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Name: cipherd
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Hi I am a 25 year old single mother of 1 and 2 more on the way. I go to school online full-time and will be graduating June 2008. Fiancee left...closed all joint accounts and ran off with money...another story. I do not know why he would leave me and without money for the babies but I can not dwell on that. Things just went hay wire afterwards. I lost my job and soon will be losing my place. I have not been successful in finding a job...I have been trying for a while. I even tried to do the whole nanny thing but that did not work either.

I have thought about working at home but have come across so many scams or money hungry websites that I am starting to give up. I am really in a bind here...welfare is not going to cut it for me although it does help with food. But rent is not something that welfare will help with. And I can not see myself staying on here for long. Its been three months so far...I am hoping not lose my place but it looks like that is going to happen.

Anyways. I am trying to find something that I can do on the computer since I am mostly on here anyways. My major is VIsual Communications Technology (web, graphic, game, stationary designing, illustration and video programming) I can do some really great stuff as far as designing goes. But that has not been helpful either.

I dazzle here and there but I have never received a paying customer.

Look I just want to find a work at home solution that is not going to ask me for any money. I do not have it. Something that is not a scam and does not ask for much...although I am willing to do just about anything legal or sane on here...as long as there is training.

I am very versatile and business oriented. It is a wonder why they won't hire me..maybe it is this big belly in front me. It could be many things but I can not allow that to stop me. Since I have no one but myself to take care of my children.

I just want to be able to buy them some things for christmas...well my son that is. But buy some things for my future babies as well. If there is anyone out there have has some ideas...it would help alot!

Thanks for reading...God bless you all and have a great year!

My email address is [email protected]
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Name: singlemom2 | Date: Dec 1st, 2006 12:11 AM
Wow, 2 on the way! Try to enjoy your pregnancy while going through all you are. Good for you to keep moving forward.

I am a single mom with 3 kids who wanted to stay home with them. I have some alimony and child support coming in that covers my mortgage payment. I also started a home business almost two years ago. That may be an option for you. There are a lot of scams out there, but this is not one of them.

I work with Mom Execs, who provides all training and support for free! We partner with Melaleuca, Inc., an Inc 500 company and BBB Hall of Fame member. There is a $29 one-time fee to get started, but when I got started, it was only $1. Melaleuca has new promotions every month. I will know what the promotion for December is on the 1st. You are already doing what you need to do to earn a paycheck with Melaleuca, so there is not any new money involved after the $29 if you don't have any to spend.

If you would like to check it all out, contact me at [email protected] or my website at http://twoyourfuture.momexecs.com. We have a single mom working on our team who was on welfare and holding down 2 part-time jobs and was able to quit all of them working with Melaleuca.

If you have the drive, you can be successful at anything you decide to do. And, it sounds like you do! That is to be admired!
Good luck. Hope to hear from you! 

Name: SaRaH | Date: Dec 1st, 2006 11:30 PM

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