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Name: horselady
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I have been seening this man for over 2 years, he is the guy that will give you his shirt off his back, works hard, loves to have fun, and I have never felt this feeling...when I first met him I knew he was the one, he says the same thing..he has told me that he plans to get married and we settle down, we both run our own business in the equine industry (VERY BUSY NO WEEKEND NO VACATION) but I love my job I dont make much, love the 60+ hours a week, etc, anyways back to the story, in December my gyn took me off birth control, as it was really messing me up with very odd and LONG periods (2-3 weeks long) and then a week of no bleeding just to have a period the next week, UGH!! so she told us that we have to becareful for a few months I was using the VCF film and he was trying to keep from, well you know, well here I sit today and I have not had a period since the 20 something of Jan. and I am pregnant, which he does not want any kids since he has 2 from 2 other mothers overseas, which they left him because he of his job. I just found out that he is married to a lady since 2000. They have been separated for a little over a year. But come on I was with him for a little over 2??? He told me he left her because he wanted me over her. I never knew that he was married, no signs, nothing, he even told me that he was single. If I knew he was married I would of never got envolved. TRUST ME ON THIS. So now he is fadding away, mentally, I ask him if he still wants me and of course he does but maybe not the whole nine yards...he tells me from the first day he met me that I was the one...he says he knew from the first day he met me. I have been so honest with this man and now I think he is going to fad out of my life leaving me pregnant, alone (since he travels out of the country so much) I am so scared..and all off this happened in 2 days, one day pregnant the other he married. The only way I found out that he was married was a friends client told me that he was separated. He wants an abortion but I have strong morals on this. What do you think? by the way I am 27 he is 44.
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Name: Lizzi | Date: Mar 5th, 2007 2:37 AM
This man sounds like the BIGGEST PL:AYER I've EVER heard of!!! He probably has MANY girlfriends and feeds each one of them a different story!!!! if you want this baby then keep the baby but this guy is a PLAYER and has been filling YOU with B.S. since day one! Wisen up for your own good and ditch this dude! 

Name: bjl07 | Date: Mar 7th, 2007 4:45 PM
One of the saddest consequences of legalized abortion is the pressure that comes from lots of fathers who feel they have no responsibility in the matter. Do not let his feelings pressure you or influence your decision. He has not done right by you from the beginning, so I wouldn't trust his judgment, since he lacks any good judgment for his own life.

I can't tell you how many times I have heard of women, including my best friend,who regret having an abortion years later. She has never truly gotten over it 20 years later at age 36. This is because we know deep down that it goes against everything we believe about motherhood.

Have you ever heard of a pregnancy resource center or pregnancy care center in your area? These are places that can provide not only materials support to you, everything from furniture to diapers, but the women there can be there for you emotionally, too. The worst is feeling like you are in it alone. Just knowing that someone is there with you along the way can help so much. Many of them provide parenting classes. They may even be able to provide you with a free ultrasound, depending on the center. There is a number you can call to find the closest center to you, it is 1-800-395-HELP, or their website is www.pregnancycenters.org. I am also here for you! Let me know how you are doing. I want to help, but I am giving you the info on the pregnancy centers because there's nothing like having someone right there with you. 

Name: mel211985 | Date: Mar 8th, 2007 4:55 PM
i can understand how you feel, i found out that the father of my 2 had been lying to me for the whole 7 yrs that we were together. He even asked me to marry him and were about to set up home. Then when i was 5 months gone with our 2nd daughter i found out he was married to the girl that i found out he was cheating on me with and had had children taken away from them for unknown reasons apparently. my advice is yes its hard very hard in fact but he is not worth being in your life. This is the one time that you have to stand up for yourself if you want this baby get rid of him and do it yourself if you dont want the baby well id still get rid of him. But if you do keep the baby i would suggest you get every penny you can out of him to support your child. IM raising both my kids on my own and on benefiuts because my scum bag of a sperm donor dont pay a penny. and thats what makes it hard for me not the fact that they scream and shout all the time. I wish you luck 

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