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Name: Mari6689
[ Original Post ]
We found a tiny baby turtle during our lake house vacation. We noticed that it's leg looked as though it was broken so we captured it, thinking that it would not survive the lake. We've taken it home with hopes of nursing it to health and keep him as our pet. We thought that bringing him home and giving it a safe habitat would be good. However, his leg is dangling and struggles to move about. Any advise, would be greatly appreciated.
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Name: lindalu | Date: Sep 13th, 2007 4:07 AM
I don't think theres much you can do except for feed him and be sure he has a UVB light. With out the light he will not get the calcium he needs to grow properly and his shell will get soft. You can buy turtle food at any pet supply store as well as the UVB bulb. 

Name: candace | Date: Sep 17th, 2007 8:34 PM
take to a reptile vet so that they can at least help you out. Just let them examine it that should only be about 50$ 

Name: cherisalorraine | Date: Sep 17th, 2007 9:31 PM
let natural selection take its course next time. just because its a baby doesnt mean that it should live in your house.alot of turtles do fine with 3 legs and he probably would have been happier left alone. but since you did decide to get involved you now have the job of taking care of him which means paying for proper vet care and taking care of it until you get bored and decide to let it go or until it dies and with proper care that could mean making sure that it has a benefactor when you die 

Name: lindalu | Date: Sep 18th, 2007 4:02 PM
I have a baby snapping turtle that I found in my drive way. I took it in my home provided it with the proper needs. If I had left it alone, he would have surly been eaten by the hawks or gotten ran over by a car. I will care for it until it is a bit larger and its shell is hard. I will then release it in a isolated pond. This will be the second turtle that I have taken in. Two years ago I found a baby turtle he was about the same size as the snapper baby. I kept it for about a year feeding it all the natural food that he would find in the wild. I then found a nice pond area and released him. 

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