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Name: edna
[ Original Post ]
i see posts on here of babies having babies and its sad. i thought the legal age to even haave sex was 16 then u read stries on here of 13 14 15 yr olds that have children or are pregnant. whats eeveryones oppinion on this because i dont understand it how come ppl o that age arent still playing with dolls and having fun what has changed so much to make them have to grow up so quick?/
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Name: Sharla | Date: May 16th, 2006 7:44 PM
This subject is already being spoken of! Read the message What's wrong with SOME parents? and give your opinion there. 

Name: Lockedup | Date: Aug 19th, 2006 1:42 AM
Well I'm 15...It's the things that most teenagers engage in. Perhaps there's not enough extra activites going on in their town that they resort to smoking drinkin or drugs. Or maybe it's because of issues they face at hm and in families. There are so many different reason as to why teens are involved in the things they're in. You guyz as adults should sit down with your teenage kids and talk with us and bond with us. My father doesn't all he does is keep me locked up but i'm smart enough to kno not to smoke drink run away or have sex...not all teens thnk the same way! 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Aug 21st, 2006 5:13 PM
yeah edna,Sharla is right but you have to click on 6 at the bottom because it's quite an old post. 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Aug 21st, 2006 5:15 PM
It's under Mom's with Teens 

Name: Natalie | Date: Sep 3rd, 2006 8:51 PM
hey i dont think teens at like 13 14 15 having babies is a bad thing so long as they take responsibility and think about how it will work before they do it. i would love your opinion on this too.thanks. oh its natalie by the way . 

Name: Ari | Date: Sep 5th, 2006 5:34 AM
Natalie, teenagers having babies IS a bad thing. Children that age are not able to take responsibility for their children. In most states, it's illegal for children under 15 to work. Considering that, how is a teenage mother expected to provide for her child? There is no possible way for it to work without the intervention of an adult who CAN provide for the child. Children don't think about the repercussions, and at that age they really have no idea whatsoever about the way the real world works. It IS a bad thing. 

Name: atomic snowflake | Date: Sep 7th, 2006 9:58 AM
Teens need more education about birth control. I think that it's bad to have sex so young, but I guess it's only natural and they're gonna do it no matter what. Sex doesn't have to result in a baby though if those involved are using condoms. Condoms also help to stop sexually transmitted diseases as well. They should be more available to young people. 

Name: lindalu | Date: Sep 8th, 2006 4:18 AM
Atomic snowflake I agree, they should be more available for young people. I think they should start in middle school/jr high school. 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Sep 11th, 2006 5:38 PM
Before any teen decides to have a baby,they better first ask their parents if they would like to support another child. My guess is most if not all would say ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!!!!!!!! 

Name: Lovemylife | Date: Sep 11th, 2006 7:16 PM
it breaks my heart just thinking of this...how innocence is lost so quickly . Although it's all over the t.v. and in school..i've heard of sex parties when girls are 13...where are the parents of today instilling the values of self worth? 

Name: Layne | Date: Sep 12th, 2006 3:14 AM
But why are they out so late or long without supervision. I think comunication and restrictions could help. Where the hell are the parents. 12,13,14. I never let my son go to partys or houses without parents home. he was home with me. i dont get it. what there screwing at school??? 

Name: granny2be | Date: Sep 19th, 2006 8:00 PM
My daughter did not get pregnant by following rules. She got that way by sneaking out of the house while her dad was sleeping and I was at work ( I work graveyards) and by sneaking HIM into the house after her dad left for work and before I got home.
I don't recommend prgnancy at 14, but I will say one thing, she has matured ALOT since finding out she was pregnant 10 weeks ago. She now puts ALL of her energy into her school work. She quit smoking and drinking (which I wasn't aware of her doing before) because she wants the baby to be healthy. She eats right, ahe stays off the internet, goes to bed at a respectable hour and really no longer has interest in boys.
It was however a revelation yesterday when she was laying down in my bed before school and told me this: "Mom, I have never even been allowed to date yet, and I'm pregnant." Guess what, she not only is right...she still won't be allowed to date until she is at least 16.
My point is, it isn't always the parents lack of interest, rules or concern that stears a child in the wrong direction, sometimes it is their own stubborness and the fact that they 'know it all'. Even though my baby will only be 15 when her baby gets here, she will be a good mom and I know it. I also know she has an amazing support structure and more importantly, although it took pregnancy for her to see it...SHE knows she has a lot of love and support. 

Name: Carolyn26 | Date: Sep 20th, 2006 6:21 AM
I don't think all teenage pregnancies can be attributed to bad parenting. One thing that makes me crazy is seeing the young girls who actually WANT to get pregnant and have babies before they start high school let alone graduate. They seem to have some sort of romanticized fantasy of parenting being all roses and butterflies.

I say let them shadow an actual teen mom for a week. Do they know that the only time they'll get to sleep is when the baby sleeps? Do they know how much diapers and formula (and pediatricians and wipes and baby lotion and baby tylenol) cost and how hard it is to afford those without a college education? Do they know that if they're lucky enough to still have friends after the baby's born they'll never have time/money to pay a sitter so they can go out with them?

My son will be turning 4 in October - I'll be turning 20 the same month. Any teens out there who think parenting is romantic or easy please find a real life young mother and ask to follow her for a few days. I know that there are a lot of great young Dads out there as well, but chances are that if you have a baby as a teenager, you'll be a single parent - even if your boyfriend swears up and down he'll be there for you and his child. I am. I promise you - there is NOTHING that can prepare you for the exhaustion and worry that goes with staying up for 3 days and 3 nights straight cradling your sick son who won't stop crying, and not being able to shower/eat/go to the bathroom because he finally fell asleep in your arms and you're can't move for fear of waking him up.

Bottom line: use your head. Your teenage years are so few, and being a parent is PERMANENT. It's 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and there are no do overs.

Sorry about that, I know I don't belong in the "moms with teens" forum - just popped over to see what I was in for in 10 years! I was so shocked to see the number of young teens in here that I felt the need to throw my two cents in. Heading back to general parenting where I belong! 

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