Hello, guest
Name: Hiddy
[ Original Post ]
Pitbulls are GENETICALLY bred to be aggressive, that means, taking aggressive dogs and breeding with other aggressive dogs. Even if you are not breeding for an aggressive dog, the dog will have genes which make its temperment aggressive.

This means that you can have puppies bred from very calm not aggressive parents that will still be aggressive. It will take years to breed aggression out of pitbulls. Do you get it?

They are simply aggressive, and even if you have one that was raised in a loving home, doted on, goes to obiedience, gets socialized, they still have those genes. They are basically time bombs waiting to go off. I stand by what I say. There is no reason on earth for ANYONE to be allowed to, or to want to for that matter, have and own a pit bull terrier. Especially when there are so many other breeds to choose from.

It is irresponsible to keep this dog breed and promote it. Breeders of these animals sell them and they have no idea what the people are like they are selling to.
I know you love your pitbulls, but you could have easily fallen in love with another breed.

Its for pure selfishness and macho image that these dogs are kept as pets.

Thank you
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Name: Hiddy | Date: Oct 15th, 2006 5:26 AM
These Genes are called recessive Genes. 

Name: Join a Rescue Help all dogs! | Date: Oct 15th, 2006 12:29 PM
I guess you did not take the time to read this! I saw also in a blog you wrote your friend has a staffie and you think they are nice dogs! Hypocrite... Get your story straight before you ramble away on here. You are acting like a dog chasing its tail!! Also I had said this before in a blog of mine, I see alot of names on here that keep posting. Ex: Hiddy more that any other remeber this is babycrowd you should be taking care of your child instead of being a busy body we do not wnat your breed of choice being unattended with your child. The American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier and Staffordshire Bull Terrier differ slightly in their build and size, but are collectively called pit bulls. There is also a sub breed called the red nose pit bull which is prized by many breeders. The red nose pit bull is an American pit bull terrier that has a red, instead of black, nose and a solid red coat.

Pit bulls are very muscular dogs, ranging in weight from about 35 to 85 lbs (about 16 to 39 kg). Pit bulls have very short hair that is seen in a variety of colors and markings. A pit bull characteristically has a large square head with a very defined jaw. Pit bulls naturally have short floppy ears, but they are commonly cut even shorter so that they stand straight and pointy. The practice of cutting the ears is unfortunately used by dog fighters to help prevent wounds if the ear happens to be bitten by another dog.

Over the years, pit bulls have acquired a bad reputation for being aggressive, vicious and dangerous to people and other animals. However, the temperament associated with dangerous pit bulls is the result of irresponsible ownership and the use of pit bulls in fighting rings. Because pit bulls are strong, easy to train and eager to please, they have become a favorite breed for illegal activities. Sadly, many pit bulls fall victim to abuse by the training methods employed by dog fighters and in the fighting ring. Thousands of pit bulls are discarded daily because they end up in the wrong hands, are not aggressive enough for their owners or lose dog fights, rendering them useless to dog fighters.

The myths and stereotypes that surround pit bulls and their owners make up a very small percentage of the millions of dogs that are called pit bulls. One commonly held belief about pit bulls is that they have locking jaws. This belief is always false. It is physically impossible for a dog’s jaw to lock. However, pit bulls have very strong jaws which can be clenched stubbornly, making it difficult for a person or animal to free itself in the event of a bite.

By nature, pit bulls are very gentle, affectionate and trustworthy dogs. They follow commands willingly and are loyal, family dogs that love children. It is extremely rare for a well treated pit bull to attack without serious provocation. Pit bulls are very intelligent and make great companions and guard dogs.

Despite their great temperament, pit bulls are not for everyone. Pit bulls require a lot of exercise and they are very energetic. Someone considering owning a pit bull should be able to make a commitment to obedience training. An untrained pit bull can be strong, very energetic and mischievous, making it a difficult dog to handle. = 

Name: Hiddy | Date: Oct 16th, 2006 12:52 PM
I wish you would not spew forth this sort of ignorance to the masses.

Seriously now, if you are going to start on a tirade, please get the facts completly straight and state the whole truth not just half of it.

Yes APBT are agressive, ANIMAL agressive. The traits that casue human agression have been selectivaly bred OUT of this breed. Honestly, what other breed can say that? None that I know of.

Also not everyone wants a 4 lb dog. Most chihuahua's and other toy breeds have extreme human agression and can and will bite unprovoked. A pom KILLED an infant a while back.

Another thing I continue to see you write is that pittys have locking jaws. Another falsehood. They do not have locking jaws, no dog breed does. and even if they did (ROFL), mine doesn't, he didn't come with a key.

So you think that only ghetto thugs, poor people, and trash own pit bulls? How racist of you.

I own a pit mix and I am FAR from trash or poor, lol. As well as quite a few of my fellow country club members. Hell, Petey off the Little Rascals was a pit bull. Many presidents have owned pittys, as well as a few movie stars such as Michael J Fox. Helen Keller also owned a pit bull!

Not all breeders are bad. You must be thinking of BYB's or puppy mills. Hell, when hubby and I found our breeder, we went through one of the most stringent adoption proceedures ever. Honestly, a human baby adoption isn't as strict as these people were. We were approved for a pup, but our future puppy will not be born until 2010, lol. That's how long their waiting list is w/o limited registration. with, we could get a pup as early as next year. But we wanted to ability to do agility or weightpull with him/her.

I honestly think you need to do much more research before you tell anyone else what they should or shouldn't have. 

Name: Join a Rescue Help all dogs! | Date: Oct 16th, 2006 1:01 PM
I dont go to breeders! Rescuse should be used by everyone. 

Name: Join a Rescue Help all dogs! | Date: Oct 16th, 2006 1:08 PM
Hiddy do you own a pitbull? it sounds as if you do! good job. they are wonderful. I thought you did not like them, the way you have written about them? in other topics! Oh well you have confused me. anyway i own one their great... 

Name: Terri | Date: Oct 16th, 2006 1:21 PM
Hiddy you are so confusing one minute you are saying that Pitts should be banned then the next your saying you own one it is really confusing so here you say "I stand by what I say. There is no reason on earth for ANYONE to be allowed to, or to want to for that matter, have and own a pit bull terrier. Especially when there are so many other breeds to choose from." and then here you say "Another thing I continue to see you write is that pittys have locking jaws. Another falsehood. They do not have locking jaws, no dog breed does. and even if they did (ROFL), mine doesn't, he didn't come with a key.

So you think that only ghetto thugs, poor people, and trash own pit bulls? How racist of you." when you say that your self i am now very confused do you like pits or not?? 

Name: Join a Rescue Help all dogs! | Date: Oct 16th, 2006 1:25 PM
Hiddy are you a real person. or just a damn good actor or moderator! You have confused the masses?????????? You are crazy lady! 

Name: Kitana | Date: Oct 16th, 2006 1:39 PM
Whoops! Sorry guys that was me, lol!

I meant to say in the name line "Hiddy your an idiot", but all I got typed before I wrote the body and hit reply was Hiddy, lol!

So that last post by Hiddy was in fact me, lol!

Again sorry for the confusion everyone. 

Name: Join a Rescue Help all dogs! | Date: Oct 16th, 2006 1:48 PM
LoL funny stuff Kitana! Ah dont worry hiddy is a confusing person anyway! in one topic she stated her friend has a staffie and she thought the dog was nice! These topics make us all crazy. but i think we try to do it in a civilized manner! sometimes?:) 

Name: bama girl | Date: Oct 16th, 2006 4:17 PM
That is utterly ridiculous that only thugs and white trash own pit bulls. The mayor of my city is a proud pitbull owner! 

Name: candy | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 2:02 AM
lady, your really a pice of work to come on here posting this bull crap without even takeing the time to learn anything about this breed other then what the media reports. You are rite when you said this breed of dog is prone to agression, but it is NOT human agression but animal agression. They are two diffrent things. Do your research. Your rite on another thing. Even if the parents are sane and appear to be normal their offspring can be off balanced. I mean after all, your here aint you?? have a pleasant day. 

Name: Hiddy | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 2:10 AM
All my information comes from my textbooks
My course was held by a Doctor of Veterinary Science : ) 

Name: candy | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 5:38 AM
ever hear of a second oppion?? 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 5:50 AM
Neither are human beings.. 

Name: Bindi | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 5:53 AM
I'm sorry this is a tad off topic but its been ignoring me why are some peolple's names in red 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 5:56 AM
I think it has something to do with how long you have been a member or something of that nature. I am not 100% sure though 

Name: Tiffany_SPCA | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 5:57 AM
I think it's just IF you're a member because I just got my membership tonight. 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 6:20 AM
WOW!! I have been checking out other post and was wondering who in the hell this Hiddy chick is because she is just down right rude. She sit there and claims that she is just debating and yet she is going around and calling people fat and stupid. That's not a debate. By what I am reading I am not even sure she knows what a debate is.... 

Name: Tiffany_SPCA | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 6:21 AM
I definitely agree. I think she's making up everything she says too. 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 6:35 AM
You simply can not believe everything you read.

Yes bitbulls are aggressive dogs and anybody who does dog training will tell you that with an aggressive dog you stay away from doing anything that will encourage their aggressiveness. When I took my Husky to dog training they told me that under no condition should I play tug of war with my dog because it encourage him to be aggressive and since he was an aggressive dog to begin with I should stay away from any aggressive attivities. If we were playing and he started pulling I was to stop playing. They said the same thing about pitbulls. 

Name: Bindi | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 6:40 AM
lol thanks for the red name info because I joined and I was just curious to why my name was in red 

Name: Bindi | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 6:40 AM
then whats the point of playing tug of war if theres no tug back 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 5:48 PM
The dog will eventually realize that you are not going to tug back. Therefore it's not tug of war. Tug of war with an aggressive dog incourages the dog's aggressive side which you do not want to do. Especially if your purpose is to have an aggressive dog as a house pet. I have a Maltese Bichion puppy that we do not play tug of war with because he is way to aggressive right now. 

Name: joe, red nose owner | Date: Nov 5th, 2006 6:04 PM
what do you think about the other dogs that were originally and are bred to be agressive for similar reasons? eg german shepards, akitas, coon dogs, and blood hounds? Also, how much do you think the in-breeding has to do with temperment stability? Thank you for your time 

Name: LadyB | Date: Nov 6th, 2006 3:51 AM
My pit bull is smarter than you!!!!!
and your rocks-for -brains Sheltie! 

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