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Name: Meredith
[ Original Post ]
We push for them to suceed and we set boundries and tell them to have goal we set rules for them to stay safe , but now because there is an ex who says don't listen they are to mean they are to controlling they don't want you to be a free spirit.... gimmie a break! how on earth do you co parent or even try to instill respect when outside influence messes with every step you take????
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Name: me | Date: May 21st, 2006 7:12 PM
You don't give up. You keep on instilling good values in your children as you always have.I would also tell the ex that if he continues this childish behavior,he won't be seeing much of the children anymore and if he thinks you are kidding,keep it up and see what happens. Then if it continues,take him to court and explain why you don't think he is suitable company for the children at least not without the visits being supervised.Maybe this will straighten him up and show him you mean business where your children are concerned. 

Name: s | Date: May 22nd, 2006 1:17 PM
Is you divorse new? Are they just trying to test you,Ya know just to see if you will give in? Can you sit down with them and tell them these are the rules of this house. Your father has his own rules.Maybe you could talk to you r ex if they are reasonable about the kids?
Kids have out side infulences every day TV pears, music, teachers even strangers they meet. Kepp up the structure & rules. Do not forget to praise them when they do what is asked and do it even when not asked.
Let them knoiw you want the best for them and you want them to grow up and be good, sucessful people.
Tell your ex I will not speek badly to the kids about you so please do the same. Let him know that when parents speek badly about eachother it hurts the kids.
I wish you well and keep up the good work. 

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