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Name: lindalu
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I have a new baby in the house! My daughter bought another baby tarantula, it is the tiniest little thing!
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Name: T-rabbit | Date: Nov 13th, 2007 2:25 AM
congrats hope it stays in the tank. ;-) 

Name: lindalu | Date: Nov 13th, 2007 9:24 PM
Lol!!! The baby is so different than the other one we have. The new one will climb to the top of the container and pluck at the lid with his/her fangs. The older one never did that she is so much more docile then the baby. The baby is crazy! and man can it eat, as soon as I put a cricket in its container it is all over it. 

Name: Jesus saves | Date: Nov 13th, 2007 10:10 PM
I had a taratula in 'nam. They are very inteligiant creatures.
They almost seem to be able to recognize people and respond to diffrent stimuli like music. Congrats I named my bo Casanovie . I loved him dearly but one day when I was helping the wounded Vietnemese children in the hospital. 

Name: lindalu | Date: Nov 13th, 2007 10:22 PM
They are interesting creatures. I can see a personality difference between the two that I have. The baby is way more adventurous than my older one ever was.

What happened to yours? you started to say, but didn't quite finish. 

Name: Jesus Saves | Date: Nov 14th, 2007 3:15 AM
I'm sorry I got cut off !!
What I was saying was I took cassie to the hospitol. Where the sick kids would watch him. Well I left him in their hands. I had to run to campo buc thuy market to buy goods for the small hospitol. When I got back i had leaned my little friend had wandered off. I asked the kids what happened. They said in broken english that they had set him free. I sat there and relized the simple lesson about how we all really want to be free. It touched me that these little kids had such true compassion. How some of them would probably never experiance this freedom. I left that hospitol for the states a year later . I was lucky I learned right after I left. The U.S had bombed a government bunker near the hospitol apperently they missed setting houses and part of the hospitol on fire. The part where I worked so in the end. I was lucky to get out with my life, cassie was lucky to be free. He probably has a giant family in nam. Grand kids lol!!!! But I think about thse little kids dying agh!!!
I'm sorry It's painfull I'm crying right now!!

Name: lindalu | Date: Nov 14th, 2007 2:26 PM
Well.... I have had the female for about a year now she is about 3in across, just reaching a size that I am able to pick her up. Before I would coax her on to my hand now she is large enough where I am able to grasp her between her 2nd and 3rd leg, thus making it possible to pick her up.

The baby I am not so sure of the sex just yet, he/she is about 3/4in across in size. This one has a huge appetite he/she will eat 3-4 crickets a day. He/she hasn't molted yet but with the numbers of crickets eaten each day I suspect it wont be long.

They are both Golden knee Tarantulas, the most docile of the tarantula family.They are dark in color, and very fury looking! Most of my family are afraid of them asking me not to remove them from their enclosures when they are visiting. Of course I will!!! LOL!!!! just because I love a laugh! Hehehehe!! 

Name: George Nelson | Date: Nov 14th, 2007 6:27 PM
Helllo everybody. Wow, can't beleive I found a forum on tarantulas. I used to have 4 taratulas in my possetion but that all changed about ten months ago. I was on a vacation in the bahamas leaving the neighbor girl to care for my beloved tarantulas. One day she decided it wasen't right for me to keep those beutiful creatures in my home and let them go into the back yard. It is very cold in alberta in january and I found the poor things frozen solid just outside the back door. She said the taratulas were happier outside, but it couldent ease my greif. Every day now when I go into the yard and see there four little graves, tears still come to my old face. Well, enough about my greif, what is happening with your little darling. 

Name: Jesus Saves | Date: Nov 15th, 2007 1:38 AM
George are you for real??

Any way, It sounds like the baby is quite the eater! Casanovie was really voraicious when he was younger too. He was a Chilean rose hair tarantula, A very gentle type commonly found in pet stores. He would alway chase and pounce on my finger when he was little it kind of freaked me out at first, but slowly I got over my fear of spiders. Now I just wish my wife could too. so I could get one again! I have been looking at he local petstores though. ;) 

Name: lindalu | Date: Nov 15th, 2007 5:55 PM
Iv seen the Rose Hairs in my local pet stores they are impressive looking. 

Name: Jesus Saves | Date: Nov 19th, 2007 2:55 AM
De Rose Hairs Are NICE! :] I going to Jim's Pets Tommorow for a new baby wish me luck!! I hav'nt told the WIFE!

'Jesus saves but George Nelson withdraws"

P.s. what should I Buy?????? 

Name: lindalu | Date: Nov 19th, 2007 3:19 AM
They really don't require much. You will want a small covered enclosure be sure it has some venting, but not a lot. They require humidity for molting, if the enclosure is to airy it will not gather enough moisture thus causing a risk for the spider to get cough in its skin when molting. You will need a non molding bedding do not use planting soil, planting soil has insecticides. Be sure he/she has a small water bowl and food. They are very easy to care for! Good luck! 

Name: George Nelson | Date: Nov 19th, 2007 3:24 AM
Why are you using my name Jesus Saves?
I may get a new taratula but I think the tradgedy is too near and my old heart couldn't bear it.

Those little guys were my only companions and that stupid jenny took them away. 

Name: George Nelson | Date: Nov 19th, 2007 3:28 AM
I sure am glad for all the greif help on the top of this page. 

Name: lindalu | Date: Nov 19th, 2007 3:39 AM
George Nelson, I am sorry about your loss. I to have grown quite fawned of my two girls, or I think there both girls. If any thing was to happen to them it would affect me as well. 

Name: George Nelson | Date: Nov 19th, 2007 3:41 AM
They say the best way to cope with loss is to talk about it so mabey we could because everyone around here just sides with Jenny right away. Does yours have any missing apendages? Charlotte had a missing leg. 

Name: George Nelson | Date: Nov 19th, 2007 3:44 AM
Sorry, meant maybe
(i am kicking myself, I used to teach spelling) 

Name: lindalu | Date: Nov 19th, 2007 3:53 AM
No missing appendages George, mine have all their legs and pedipaps. They are gorgeous! I am hoping the baby is a girl. 

Name: George Nelson | Date: Nov 19th, 2007 10:56 PM
Your little guys sound wonderfull, I remember when Charlotte was a little spider. she was a Curly Hair taratula with the nicest temperment around. I had a Goliath Birdeater
my neice named aragog when she came to visit, he was the biggest one of the group, he had a nine and a half inch legspan, he also lived up to his specias name when we fed him a chickadee we shot from our yard. Then there was Martha, she was a Chilean Rose (maybe that is also called a rose hair) she and aragog mated many times but she died before laying her eggs, you must be sure the female is well feed before mating or she will try to eat the male. Last there was Blacky, he was a Brazilian Black. he was very timid of humans but never showed aggresion even when picked up. It took me two weeks before I worked up the nerve to clean out there tanks. I know I shouldn't harbor anger against Jenny, so I try to take my frustrations out on that magazine that gave her the idea to let them go, it was called bark or grr or some dog noise like that. If I find out I shall let you know, but all I know is it's writers killed my babys. Well enough jabbering from me, I have to go shovel some snow. Have a great time with your new baby! 

Name: lindalu | Date: Nov 20th, 2007 12:18 AM
The bird eaters are very impressive animals I do believe they are the largest in the tarantula family. Yes very impressive! I don't intend on mating the two, besides I'm not sure what sex the baby is just yet. 

Name: George Nelson | Date: Nov 20th, 2007 12:45 AM
Yes, Aragog was impressive. He actualy scared many people, but not me. Aragog's favorite food was small rodents people in town would kill. I was getting mice from everyone within four doors of my house. What does yours like to eat? 

Name: lindalu | Date: Nov 20th, 2007 1:01 AM
Both are eating crickets, the bigger one will have to start eating roaches soon the crickets are to small. 

Name: lindalu | Date: Nov 20th, 2007 1:06 AM
I am trying to keep them on insects for as long as I can, not that insects are any less important then mice. I guess I have an easier time feeding them insects appose to rodents. Eventually I will have to graduate the big girl but for now the roaches are just fine. 

Name: George Nelson | Date: Nov 20th, 2007 1:23 AM
My, those creatures are smart. You know, he even can eat right around bullets lodged in flesh. If you get the chance to see them do that, you should because it is amazing to see. 

Name: George Nelson | Date: Nov 20th, 2007 1:24 AM
Listen to me, talking like the little guys are still around. I have to come to terms with the fact that I'll never see my little friends do amazing things like that again. 

Name: lindalu | Date: Nov 20th, 2007 1:27 AM
George may I ask why you would say this?

e: George Nelson • Date: 11/19/2007 20:23:06
My, those creatures are smart. You know, he even can eat right around bullets lodged in flesh. If you get the chance to see them do that, you should because it is amazing to see. = 

Name: George Nelson | Date: Nov 20th, 2007 1:30 AM
I will be going on a three-day hunting expedition tomorrow, but you have convinced me to buy another tarantula when I get back. It will probably help with the healing processes. If I get a buck I can even feed some of the meat to my new pal! 

Name: George Nelson | Date: Nov 20th, 2007 1:31 AM
Oh, some people around here shot rodents rather than trap them. 

Name: George Nelson | Date: Nov 20th, 2007 1:47 AM
Wow, that registration was easy! I normally don't register in things like this but they didn't ask for anything really but E-mail.
Lindalu, are you still out there? 

Name: George Nelson | Date: Nov 20th, 2007 1:51 AM
Whenever you get the chance. What kind of tarantula should I get. I am thinking of getting another Brazilian Black, Blacky would have liked that. 

Name: George Nelson | Date: Nov 20th, 2007 1:53 AM
sorry, ment to put a question mark after get in the second sentence. 

Name: George Nelson | Date: Nov 20th, 2007 1:57 AM
Well, if you are off then I'll talk to you thursday night or sometime friday. 

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