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Name: Another Smart Guest
[ Original Post ]
1. Mom's do not look good with purple/blue/green ect. hair.
2. Moms do not sound smart when they purposely mispronounce or mispell words. It's not cool, in fact it makes you look and sound stupid.
3. If you have a baby, YOU take care of it. Your mom and dad/your bf mom and dad had nothing to do with making your baby, therefore should not be responsible for it.
4. Moms do not look sexy running around half naked and pushing a baby stroller. That just looks skanky.
5. Do not drink or smoke around your baby. If you do it you probably aren't going to stop, but nothing looks more redneck and gross than a mom that has a baby on her hip and a cigarette in her mouth.
6. Finish school or get a part time job. I'm not knocking people who need welfare, but if you are getting it you should be making some attemp to help yourself as well.
7. Keep your kids clean. I don't know how often I see women/girls with babies and their clothes are stained and their hair is a mess. If you are wearing clean clothes, your kids should be, too.
8. MOST IMPORTANT! Do not just go with any guy who gives you attention if you and you babies dad break up. It is nasty and unfair to your child to go out and be with any man who gives you attention. Your child deserves to have a stable family and that doesn't mean mommy jumping from guy to guy.

I see all this way too often. I am a teen mom myself and I KNOW the looks I get and why I get them. People who do the things on that list is why people look down on us so much. Maybe if more girls started being mature about the mistakes they make people wouldn't be so hard on us teen parents.
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Name: True | Date: May 31st, 2006 7:59 PM
thats really true. 

Name: Tip #9 but should be #1 | Date: May 31st, 2006 8:24 PM
Practicing SAFE sex so babies aren't an issue in teen years would be an even better idea! (Or no sex at all would be BEST but that's unlikely this day and age) 

Name: bladerunnerx16 | Date: Jun 24th, 2006 2:25 AM
It takes ONE slutty teenage mopm to make ALL of the non-slutty teenage moms look bad so DONT be the one who makes all the other teen mom;s look bad... good tips 

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