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Name: lil_dancer77
[ Original Post ]
Hey everyone,
I have a question for you all...
I had my frist US on the 17th Sept 06 which indicated i was 5 weeks pregnant,with the fetus messuring 0.36mm then on the 29th of september i had another one to rule out a Ectopic pregnancy and the US indicated i was 6 weeks pregnant as the baby had a little heart beat with a EDC of 20th May, however my due date is coming back now as the 31st of May 2007 according to this being my due date i was only like 1 week pregnant on the 17th when i had my first scan?... what does this mean? I am trying to figure out when i concieved and the date is coming back according to EDC as the 6th Sept but my ex was away during that time and the week before and the week after so does that men i was not really 5 weeks when i had my scan on the 17th or does it mean th ebaby is not growing or what? Help please
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Name: marija | Date: Dec 5th, 2006 8:57 AM
Go back to the basics (see below) and take that end date as your due date and dont stress...ultra sounds are pretty acurate..but there is still room for error...may be a computer error..wrong dates imputted..something simple.
If your ex was away is there a chance it could be someone elses?..if you are 100% sure who the father is then i would do the following.....

when was the last day of your period...find that day...go forward 40 weeks there is your due date....if your baby comes 2 weeks prior or 2 weeks later than that date it is not considered premature or overdue..
If this due date is the same as your oringinal ultra-sound due date (give or take a week) then i would take all the US details to your doctor and voice your concerns regarding the dates and the baby's size. 

Name: SaRaH | Date: Dec 5th, 2006 10:28 AM
I can talk to you about this more on MSN..but here is my quick run down for you.

You wouldnt have a heart beat on a US until the baby is AT LEAST 5 weeks gestation.
US are APROX they arnt 100%. ESPECIALLY earlier on in the pregnancy. I knew all my dates and they where for the 3rd of Jan, but everytime i had my US as you know they said i was due christmas day. All that means is by the growth of the baby and the measurements..that was his due date. Which is a good 10 days difference.

I'm sure your little one is growing FINE, otherwise they would of picked up any abnormalities and alerted you when you did have the US.
I would wait until you had this ultrasound at the "19th" week of your pregnancy, and they would have a more accurate due date. And then when we have that we can sit down and work it out on the due date , conception calander that i have.

Please stop fretting!! 

Name: lil_dancer77 | Date: Dec 5th, 2006 11:13 AM
Thanks! and my ex is def the father its not someone elses., im just worried about my little one not growing properly...or something...and i know i def did not conceive on my own! 

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