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Name: Jenalyn
[ Original Post ]
Just wondering if anyone out there has a case similar to mine. My son seemed completely normal and had a seizure at 10 months. The docs said that it was a focal seizure and said it was probably from a virus. After that he started to get a jerk in his right arm ( ther sizure was in his right side). A month later he had a seizure in his left side. The whole time he was on his hospitalized he continued to have the jerk on his right side but the neurologist thougth that it was something different and not a "seizure thing". I didn't believe that and predicted that he would start to have the jerk in his left side eventually. Sure enough after we returned home from the hospital that's what happened. He is on topomax and clobazam which seems to control his seizures ( at least the kind that took us into the hospital) but he still gets these jerks tha t cause him to knock his head on things or knock him over when he's sitting. Also, he has never crawled or walked. Docs say that it's due to all the hospitalization and drugs, but sometimes I'm scared that maybe he's brain damaged or something. I'm a Christian and am praying that God will find us a cure for him. IF anyone out there knows anyone like this, I'd love to hear from you. It's always encouraging to know that you're not the only one!
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Name: Sherry | Date: Jul 11th, 2006 4:54 AM
The teacher I work with has a daughter who is five years old. She had problems right from birth. She was always sick, very thin, and had episodes where she would be sitting in a chair and just fall over. They originally thought it was seizures but after some testing, discovered she had Celiac disease. Might be something worth looking into. 

Name: mevelt83 | Date: Jul 11th, 2006 9:08 PM
I have a son that is 1 1/2 years old with LGS (Lennox Gastaut), which he has 4 types of seizures now. He is on the Ketogenic diet and that has gotten rid of 3 of his seizures. THANK GOD! I am trying to work on trying to find some medication or something to get rid of the jerks. My son has the jering seizures now and I have noticed that Lamicatal has helped with it. Melissa 

Name: Jonaya mom | Date: Jul 21st, 2006 3:43 PM
My 2 yr old daughter was also normal at birth-besides being frank breech-but started showing seizure activity at 1 month of age. Her doctor said it was just her nervous system developing. To make a long story short she was eventually diagnosed with having focal seizures at about 2 months of age and is on Lamictal to contol her seizures but has many developmental delays. She was on phenabarbital first and that they say is what caused the delays. She started crawling just before her 2nd bday but it not walking or talking-yet. I highly recommend therapy for your child. We go twice a week with our daughter. She gets oral, speech, & physical therapy and I believe it has helped her. I would like to hear more about your son and his disorder. 

Name: jenny-lynne | Date: Aug 14th, 2006 11:46 PM
Hi everyone,

I was on here as jenalyn before but there was a problem with my email address so I had to log on with another user name. Now I'm Jenny-Lynne!!

A lot has happened with my son since the last time I was on here. He had to go for a check-up at BC Childrens. An EEG there gave us the diagnosis of Infantile Spasms - a rather hopeless form of epilepsy.

As Cristians we had been praying for a different answer and felt that God would have us to take Kevin to a reflexologist that my sister-in-law was seeing that she's had a lot of success with. I'd never liked reflexology because of the weird stuff a lot of them are into. This guy doesn't believe in any of the 'hokey pokey' stuff and only believes in the science of it. In half an hour he'd told us what the problem was. HE said that KEvin's atlas bone (top bone of the spinal column) was misaligned putting pressure on his brain therefore causing seizures! He said we needed to take im to a specialized chiropractor (he doesn't have a lot of use for regular chiropractors; these ones call themselves upper cervical specialists). who would realign the bone back into position and eventually his seizures should go away! That was exactly what happened! We are still in the process of treatment for KEvin but it's working!

When we first took him to the chiropractor the seizures got worse for a couple of days,t then slowly got better. Within two weeks they were gone completely! Then he fell from a sitting postion on the lawn and seemes to go downhill from there. HE had another focal seizure (according to the doctors the focal seizures were a thing of the past and had become infantile spasms). Thankfully that didn't take us into the hospital. THen, he developed a "twitch" in his shoulders and arms. Another trip to the chiropractor revealed the bone to be out again. Once again his seizures are decreasing. He's really waking up and trying new things. Today his physiotherapist saw a huge change in him. We are so thatnkful that GOd led us to this means to heal our son.

Jonaya, I was thinking that if you read this you may be interested in looking into this for your daughter. Focal seizures seem to be a characteristic of the atlas bone being out. The chiropractor thinks that maybe this happened when Kevin was born. It was an easy delivery, but he did come out with his arm up over his head. It's alo possible that it could have happened when he fell off our bed when he was just a few months old. 

Name: Diana | Date: Jul 18th, 2007 9:39 AM
Hi there,

I know this topic is very old, still want to reply after reading Jenny-Lynne's posting. My son also started with a seizure disorder at the age of 8 months, followed by gross and fine motor delays and from there on learning difficulties. After numerous diagnosis from various specialists I too discovered upper cervical care for my son. It was quite impressive. X-rays showed a shortened atlas bone (chiropractor told me this is rare, only 1 % of the world population has this), his atlas was also shifted to the left. My poor child was totally assymetrical, one shoulder higher than the other, head assymetrical to rest the body, assymetrical muscle development all over including his facial muscles needed for speech, assymetrical use of arms and legs. The non-treatment of this resulted in a wrong "wiring" of his central nervous system, the brain halves are most certainly not working together, he also has problems with his visual perception, the eyes are not working together correctly, his eye muscle jumps, rapid eye movement needed for fluent reading not possible. My son is a very nice kid, very polite, but he also had huge social problems. After the first treatment my childs social issues dissappeared completely, gross and fine motor activities he avoided at all costs, are now a breeze, his reading and math skills have improved. He still has frequent seizures, but I still have to wait a bit to see what happens to them. They are really tiny, but chiropractor told me to be patient, it may take a while until they dissappear, if they dissapear (there is no guarantee). I read somewhere that due to the missaligned atlas which causes compression to the of the brain stem, neurons tend to fire faster which could lead to seizures. I suspect that the missalignment happened at birth, he was a vacuum extraction, wasn't pretty, poor child was stuck in the birth channel, doctor pulled, nurse pushed on my belly. I joined a self-help group in Germany and you wouldn't believe how many kids have issues with their upper head spine bones, I am at the point I would recommend all parents to go see a chiropractor soon after their baby is born, to make sure everything is okay, you safe yourself and your child a lot of hassle, pain and further problems....Diana 

Name: bing mortejo | Date: Sep 7th, 2007 5:44 AM
you'r not alone...i have a 3 year-old son and he had a seizure after the second dose of DPT vaccine...from then on everytime he has a fever-this will trigger his seizure!..he's on valproic acid every day..The pedia-neurologist said that after a yera of no-seizure then we are lucky..cause maybe he would outgrown the seizure..he's seizure would last for a minute!!! and i felt so helpless watching him... 

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