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Name: Lauren
[ Original Post ]
I was reading through all my old topics on the other page...the ones about Heidi and Chloe.
Some where sweet others not so much.
I dont know why im writing this really but....
I guess it's just that people think now i hate animals but i dont. Chloe just didnt fit.
I wonder where she is right now........
i found this page:
And we beat ourselves up for all these questions and "if-onlys". Why do we do this? Because we loved our pets. Because we wish we could have done more, or wish we had not done what we did.

But we cannot bring them back. We cannot change what we did or did not do.

What we can do is stop hurting ourselves over the guilt. Each of us, in our own way, did what we thought was right at the time, using what we knew and felt. Each of us tried to do the best we could, and did it with the intention of love.

We are human beings, with frailties and faults. We don't know everything. We make mistakes. But we make them with the best of intentions.

To hurt ourselves with the terrible additional pain of guilt is to do disservice to the love we felt for our pets. With very, very few exceptions, we did the best we knew to do at the time. Even if we feel that we didn't do what we should have, or did what we should not have, we have learned, and everyone will benefit from that knowledge now

It's from petloss.com but those words don't comfurt me because they were written for pet owners who's pets died not hoo owners gave them up......
well have a good day!
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Name: lindalu | Date: Oct 28th, 2007 6:03 PM
Lauren don't knock yourself all over the place because you adopted pet and had to return her later. I adopted a pig at one time he didn't work out so I found him an even better home, even better than what I would have given him. I also adopted an America Bull dog he didn't work out either, so again I found him another home as well. We can't always know how these animals will react once they are in our homes. We can only do our best to try and make it work, but not always is there a happy ending. So don't beat yourself over it, it most likely wont be the first time it will happen in your life. 

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