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Name: momof3
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Just windering how the puppies where doing together? Are they getting along better now?
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Name: molly-may | Date: Jan 19th, 2007 4:24 PM
They seem to be getting along a lot better. I know what triggers the fights. Normally chews (rawhides or bones). So I give them each one and I supervise them. Whoever finishes theirs first trys to go after the other, so I stay in between them. Boo had an accident while we out the other day, which we were expecting. He has some issues that we need to work on because of the situation he was in. He growls at people he doesn't know, and he barks at dogs he doens't know. He has to be in whatever room you are in, and he has to lay right beside you no matter what (I think it is really cute). We give equal time to each. I think we are all adjusting nicely. Thanks for asking. 

Name: momof3 | Date: Jan 20th, 2007 2:45 PM
That is great!! Good Luck!! We are still housebreaking our puppy. She will do good for one day and then the nest 3 she has accidents. But anyway good luck! 

Name: molly-may | Date: Jan 26th, 2007 4:10 PM
Boo is doing great, for the most part. He loves his big brother. He has had 4 accidents. I know he is a year old and he isn't use to holding his bladder for so long. I don't mind the accidents when we are not home, but Wednesday morning he woke me up with his paw on me, I knew he had to go to the bathroom, so I took him out and he wouldn't go. I came back in the house and smelled poop. He peed in the landing and then pooped in the rec room. I was home, I don't understand how he could do that, normally he lets us know that he has to go. We bought a kennel for him. We don't normally kennel our dogs, they have free rein of the house, but he gets into everything....sometimes it is cute what he does even if he is bad. We crate him now when we go out. He doesn't seem to mind, I think we might get another one for our other dog. I have to say two is a lot harder than one, but well worth it. I feel much safer when my boyfriend is working late. He is such a small dog but he has a very deep bark. 

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