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Name: Karen
[ Original Post ]
My thirteen year old son has been experimenting with marijuana. I found a couple of joints in his pocket when I was doing his laundry. I am very concerned about this. I don't believe that marijuana is that terrible for you, but I still don't want him sliding down that slippery slope. And it is illegal. How can I bring up the drug use with him, without embarrassing him or putting him on the defensive?
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Name: tara | Date: Jul 13th, 2005 2:08 PM
leave him to be its his choice! u didnt say how old he was 

Name: keli | Date: Jul 31st, 2005 9:17 PM
accept that ur son is smoking it. but if his drug habbit continues on to more sirious drugs then sit down and talk 2 him about it! or on the other hand, conferscate the joints and smoke them ur self! chill out! 

Name: Natali | Date: Aug 7th, 2005 7:37 PM
Well done for not doing what most parents do and fly off the handle and make the situation worse! Yes you are right in believing that it is a slippery slope because it is....trust me i know! And thirteen is a young age to start smoking pot....sit him down, let him know you are not angry and ask him to explain.... if you are not bothered about the occasional joint let it go.....just look at changes in behaviour as signs of other drug use. 

Name: Jodi | Date: Aug 28th, 2005 8:52 AM
Let him smoke it.. If it becomes a BIG problem Ex: if your son is very mad when he doesn't have it, then you know to take action. I smoke weed and honestly it really doesnt hurt you mentally. I am an A student and i have been smoking for a few years now. I smoke when im upset or depressed. Suprising it really helps. Just dont trip on him. more than likely he will turn to a harder drug. 

Name: karen | Date: Sep 2nd, 2005 12:02 AM
dont you dare let these people tell you to let your son smoke weed!!! you know that its a bad thing and dispite what anyone says, its still illegal!!! i feel sorry for any of these people that would say that, bcuz you can tell that there lives arent where they are supposed to be!!! if you live in a small town it is rather hard to keep you child away from it. try to get his mind set on other things. i dont know if you can keep him away because if someones doing it, it is very easy for his to try it also. putting him up on the defensive? HES 13!!! hes still a child! take his rights away and make him learn his leason!! why are you worried about offending him? its illegal and its not right and you shouldnt let him do it if you know he is. if you dont let him know how you feel and what he is GOING to do, then its only on you!!! you dont say anything, therefore your letting him do it!!! anyone in their right mind that has morals would understand. do you want you kid to be one of them losers out there with the rest that think its ok? your the mom, stand up and do something!!! 

Name: heather | Date: Sep 2nd, 2005 12:04 AM
my bf and i went out of town to visit his old friends..they werent what i expected at all!!! they were smoking weed almost everynight and i will kill before i have that non-sense around my baby!!! 

Name: lupe | Date: Sep 6th, 2005 5:55 PM
your the mother you set the rules tell him what you think about and then set your rules down. he 13 and your the MOTHER!!!!!! 

Name: Christian | Date: Sep 8th, 2005 3:27 AM
I suppose this is my opinion-The only thing bad about pot, is it is illegal and expensive. I smoke pot every day and lead a great life. If you confront him hell do it anyway 

Name: Danny | Date: Sep 12th, 2005 4:44 AM
I am 17 and i was exposed to second hand weed for about a minute, i remember trying to hold my breath and not directly inhaling the drug. Do you think it hurt me? 

Name: greenleaf!! | Date: Sep 14th, 2005 12:47 AM
either way your son is goin to be embarrased about the subject you bring up, there is no way of doin this the right way! so all i can suggest you do, is to catch him on the off chance when your doin sumthing fun with him, so he knows hes not in to much trouble, say your open to his comments you just would like to know how he feels about what he is doin, but been 13 a dont think he will come up with a possitive answer,but i would read up on the subject first so you know all the facts, and affetcs of differnt drugs, all i can say is let him no about the possable dangers involved with the people who are selling it! and other drugs they may be offering other than the weed1

ive experianced alot so if need any more help jst ask!! 

Name: Katja | Date: Sep 25th, 2005 1:30 PM
Please don't take my advice as offensive as maybe the cultural differences (I live in Holland) make a difference to opinions on cannabis but here would be my advice.....talk to your son, calmly. Do not show that you are angry with him because he will only try to hide it from you if he continues to smoke up. You are right that though any kind of smoking is bad for you, smoking marijuana (when smoked pure, without tobacco and through glass) is actually much less damaging to health than cigarettes and is no more damaging than a glass of wine. If you talk to your son and tell him how you feel about cannabis, he will probably also develop a healthier opinion on the subject and learn to think of it as something to enjoy occasionally rather than something to do everyday. Let him understand that yes, it can be harmful if smoked in excess so to not go over the top with it at age 13. Here in Amsterdam, kids are brought up with cannabis and learn to think of it in a healthy way, so rarely have "problems" with it. It is merely a social enjoyment. Kids have more problems with it in places where people have unhealthy attitudes toward it. So I guess what im saying is that show your son your healthy attitude, and hopefully he will develop the same one. 

Name: steph | Date: Dec 10th, 2005 10:17 PM
well im 16 n i started smokin weed when i woz 13. its his choice n it will only make him want it more if you try 2 take it away from him, trust me, i know! so say to him wot you found, then let him know your gonna let him decide wot he wants, that way he wont feel your against him. 

Name: diane | Date: Dec 23rd, 2005 5:44 PM
i am a recovering adict and alcholic. my son is20 and i am terrified that he is going down the same road. we do not live in the same town. 

Name: ryan | Date: Jan 10th, 2006 7:03 AM
let him smoke it, alcohol used to be illigal, but look whats going on today. there's beer adds everywhere and drunks everywhere.
Just be cool with it and teach him to be responsible and not do anything stupid. And don't let him bring it to school, tell him in a very relaxed manner. If nothing else tell him not to do it as much. Just be happy he doesnt use crack or heroine. 

Name: ryan | Date: Jan 10th, 2006 7:14 AM
he will most likely quit around his 20's if not earlier. But let him enjoy his childhood while it lasts. talk with him about it, let him tell you stories and occasionaly ask how much he's smoking and if it's a lot then he may be stressed out, if so ask him about it nicely, let him express himself. The worst you can do is make him fear you, it will stress him out and lead him into worse drugs. Marijuana is not physically addictive and if you really want him to stop let him slow down first. give him rewards for going days or weeks without it. Remember, the more he smokes the more he will need, so have him ease up and let him know that the longer he goes without it, the higher he will get and the less it will take, eventually he will most likely stop alltogether. 

Name: lou | Date: Jan 11th, 2006 10:45 PM
sit down and talk to him but dont say anything nasty just start off by saying i need to talk with you babe now i aint angry too much but do you understand that marijuana is illegal and i cant stop you taking it but you dont understabd how much it does affect your body and i dont want to loose you. something like that 

Name: Shirley | Date: Feb 4th, 2006 5:29 PM
I have a twenty six year old son who is on drugs. I don't want to enable him and have been in the past. I need help mentally and spritually to do what is right for my son. 

Name: josh | Date: Feb 5th, 2006 4:42 PM
well karen you could always just try to talk to him..or you could always try coulsleing? but always talk to him in a nice way and dont yell or it will make it worse...... 

Name: sue | Date: Feb 19th, 2006 8:19 PM
i have been trying to get my boyfriend of drugs for 2 years and still trying i have even got a job in a drugs service place and so hard. 

Name: Suzi | Date: Feb 28th, 2006 2:39 AM
Talk to him. For one, marijuana is pretty much harmless compared to some other stuff out there... HOWEVER... it can wreak havoc on a still growing brain (like your son's). Most people's brains hit full maturity when they're around 18 or 19. I have a few friends who have been smoking pot since about his age and they are fried. They are lazy, "slower" mentally, don't have the drive they used to, and have horrible memories. Not to scare you, but that is what happens when one starts at a very young age. I would encourage him to check out the facts (not the propaganda) and ask him if he really wants to run the risk of accumulating these symptoms for life. Even suggest that maybe he stop for now, and if he still has an interest he can experiment once he turns 18. Also have him understand the legal consequences and how expensive this habit is. Hope that helped! 

Name: are you kidding | Date: Mar 2nd, 2006 4:56 PM
"How can I bring up the drug use with him, without embarrassing him or putting him on the defensive? "

Hello? you're the parent!

Talk to him now before it goes further.

Get the facts here:

this book if you don't know how to talk to him....

The Teen Code: How To Talk To Us About Sex, Drugs, And Everything Else--Teenagers Reveal What Works Best by Rhett Godfrey

Online can read: Talking to Teens About Drugs

like his parent not his friend! 

Name: djhf;dfjdlk | Date: Mar 21st, 2006 9:33 PM
i think that you should talk to him about what it would do to him if he keeps doing it you need to do something quick because if you don't then he could either start selling or he could get into marijuana that is laced with ANGEL DUST, LOVELY, LOVE BOAT. Those are terrible you need to talk to him and put a stop to it NOW or he could die really really early in a car acident if he does it and drives if he is that old or has friends that old and not good GOOD LUCK 

Name: Lisa | Date: Mar 24th, 2006 11:44 PM
At 13 this could be the tip of the iceberg if you dont do something about it now.I would put him in a drug re-hab program.Yes they exist even for kids.If you let it slide theres bigger trouble ahead.....drinking,harder drugs,lying,stealing,sex,no communication,if you dont take control now he will probably become a small time criminal then a big time criminal then prison will await him.Bootcamps another option too.Please get him help now,its not too late .....yet! At 13 hes still young enough to turn things around. With the right supervision and guidance. The first step you should take is keep him away from the (friends) hes hanging with obviously they are no good for him.Im telling you ,take care of it now because the older he gets the less control you will have! Good luck! 

Name: johanna | Date: Apr 7th, 2006 8:38 PM
well i think your son is mising love and some parent time maby you give him to much problems or maby no attencion at all well what ever it is talk to him 

Name: Katy | Date: Apr 8th, 2006 3:05 PM
I started smoking when i was 13 and thought nothing of it, then went onto harder things and have now been of heroin for around 9 months. My advice would be to keep an eye on him, make sure he doesn't hang around with the sort of people who could steer him in the wrong direction, maybe ask him why he smokes it and how much. Marijuana itself can be dangerous and no matter what people say it can be addictive. Try not to mother him though, that would just push him away, the worst thing you can do is to keep on at him and questioning him all the time, he is only a teenager after all. 

Name: satan's bitch | Date: May 17th, 2006 4:12 PM
weed is a pain relif and a stress relif if uve kept the joints u found in his poket. tell him u need to talk to him bout summit and put the joint infront of him and say why do you do it and can i have 1!! it might put it off if his old girls doin it 

Name: For the Karen who posted | Date: May 23rd, 2006 4:38 PM
Nice of you to give an update,thanks! 

Name: Dan | Date: Jun 1st, 2006 7:15 PM
Simply tell him a little lie like 'One of my friends told me thier son was taking marijuana'. Then simply try to start a conversation about marijuana with him by using that first sentence. Tell him that your friend told you he's in jail right now and will be in jail for a while. if you simply tell him waht the drug can do to you and it can effect you, it might make him thinm twice about taking drugs. 

Name: lindsey | Date: Jul 20th, 2006 8:02 PM
so i've been with my boyfriend for a year.But i've known him for 3 years.we never really talked though.He's hooked on drugs and achohl.I've tried helping him through it for the longest time.he said he was goin to stop,but i found out he never did.they only stop if they want to and if they want help they'll ask for it.Never go to them,let them come to you. 

Name: babey_g_311 | Date: Aug 2nd, 2006 4:17 AM
Dont listen to the people who say to let him smoke it......I smoked pot from that age and their not lieng when they say pot is a gate way drug.....I did alot more than pot between than and now, and even though im clean now Ive seen many of my friends go down hill. Ill bet its the crowd hes hanging around that is influencing him, Ill also bet hes not into and school activites....try to encourage him to get involved in something to take up his time, and for him to make new friends. 

Name: Layne | Date: Aug 2nd, 2006 4:50 PM
For petes sake talk to that 13 year old baby. Everyone on here is a kid this is clear .I dont take advice from children. call the drug hotline on how to handle the situation.
My children dont run my home. I do. 

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