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Name: thatgirl_01
[ Original Post ]
I am 15.. I am 9wks pregnant.. I am a bit afraid because I also found out in April I had an STD along with HPV.(this was forced sex). I got treatment and all.. I have to go back for another pap when I see a doctor... They said nothing will happen because its not a bad STD and its very treatable..

How do I get my mom away from saying that she wants an abortion.. I know thats what is on most moms minds when they find out their teen is pregnant.. My dad is all for the kid and says abortion is out of the question and wont support me in it if I do it.. I dont want to have an abortion because I am very sensitive and could never think about killin something.. Plus I wouldnt be able to go through with all the emotional stress.....

Will I have to quit work ? I am a bagger at a grocery store and I push carts and lift sodas, water cases, ice (8-16pds), beer, that type of stuff.. How would I tell my work?

Do you think anything will happen to my college program I am in?
Will Student Council President be taken away from me?
How do I tell my basketball coach? Or should I just not show up anymore?

I am very confused..

You can contact me at [email protected]
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Name: marija | Date: Jan 4th, 2007 9:09 AM
your parents know so thats a good start...you have some support....speak to your dad about you not wanting an abortion and let him speak to your mother....now that your parents know and before you get any further along..(if you intend to keep the baby) you have to annouce proudly to all that you are pregnant....i say this so stress wont overcome you when you try and hide something this big...no pun intended.
Everything else will fall into place...your work (you cant lift heavy objects)...sport...playing a physically demanding sport to me is out of the question...and finally....not what you want to hear....but more than likely your position as student council president will be revoked....schools want students in these positions to be role models...and although you did not intend to be pregnant...they usually dont care about the reason ...just the overall look :-(
Chin up life has little mysteries around every corner...just make sure you are happy with the decisions you make...Everyone may seem like they will pull you in every direction....almost all only want whats best for you... 

Name: T-rabbit | Date: Jan 4th, 2007 1:43 PM

keep your head up. Your mom will come around mine did. Home schooling is a good choice. Ask work if they can change your position. Stay close with GOD,family and FRIENDS. Take things day by day no need to stress about what is going to happen in a week. Good luck and GOD BLESS. 

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