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Name: mama2b2007
[ Original Post ]
If this is not the right time in your life to raise a baby, please consider Open Adoption. I have a wonderful home and so much love to offer to a child -- I would welcome the opportunity to talk with you about adoption possibilities.

With Open Adoption, everything is out in the open - you can maintain contact with your child forever, and you will know exactly who is raising him/her and be able to know that you have made the right decision.

Please see my Web site to find out more about me and my desire to adopt. (http://www.wanting2adopt.com)

I'm working with a reputable adoption attorney who will be happy to answer any/all of your questions.

There are many ways of being a good Mom - adoption can be a wonderful gift that you give to your baby.

Wishing you an easy time as you work through this very difficult decision.

[email protected]
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Name: briseis | Date: Jul 5th, 2007 1:00 PM
Don't believe agency and adopter promises that "Open Adoption" will let you see your baby.

Open Adoption is a myth in most cases, used in order to convince women to surrender their children so agencies can make money and adopters can obtain children. Once you relinquish, you have NO LEGAL RIGHT in ANY STATE OR PROVINCE to see your child. If you upset the adoptive parents, or if they NEVER INTENDED for the adoption to be open in the first place, then you are out of luck!!! Adoptive parents hold all the parental rights. You will legally have no more right to see your child than any other stranger would. Even mediation and courts cannot help if they decide to move to another state.

Even adoptive parents who in-good-faith promise openness may later close the adoption if they begin to feel threatened by the natural loving bond between you and your child. And yes, as they are now the sole "legal parents" and your child is now "as if born to" them, they have every right to do so.

Want to keep an open adoption from closing? Be prepared to be a slave to the adoptive parents and obey every rule they set for you: like how often you see your child (if at all) and what you can do in your child's presence. If you displease them or if it's obvious that your child loves you, they can close the adoption at any time. Legally. And more than 80% of them DO!


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