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Name: Stacie
[ Original Post ]
Hi everyone....this way of reaching out is very new to me. I am 38 years old, never married and no children. I have had many boyfriends and a fiance'. As much as I would like to think that I would be married by now....I truly believe I have not met the right man for me. I am attractive, smart and very happy with myself (and almost enjoy at times having my own time/freedom). However, I do believe I want to grow old with someone. I don't have yearning needs to be a mother. However, I am so in love with my niece I can't stand it. I also am very into my friends' children. I never imagined the thought of "not having children" as an option. As I get older, I realize it could be a reality. I met this man who I am growing extremely fond of. We have clicked in everyway. He has two boys and a vasectomy. At first he said he is learning to being open to having a child with a woman.... but it seems he is very protective of his world; which I understand. So now he is saying he's "not sure" if he wants more kids. I don't know if I am compromising myself to date him, fall in love and potentially give up the idea of being a mother. I don't want to be 50 and sorry....but I just don't know. Can anyone give me any advice? BTW...he and I are very new; dating a month. However, have had many open talks and time together
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Name: Lizzi | Date: Oct 2nd, 2006 1:35 PM
I just answered this where you wrote it before! 

Name: brianv7 | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 9:35 PM
sounds like me, been there and now being here... have great relationship with someone older who cant have any more kids, but I must!

I'm 42 and having nightmares about it. Willing to have one with someone ... 

Name: Zowie | Date: Oct 18th, 2006 12:59 PM
do what u want to do u sound like u have got a lot of love to give and a chld would benifit from that have u thought about adoption 

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