!

www.letsloosefat.blogspot.com = 

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