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Name: l3itchyl3unny
[ Original Post ]
Well SHIT!!!!!!! i went downstairs to put my clothes in the dryer and low and behold there was my mobile phone...you have NEVER EVER heard so much screaming and swearing so loud in your life..
I didnt realise how much my phone meant to me until it went through the wash...

I mean it wasnt nothing special..only about $200 something in price..what REALLY shit me to tears was i had about 30 pictures on my phone of my kids father on there..that i was planning on taking down and having them printed off..now i cant and ive lost them forever..

Ive been crying and yelling at myself for the last hour.. i really cant believe i was so stupid and careless.
Really its broken my heart :( those pictures where priceless to me and i will never have them back...

I really feel like kicking someone in the balls! Maybe Karma..cuz that dude has been chewing my ass for the longest time now
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Name: saxton_emma | Date: Nov 21st, 2006 10:13 AM
aww no propa gutted.
wont it work at all? has it been in the washer ?? 

Name: l3itchyl3unny | Date: Nov 21st, 2006 11:46 AM
naa it doesnt work at all what so ever. :(( it was complelety screwed! went through the washing machine and the soapy water and whatever else.

Just things really keep screwing up for me lately, i just wish things would go my way for once.

I know it might seem trival..but those pictures on there meant so much to me..feels like ive lost a part of me.
eh :( 

Name: l3itchyl3unny | Date: Nov 21st, 2006 11:47 AM
that and the constend arguements at hom with the family i cant stand them anymore i cant wait to get out of here.! 

Name: l3itchyl3unny | Date: Nov 21st, 2006 11:52 AM
*constant *home .......omg so many typos. Its past my bedtime..Lol 

Name: molly-may | Date: Nov 21st, 2006 12:39 PM
Maybe try taking it in to they phone company and they can try getting the pictures off. 

Name: Nicola | Date: Nov 21st, 2006 2:37 PM
My phone went through the washing machine once, about 3 years ago, I'd just got back from my duke of edinburgh expedition and my trousers were covered in cow manure (dont ask) and I stripped off in the hall way and gave them to my mum, forgetting that my mates mp3 player and my 1 month old phone were in there! I had a load of pics that I'd taken on the expedition and I lost aall those, though it wasnt such a loss as what you lost. What I would say is don't throw it away, take it into your nearest mobile shop and they mite be able to work some magic on your sim card. Worth a try. 

Name: Nicola | Date: Nov 21st, 2006 2:43 PM
Oh and my mates mp3 player was completely wrecked aswell, but I bought her a new one, they were on sale in argos, reduced to £15 so I bought one and apologized loads for losing all of her music. Did you enjoy your little break from the forum, I must admit I haven't been on too much...things are just so hectic. I've lost my debit card somewhere in my pigsty of a house and to order some christmas presents off of the internet and some more bloody schoolbooks now im going to have to wait between "5 and 7 working days" till I get my new one....aaarrrgghh! 

Name: molly-may | Date: Nov 21st, 2006 5:26 PM
I meant try taking in to the phone company to see if they can take the pics off of it. 

Name: jennifer early | Date: Nov 21st, 2006 8:26 PM
Bitchy. The same thing happened to my phone. my 14 year old son washed it and then dried it for about 10 minutes. i heard a big thud, thud, thud. it was my phone. my hubby said not to turn it on for about 3 days and to let the circuits dry out. when i turned it on 3 days later, it worked. i know you have already tried to see if it works and it doesnt. its too wet. give it a few days and try again. you never know. i think if you try to turn it on when its wet, it can short out. good luck 

Name: saxton_emma | Date: Nov 21st, 2006 8:34 PM
maybe try just leaving it somewere warm for a few days then try it.
i once had a new mp3 player it cost me 200pounds.. id had it bout 2 months and i knocked it of the table and it fell into the dogs water bowl, i was gutted i cryed like a baby.lol.
the mistake i made was turning it on straight away, which your not supposed to do, i let it dry out for a few hours and it would work a little then my dumb ass mum tryed it with the hairdryer and got it so hot it melted insde, i was so upset and mad. lol.
im still paying for it now.... 

Name: winnmom | Date: Nov 21st, 2006 8:58 PM
I do not know if this will work but can you take out your memory chip and put it into someone elses to retrieve the pictures? 

Name: saxton_emma | Date: Nov 21st, 2006 9:00 PM
pictures are usually stored onto the phone not the sim card. : ] 

Name: Hiddy | Date: Nov 21st, 2006 9:33 PM
at least its clean now : ) 

Name: Ayame | Date: Nov 22nd, 2006 2:00 AM
You can't maybe take it to a retailer and have them take the chips out and oerhaps do something? But then again the chips WOULD be fried... well damnit.. that sucks. Maybe it's for the best! 

Name: l3itchyl3unny | Date: Nov 22nd, 2006 3:17 AM
Lol hiddy your a bitch!!!! Lol

Yea well its covered by the house insurance so i pay a $50 excess and they will buy me a new phone...But yea like i said it was the pictures.
Its my own dam fault i should of taken them down to the shop to be printed off.
Screw Technology seriously...i lost a bunch of pictures on my PC that i uploaded from my digital camera of my kids father, me and his son..probably about 300 of them.
Its just really depressing!
Back to the old disposables for me i think..learnt my lesson x2 

Name: marija | Date: Nov 22nd, 2006 8:53 AM
beep beep beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep booop
thats mobile talk for ...im dying im dyyyyyyyiiiinnng....dead

sorry bitchy couldnt help myself....hehehehehehe
truly sorry about the pics thats a bummer 

Name: l3itchyl3unny | Date: Nov 22nd, 2006 9:40 AM
Yea i had my cry and scream and swear about it :)
Its all good!
Maybe it will help me move on from......HIM :| but i doubt it because i still have 20 or so pictures left on my PC......

Oh he emailed me today too! the whole having another chick knocked up was a rumour...but he still said he moved on and is living with her and loves her bla bla bla ! 

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