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Name: T-rabbit
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Dogs and dog owners feel the squeeze as commonplace dog behaviors lead to castrations, bans, euthanasia

What's the deal? Who's calling the shots?

One step forward, two steps back in Frostburg, MD--HSUS leads the charge against dogs

Dog owners in the college town of Frostburg, Maryland allowed the Humane Society of the United States to write their new animal control ordinance. Hey, at least it ain't breed specific. Right?

What Frostburg dog owners will learn soon enough. . .

Surgical sterilization: HSUS's miracle remedy for all things doggy

Frostburg dogs convicted of such basic of dog behaviors as cat chasing, digging up the neighbor's garden, or barking at other dogs from the safety of a fenced yard will get the knife. Those dogs will permanently exit the gene pool, in perfect conformity with HSUS President Wayne Pacelle's master plan to rid the world of domesticated animals

that the presence of a complete hormonal system has a documented relationship with such doggy misdemeanors as "damaging property not belonging to the dog's owner." Like slippers and garbage cans

HSUS's kinder, gentler way to animal extinction--one conviction at a time

Heads up, owners of targeted breeds, because you and your dogs don't get to slip back into the shadows just because the Frostburg ordinances aren't breed specific. Check with the folks in Louisville, KY.

enforcement, in which "pit bulls" and their owners pay the highest possible price for misconduct excused and unprosecuted in other dogs is the norm. Overly broad language, allowing for subjective assessment of what happened and why--like Frostburg's new laws--just makes it easier

Look forward to "humane" breed specific programs aimed at removing gonads from certain dogs living in the homes of certain owners. Kentucky Humane wrote the book on profiling dog owners by zip code

Little Rock: what? their poop don't stink ?

North Little Rock's train wreck set of anti-dog ordinances includes BSL, limit laws, tethering restrictions and more. North Little Rock allows unwarranted searches of private residences, makes dog owners guilty of infractions without allowing them to confront their accusers, discriminates against some owners by giving them fewer property rights than others--and more, so much more.

Dude, in North Little Rock they've got a law on how much dog crap can smell


shall be unlawful for any person keeping or harboring dogs to fail to keep the premises where such dogs are kept free from offensive odors to the extent that such odors are disturbing to any person residing within reasonable proximity of such premises. A diligent and systematic effort must be made to eliminate or fill any holes on the premises to avoid said holes from holding water, urine or feces. It shall be unlawful to allow premises where dogs are kept to become unclean by failing to diligently and systematically remove all animal waste from the premises every 72 hours.

Mandated poop scooping for every home with a dog, every 72 hours. Whether you've got one Chihuahua on five acres, or seven St. Bernards on a city lot.

Oh, and fill in those urine-collecting holes while you're at it, will ya?

"Still, I hope you won't give up barking entirely."

[Click to view full-size]

The New Yorker magazine got it right. NYC's new nuisance noise laws make it tough for dogs to do what comes natural: bark.

Dog, better get your gun.

Audible pet noises are restricted to 10 minutes at a time during the day in New York City, and five minutes at night. After that, hefty fines kick in.

The Humane Society of New York is loving it, on the theory that a barking dog is an abused dog

. .are we looking at brand new criteria for evidence of cruelty to animals? Audible pet noises?

Punishment fits the crime. Unless the "criminal" is your dog.

Dogs, and dog owners, increasingly face extreme penalties for minor infractions.

Sometimes violations are actually pre-crimes, like the HSUS-supplied ordinance in Frostburg. Its a crime if dogs look like they can get over a fence in Frostburg

Walls closing in for dogs and caring dog owners

Understand: I'm not arguing that its okay for dogs to wander loose, dig up gardens, or bark all night. Not at all.

But the punishment has to suit the "crime."

Increasingly, we're faced with reactionary, anti-dog, anti-dog owners laws, and draconian sanctions for minor infractions. These laws are often sponsored by HSUS and like-minded "humane" organizations. They don't solve problems any more than breed specific laws do.

They kill dogs by forcing people who can't comply to relinquish their dogs to shelters. Where the dog dies.

Or they force owners to needlessly sterilize their dogs.
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Name: lindalu | Date: Nov 2nd, 2007 2:55 AM
A lot of this is sparked from irresponsible dog owners. They do every thing wrong giving certain dog breeds bad reputations. People really need to be more educated about dog and dog breeds before they consider getting a dog. 

Name: T-rabbit | Date: Nov 2nd, 2007 3:11 AM
100 % irresponsible owners!!!!! 

Name: lindalu | Date: Nov 2nd, 2007 1:50 PM
Unfortunately the ones who are responsible have to be the ones to fight all the imposing laws that are being tosses down on them, and the ones who do not deserve to even own a dog get the free ride. 

Name: cherisalorraine | Date: Nov 3rd, 2007 3:26 AM
I have been running into a problem where i live because of dogs running loose and it is terrible. i have a female coon hound that i got when she was 6 and she has a few health problems and is terrified of going in the house (my house). she is content to stay in the yard and is very social. i am with her about 4 hours a day because she *helps* me care for the other animals that i foster in the barn and around the barn lot area. she also rides in the car with the other dogs . but the problem is that because of her health i can not get her spayed . i have never allowed her to be bred and i will not allow it to happen but my neighbors think that because we all live out in the country that they can allow their male dogs who are intact to run loose and come in my yard by going over or under my fence. she wil not leave the yard through a hole but she has come in heat twice in the two years that she has lived with me and i have to post some one at my home 24hours a day for 3 weeks and it gets old but our dog warden will not come all the way out to where i live unless i have the dog contained and it has offered to bite a human or kill livestock . personally i think that the owners should get hauled off to the pound and the dogs rehomed but i cant seem to get any thing done and every time the dog warden does come out i get the third degree over the breeds of dogs that i have (one am. staff.7 weeks old ,foster dog,one american pitt bull,mine one border collie mix,foster 2 mutts who are 3 or four different breeds mine and the coon dog )he claims that all of my dogs are some type of bully breed and if any one here has looked at my myspace page they know that all but the am staff and tha apbt look nothing like any type of bully breed . well it happened again this weekend nad clover is not in heat but i called the dog warden and he came out and picked up the two labs that were in my yard and gave me a notice to have my dogs get genetic profiling done because i only carry insurance on the apbt because she is the only one who my county requires it for . and they are also requiring that i provide them with sterilization records for all of the dogs that are not registered .it isnt a big deal because i have those records. they seem to think that because i have these dogs that i am the reason why the dogs are loose. i am sick of having to be made out to be the bad guy because of the breeds of dogs that i care for and own. and i dont want to pay for genetic testing on all of the dogs it is expensive. and all that the owners of the loose dogs get is a 25 dollar fine per dog and a small fee from the pound for picking them up.

sorry that was a long rant but i am very upset with the rules right now. i jave never been personally affected by the breed specific laws because i dont live in town 

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