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Name: 4EVER
[ Original Post ]
We have a saint Max. he is a wonderful dog and we love hime . he slibbers but not that much. he is a rough coat. anyway my dh got atransfer to Fl and we can't find an apt that will let us rent with Max I even tried a house rental, I am so upset that my i told my dh we can't move. I know its not realistic but what can i do?
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Name: cherisalorraine | Date: Sep 24th, 2007 3:53 PM
can you buy a home or find one that is in need of repairs and try to rent it so that max wouldnt be a problem?could you rent from some one who wouldnt ask if you had pets im in the us so things might be different 

Name: lindalu | Date: Sep 24th, 2007 4:04 PM
Tell them he is an assistance dog. I know its a fib....but they will have to allow you to rent with him. Assistant dogs do not have to have papers proving they are what you say they are. Also there are several reasons one may need an assistant dog...seizures, anxiety attacks, physical needs and so on. 

Name: 4EVER | Date: Sep 24th, 2007 4:41 PM
Thats good, However Max is the one with the seizures he is 6 and only about 150lbs small for a saint. What about the weather My dh thinks it will be to hot, and that will bring on more seizures, I told him thats why there is a/c. 

Name: cherisalorraine | Date: Sep 25th, 2007 3:25 AM
have you taken him to get medicated. i have a 6 year old mix that has been on meds for 3 years for seizures. the people who rent to you would not know that he isn't an assistance animal unless they were around a lot 

Name: cherisalorraine | Date: Sep 25th, 2007 3:26 AM
you can also shave the hair as long as you leave it long enough to prevent sun burn. make sure that it starts to get long again before winter 

Name: lindalu | Date: Sep 25th, 2007 3:30 AM
Owww ....thats terrible! My dog had seizures as well, she was put to sleep a couple months ago. She was 14 years old with an arms length of illnesses. I would still give the disability dog story a shot, they cant by law refuse you. I know it sounds kinda sneaky... but if it were me... I would say any thing to be able to keep him with me. 

Name: 4EVER | Date: Sep 25th, 2007 3:50 PM
you guys are great, thanks so much for the advice, Max is the best he was a rescue and my DH wants me to call the rescue people and give him back we have had him almost 3 years, yes he is big, yes, he slobbers, yes, he is on all kinds of meds but he is still our dog and I can't do that to him Its like giving up your kids just because it might be to hot for them in florida. they'll get use to it right? i will try and use the service dog suggestion, and see what i can get away with thanks again, Laura 

Name: lindalu | Date: Sep 25th, 2007 4:45 PM
Tell them he detects sugar levels that he is a diabetic assistance dog. You don't have to show them any thing to prove it. The dog doesn't have to wear any special vests or harnesses like you see on many other dogs either. There is absolutely no way they can prove differently! Also it is against the law for them to ask you to prove it, all they need to know is why you have him.

As for the fur and the Florida heat....yes he will adapt! There are plenty of long / thick coated dogs in Florida. Good luck I hope it all works out for you and Max. 

Name: cherisalorraine | Date: Sep 25th, 2007 7:06 PM
lidalu we are now partners in crime we are liars and we intend to use it to work against our government what shall we do with ourselves ? 

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