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Name: Kellie
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i live with my two daughters who are 13 and 15 and we all seem to get our periods at the same time each month. I've heard that there are reasons for this but i can't belive how that it wouldmake our periods start at almost exactly the same time. My eldest daughter and i got our periods today and my youngest got hers two days ago. Its been like this for a while now particularly with my 15yr old, i think my younger daughter still has more erratic periods. Has this happened to anyone on here. I don't know if this ever happened with my mum cos we never really talked about periods, but cos its just me and my daughters we quite open about these kind of things. I've definatly heard it mentioned in various places. It could just be chance though!!
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Name: atomic snowflake | Date: Aug 13th, 2006 7:32 PM
Synchronized periods are well known about and this phenomenon is often seen in convents.
This may well be due to the phases of the moon. The moons' gravitational pull affects the water on the earth - it governs the tides for instance. The word 'menstrual' is derived from the word 'moon'. I always get my period when there's a full moon.
Since humans are made up of mostly water, the moon also affects our bodies as well.
Peoples mental state can be affected by a full moon - hence the term 'lunatic' and when I have cared for mentally disturbed people as part of my work, it is noticeable that their conditions do worsen if the moon is full. 

Name: Lynne n | Date: Aug 13th, 2006 9:01 PM
I have a coil now so i dont really have much of a period if one at all!
But me and my best mate used to have them at the same time each month as well,strange! 

Name: HannahBaby | Date: Aug 14th, 2006 1:55 AM
Hi Kellie. When I was a teenager i had a best friend whom i hung out with almost every day, after about a year of our unseperableness we started getting our periods on the same day EVERY SINGLE MONTH!! One of us would call the other and say "i got my wings" (a joke about the maxis with wings) and the other was like "thanks for the heads up" and packed a few extra items in our bags lol. Its totally normal and dont think its just a concidence 

Name: Kellie | Date: Aug 14th, 2006 1:04 PM
could it happen with girls at school then? Like if a group of girls all hanged around with each other would their periods arrive at the same time? I don't think this happened when i was at school, but then we ddn't talk about things like periods as much as girls do now i dn't think. 

Name: JenCarpeDiem | Date: Aug 15th, 2006 12:53 AM
It is unlikely to have anything to do with the moon, as somebody up there suggested - if it did, all women in the same area would menstruate at exactly the same time, which is untrue. So it's a laod of rubbish and people who have a menstrual cycle that coincide with the moon's cycle are just lucky, 'cause they can go buy a lunar calendar and never get caught unawares.

It's caused by pheromones. Animals in the same herd synchronise their periods to increase the chances of their offspring surviving - you're more likely to save 1 of 10 puppies than 1 of 2.

To synchronise your periods with someone, you'd have to be spending an awful lot of time with them - spending more time with eachother than either of you do with any other female, because otherwise it won't work - and to have spent that much time with them for at least a year to give your bodies time to synchronise.

I used to be synchronised with my Mum but now that she's hit menopause and is irregular, only half of them coincide. We weren't ever *exactly* synchronised, because I have a 28 day cycle and she normally has a 30 day one, but we've always started within a couple of days of eachother. 

Name: granny2be | Date: Aug 15th, 2006 11:22 PM
Yeah, it's real and it stinks. Before my hysterectomy me and my daughters all lined up...sure felt bad for my husband and son!
Now I work in a corrections facility and believe me...the women we house all start within a week of the first one stating. There's nothing worse than 40 women on thier period at one time! 

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